Nghĩa của từ algebras bằng Tiếng Đức

algebras [ældʒibrəz] Buchstabenrechnugne

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Dưới đây là những mẫu câu có chứa từ "algebras", trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Anh - Đức. Chúng ta có thể tham khảo những mẫu câu này để đặt câu trong tình huống cần đặt câu với từ algebras, hoặc tham khảo ngữ cảnh sử dụng từ algebras trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Anh - Đức

1. Tive Algebras, Jordan Algebras, alternative Algebras, composition Algebras, Hopf Algebras, and Lie Algebrasthese last being the primary focus of our study

2. Clifford algebras are closely related to exterior algebras.

3. The best-known examples of Algebras are Algebras of square matrices, Algebras of polynomials and Algebras of formal power series over fields

4. Kac-Moody algebras!

5. Hochschild (1945) introduced Hochschild cohomology, a cohomology theory for algebras, which classifies deformations of algebras.

6. Araki works on axiomatic quantum field theory and statistical mechanics in particular on application of operator algebras (von Neumann algebras, C*-algebras).

Araki beschäftigte sich mit axiomatischer Quantenfeldtheorie und statistischer Mechanik, insbesondere unter Anwendung von Operatoralgebren (Von-Neumann-Algebren, C*-Algebren).

7. Incidence algebras of locally finite partially ordered sets are associative algebras considered in combinatorics.

8. The author also discusses CCR Algebras, but he calls them "liminal" Algebras

9. In a strict sense, the theory of Algebras (in particular, noncommutative Algebras) originated fromasingleexample, namelythequaternions, createdbySirWilliamR.Hamilton in1843.

10. What are synonyms for Algebras?

11. All associative algebras are alternative.

Alle alternativen Algebren sind potenz-assoziativ.

12. Wilhelm Winter (born 1968) is a German mathematician, specializing in operator algebras (and particularly C*-algebras).

Wilhelm Winter (* 1968) ist ein deutscher Mathematiker, der sich mit Operatoralgebren befasst (C*-Algebren).

13. Synonyms for Algebras in Free Thesaurus

14. In particular, the only exceptional simple Jordan algebras are finite-dimensional Albert algebras, which have dimension 27.

15. Relation to Algebras over a monad

16. To a category theorist, Algebras over a monad may be more familiar than Algebras over just an endofunctor

17. He works on operator algebras, K-theory of operator algebras, groupoids, locally compact quantum groups and singular foliations.

Er befasst sich mit Operatoralgebren, K-Theorie von Operatoralgebren, Gruppoiden, lokal kompakten Quantengruppen und singulären Blätterungen.

18. Important class of Lie Algebras, called semisimple Lie Algebras, and we’ll examine the repre-sentation theory of two of the most basic Lie Algebras: sl 2 and sl 3

19. Its models correspond to BL-algebras.

20. With Masaki Kashiwara, she formulated a conjecture about the combinatorial structure of the enveloping algebras of Lie algebras.

Mit Masaki Kashiwara formulierte sie eine Vermutung über die kombinatorische Struktur der Einhüllenden-Algebren von Lie-Algebren.

21. Dualities were found and established among strongly semi-simple many-valued algebras, polyhedral many-valued algebras and many others.

Man fand und erstellte Dualitäten zwischen stark semi-einfachen vielwertigen Algebren, polyedrischen vielwertigen Algebren und vielen anderen.

22. Chapter 6 is an introduction to the construction of C*-Algebras using direct limits and tensor products of given C*-Algebras.

23. Local Quantum Physics Fields, Particles, Algebras, 2020

24. The theory of liminal Algebras is of upmost importance in applications to quantum physics (physicists still call them CCR Algebras)

25. John Robert Ringrose (born 21 December 1932) is an English mathematician working on operator algebras who introduced nest algebras.

John Robert Ringrose (* 21. Dezember 1932) ist ein britischer Mathematiker, der sich mit Operatoralgebren beschäftigt.

26. He also supplied important contributions in the mathematical theory of operator algebras, classifying type-III factors of von Neumann algebras.

Er lieferte auch wichtige Beiträge zur mathematischen Theorie der Operatoralgebren, so zur Klassifikation von Typ-III-Faktoren von Von-Neumann-Algebren.

27. Another paper of Maharam, in 1947 in the Annals of Mathematics, introduced Maharam algebras, complete Boolean algebras with continuous submeasures.

28. Lax algebras bring new tools for topology

Lax-Algebren erbringen neue Werkzeuge für die Topologie

29. Groundwork for Operator Algebras Lecture Series (GOALS) is a program for early graduate students interested in learning more about Operator Algebras

30. Weyl algebras represent the same structure for symplectic bilinear forms that Clifford algebras represent for non-degenerate symmetric bilinear forms.

31. This book is an introduction to Hopf Algebras in braided monoidal categories with applications to Hopf Algebras in the usual sense

32. The main goal of the book is to present from scratch and with complete proofs the theory of Nichols Algebras (or quantum symmetric Algebras) and the surprising relationship between Nichols Algebras and generalized root systems.

33. Three concern equations with infinite dimensional symmetry algebras.

Drei befassen sich mit Gleichungen mit unendlich dimensionalen Symmetrie-Algebren.

34. Lastly, mathematicians used the theory developed to construct various strongly homotopy Lie algebras as higher central extensions of Lie algebras geometrically.

Schließlich wandten die Mathematiker die entwickelte Theorie an, um verschiedene streng homotope Lie-Algebren geometrisch als höhere zentrale Erweiterungen von Lie-Algebren zu konstruieren.

35. Accosiative rings and Algebras are very interesting algebraic structures

36. 18.175: Lecture 1 Probability spaces and σ-Algebras Scott Sheffield

37. Cluster Algebras homological algebra quivers representation theory triangulated categories

38. Ringel's research deals with the representation theory of algebras.

Ringel befasst sich mit Darstellungstheorie von Algebren.

39. He initiated the analysis of the structure of simple C*-algebras and introduced new methods and examples, including the Cuntz algebras and the Cuntz semigroup.

Er hat insbesondere die Strukturtheorie einfacher C*-Algebren initiiert und dort entscheidende neue Beispiele und Methoden eingeführt (etwa die Cuntz-Algebren und die Cuntz-Halbgruppe).

40. His doctoral thesis covered the functional analysis, namely C*-algebras.

41. One can also study Clifford algebras on complex vector spaces.

42. Related structures include the Poisson–Lie groups and Kac–Moody algebras.

Verwandte Strukturen sind zum Beispiel Poisson–Lie-Gruppen und die Kac-Moody-Algebren.

43. The study of trivial extension Algebras and repetitive Algebras is then developed using the triangulated structure on the stable category of the algebra's module category

44. Building on the work of Łukasiewicz, the concept of many-valued algebras was introduced soon after, just as classical two-valued logic gave rise to Boolean algebras.

Aufbauend auf der Arbeit von Łukasiewicz wurde schon bald das Konzept der vieldeutigen Algebren eingeführt, ebenso wie die klassische zweiwertige Logik die Booleschen Algebren hervorbrachte.

45. Lie Algebras represent a convenient and powerful description of continuous symmetries

46. Geometric methods in operator algebras (Kyoto, 1983), 52-144, Pitman Res.

47. Quantum Langlands duality of representations of -Algebras - Volume 155 Issue 12

48. His research focuses on Adinkra symbols as representations of supersymmetric algebras.

49. This is a collection of links on cluster Algebras and related topics.

50. In this paper, we have introduced the notion of implicative BCK-algebras with finite initial section and the notion of implicative BCK-algebras with infinite initial section.