Nghĩa của từ data logging bằng Tiếng Đức

data logging [deitəlɔgiŋ] Messwerterfassung (automatisch)

Đặt câu có từ "data logging"

Dưới đây là những mẫu câu có chứa từ "data logging", trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Anh - Đức. Chúng ta có thể tham khảo những mẫu câu này để đặt câu trong tình huống cần đặt câu với từ data logging, hoặc tham khảo ngữ cảnh sử dụng từ data logging trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Anh - Đức

1. A method for studying animal movements based on data from independent data-logging acoustic receivers is described.

2. Avoid logfile overflow by using daily log queue technology ; Cope with repulsion problem of data logging and data sending.

3. Boxcar 3.7 for Windows, starter software for our data logging products, provides basic launch, data readout, plotting, and data export capabilities

4. MIT added other features to the power strips via expansion boards - such as motion sensors, temperature sensors, and memory cards for local data logging.

5. Delivering a powerful set of drag-and-drop configuration, display, control and data logging tools, Crimson was designed specifically to take full advantage of Red Lion's product architecture.

6. Cacti is an open-source, web-based network monitoring and graphing tool designed as a front-end application for the open-source, industry-standard data logging tool RRDtool

7. Apr develops and manufactures hardware, software, calibration & data-logging tools for engine and transmission controllers, including intakes, exhaust systems, intercoolers, turbocharger systems, suspension, brake systems, wheels, and more.

8. Design and development of data acquisition, data logging and data transmitting apparatus for monitoring various oceanographic parameters, instrumented oceanographic buoys, oceanographic profiling systems, oceanographic and hydrographic survey apparatus, oceanographic and hydrographic measuring instruments, real-time environmental monitoring and alarm apparatus

Entwurf und Entwicklung von Datenerfassungs-, Datenaufzeichnungs- und Datenübertragungsgeräten für die Überwachung von verschiedenen ozeanografischen Parametern, instrumentierten ozeanografischen Bojen, ozeanografischen Profiling-Systemen, ozeanografischen und hydrografischen Vermessungsapparaten, ozeanografischen und hydrografischen Messapparaten, Echtzeit-Umweltüberwachungs- und -Alarmgeräten

9. Analog and digital electronic measuring devices with data logging capabilities, namely, data acquisition systems, dataloggers, and transceivers comprised of computer hardware, computer software for the transmission, reception, and processing of wireless and wired data signals, radio and digital transmitters and receivers

Analoge und digitale elektronische Messgeräte mit Datenerfassungsfunktion, nämlich Datenerfassungssysteme, Datenregistriergeräte und Sender-Empfänger, bestehend aus Computerhardware, Computersoftware zur Übertragung, zum Empfang und zur Verarbeitung von drahtlosen und drahtgebundenen Datensignalen, funktechnische und digitale Sende- und Empfangsgeräte

10. Apparatus and instruments for gauging, counting, calibrating, detecting, identifying, indicating, signal conditioning, analysing, displaying, testing, data logging, sensing and controlling variable chemical and physical parameters including temperature, acidity, concentration, humidity, pressure, strain, distance, force, tilt, radiation, speed, flow, level, pH, load, liquid levels, vibration, electrical resistance, air velocity, amperage, frequency, voltage, ion concentration, conductivity, data (acquisition, display and retrieval) and environmental technology

Apparate und Instrumente zum Eichen, Zählen, Kalibrieren, Nachweisen, Identifizieren, Anzeigen, für die Signalformung, Analyse, Anzeige, Prüfung, Datenerfassung, zum Abtasten und Steuern variabler chemischer und physikalischer Parameter, einschließlich Temperatur, Säuregehalt, Konzentration, Feuchtigkeit, Druck, Belastung, Entfernung, Kraft, Neigung, Strahlung, Geschwindigkeit, Durchfluss, Füllstand, pH-Wert, Last, Flüssigkeitsstand, Schwingung, elektrischer Widerstand, Luftgeschwindigkeit, Stromstärke, Frequenz, elektrische Spannung, Ionenkonzentration, Leitfähigkeit, Daten (Erfassung, Anzeige und Abruf) sowie für die Umwelttechnik