Nghĩa của từ aforethought bằng Tiếng Đức

aforethought [əfɔːθɔːt] vorbedacht

Đặt câu có từ "aforethought"

Dưới đây là những mẫu câu có chứa từ "aforethought", trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Anh - Đức. Chúng ta có thể tham khảo những mẫu câu này để đặt câu trong tình huống cần đặt câu với từ aforethought, hoặc tham khảo ngữ cảnh sử dụng từ aforethought trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Anh - Đức

1. Aforesaide aforesayd aforesid aforespecified aforestated aforestation aforethought Aforethought aforesaid matter

2. Aforesaide aforesayd aforesid aforespecified aforestated aforestation aforethought Aforethought aforethought(ip) aforetime AFORETIME aforetimes AFORISM aformentioned aforestated

3. There was no malice aforethought.

Da war kein Vorsatz.

4. Done to death with malice aforethought and so forth.

Vorsätzlich umgebracht und so weiter.

5. The murders were in cold blood with malice aforethought.

Er hat die Morde vorsätzlich und mit größter Kaltblütigkeit begangen.

6. Calculated: See: aforethought , cold-blooded , deliberate , express , intentional , premeditated , strategic , tactical

7. I intend to prove you shot Frederick Ross with malice aforethought.

ich beabsichtige zu beweisen, dass Sie Frederick Ross vorsätzlich erschossen.

8. How Bartholomew Simpson wantonly egged this town with Milhouse aforethought.

9. For murder, the mental element requires the defendant acted with "malice aforethought".

Die mens rea von murder besteht darin, dass der Täter mit „malice aforethought“ getötet haben muss.

10. He that commits a cruel act voluntarily, Is guilty of malice aforethought.

Derjenige, der eine grausame Tat vorsätzlich begeht,... ist schuldig der böswilligen Absicht.

11. AVO may also claim damages in cases of malice aforethought or gross negligence.

Bei Vorsatz oder grober Fahrlässigkeit kann AVO auch Schadensersatzansprüche geltend machen.

12. All right, here it is.I intend to prove you shot Frederick Ross with malice aforethought

13. The penalties for serious terrorist acts are life imprisonment for acts committed with malice aforethought

14. Synonyms for Considered include calculated, informed, measured, reasoned, thought-out, aforethought, cogent, contemplated, lucid and methodical

15. The reason stated was that by law such persons were regarded as incapable of “forming malice aforethought”.

16. The fact that no such visa has been issued confirmed that the host country had acted with malice aforethought.

17. Assuming the accomplice was already lying in wait, he would've had the aforethought to bring a more suitable weapon.

18. The fact that no such visa has been issued confirmed that the host country had acted with malice aforethought

19. Does the Commission consider it legitimate to equate with murder aforethought an act consisting of giving or even selling #,# grams of methadone?

Hält es die Kommission für rechtmäßig, die Weitergabe oder den Verkauf von #,# g Methadon mit dem Tatbestand des vorsätzlichen Mordes gleichzusetzen?

20. 35:19, NW) However, a man might kill another person or be the cause of another’s death accidentally, unintentionally, without malice aforethought.

Mose 35:19, NW) Indes konnte ein Mann einen anderen durch Zufall, ohne Absicht, ohne vorbedachte Bosheit töten oder so die Ursache des Todes eines anderen werden.

21. The former serve us ill through lack either of aptitude or enthusiasm, and the latter do so deliberately and of malice aforethought.

Die einen versagen aus Unfähigkeit oder mangelnder Begeisterung, die andern sabotieren aus voller Absicht.

22. Does the Commission consider it legitimate to equate with murder aforethought an act consisting of giving or even selling 0,5 grams of methadone?

Hält es die Kommission für rechtmäßig, die Weitergabe oder den Verkauf von 0,5 g Methadon mit dem Tatbestand des vorsätzlichen Mordes gleichzusetzen?

23. Unless the contract provides otherwise, AVO will be liable, irrespective of the reason in law, only for malice aforethought and gross negligence.

AVO haftet, sofern der Vertrag keine anders lautenden Regelungen trifft, gleich aus welchem Rechtsgrund, nur für Vorsatz und grobe Fahrlässigkeit.

24. If the avenger of blood pursues him, they must not surrender the one accused, because he killed his neighbor unintentionally and without malice aforethought.

25. The judge continued: “There is no evidence of behavior or other elements of proof strong enough to allow us to speak calmly of malice aforethought. . . .

Der Staatsanwalt fuhr fort: „Es existieren keine Tatbestände oder anderen Teilbeweise, die stark genug wären, uns zu erlauben, mit ruhigem Gewissen von niedrigen Beweggründen zu sprechen. . . .

26. Not one reported was really happened; they made things up or simply distorted the facts, with malice aforethought, on the orders of and paid by Washington

27. The judge for the prosecution then submitted this startling request: “I therefore call upon the Court to annul the verdict on the question of malice aforethought.”

Der Anklagevertreter unterbreitete dann folgenden überraschenden Antrag: „Ich fordere daher das Gericht auf, das Urteil aufgrund von nicht erwiesenen niederen Beweggründen aufzuheben.“

28. As one legal writer noted: “First degree murder under modern statutes is often defined, at least in part, in terms of ‘malice’ or ‘malice aforethought.”’

Häufig wird in heutigen Satzungen Mord ersten Grades als „vorsätzlich“ bezeichnet.

29. Claims to damages shall also be excluded in the above mentioned cases to the extent that we are not liable for malice aforethought or gross negligence.

Schadenersatzansprüche sind auch in diesen vorstehenden Fällen ausgeschlossen , soweit uns nicht selbst Vorsatz oder grobe Fahrlässigkeit trifft.

30. The above mentioned limitations of liability shall not apply for malice aforethought and gross negligence of our legal representatives or senior employees or for culpable breaches of essential contractual obligations.

Vorstehende Haftungsbeschränkungen gelten nicht bei Vorsatz und bei grober Fahrlässigkeit unserer gesetzlichen Vertreter oder leitenden Angestellten sowie bei schuldhafter Verletzung wesentlicher Vertragspflichten.

31. The Penal Code, Cap # makes it an offence punishable by death for any person who, with malice aforethought causes the death of another by an unlawful act or omission

32. For an aforethought criminal offence, an alien has, in the period of five years, been on few occasions sentenced with final force and effect to a prison sentence of altogether three years;

33. In the investigation and examination of cases relating to the involvement of children in criminal activities or in the commission of antisocial acts, Kazakh legislation considers that such offences are committed only with malice aforethought.

34. You are hereby charged that on the 28th day of May... you did will fully and with malice aforethought... publish an alleged English-Hungarian phrase book... with intent to cause a breach of the peace.

Sie werden beschuldigt, am 28. Mai mutwillig und böswillig ein englisch-ungarisches Phrasenbuch veröffentlicht und so Hausfriedensbruch begangen zu haben.

35. Mr Washington, you understand that by pleading guilty you are admitting to the charges of the commonwealth's complaint, alleging that on the night of November 2, 2006, you, with malice aforethought, raped and murdered Annie Harris Rivers?

36. (2)The limitations on liability mentioned in paragraph (1) do not apply to damage due to malice aforethought, gross negligence or the absence of promised characteristics or for any claims based on product liability law (Produkthaftungsgesetz).

(2)Die in Absatz (1) genannten Haftungsbeschränkungen gelten nicht für Schäden, die auf Vorsatz, grober Fahrlässigkeit oder dem Fehlen zugesicherter Eigenschaften beruhen, und für eventuelle Ansprüche aufgrund des Produkthaftungsgesetzes.

37. Further extra-contractual or contractual claims, in particular claims to damage on account of culpa in contrahendo, arrears or failure to perform shall be ruled out unless we are liable for malice aforethought or gross negligence.

Weitergehende außervertragliche ober vertragliche Ansprüche, insbesondere Schadensersatzansprüche wegen Verschuldens bei Vertragsabschluss, wegen Verzugs oder Nichterfüllung sind ausgeschlossen, es sei denn, dass uns Vorsatz oder grobe Fahrlässigkeit trifft.

38. Title # of the Criminal Code, “Crimes and offences against private individuals”, defines and punishes the crimes of intentional homicide (murder), intentional homicide with premeditation and malice aforethought (assassination), infanticide, poisoning and crimes and offences involving intentional assault and battery

39. In the event of culpable breaches of essential contractual obligations, we shall only be liable - except for cases of malice aforethought or gross negligence of our legal representatives or senior employees - for damages typical for the contract and reasonably foreseeable.

Bei schuldhafter Verletzung wesentlicher Vertragspflichten haften wir - außer in Fällen des Vorsatzes oder der groben Fahrlässigkeit unserer gesetzlichen Vertreter oder leitenden Angestellten - nur für den vertragstypischen, vernünftiger Weise vorhersehbaren Schaden.

40. From the materials presented to the Committee in this communication it appears that a person is guilty of the crime of murder under the law of the State party if, with malice aforethought, he or she causes the death of another.

41. According to The New English Bible this verse reads: “If the homicide sets upon a man openly of malice aforethought or aims a missile at him of set purpose and he dies, . . . then the assailant must be put to death; he is a murderer.”

In der Elberfelder Bibel lautet dieser Vers: „Wenn er ihn aus Haß gestoßen oder mit Absicht auf ihn geworfen hat [mit einem Geschoß auf ihn zielt, The New English Bible], daß er gestorben ist, . . . so soll der Schläger gewißlich getötet werden; er ist ein Mörder.“

42. The public prosecutor stressed that, because Mrs Belozerova had intended to pass on a dose of the substance in question to another drag addict, it was legitimate to equate this act with its consequences — public endangerment with criminal intent — and consequently to define it as murder aforethought.

Der Staatsanwalt betonte, dass, weil Frau Belezerova die Absicht hatte, eine Dosis dieser fraglichen Substanz an einen anderen Drogenabhängigen weiterzugeben, es durchaus rechtmäßig sei, diese Handlung mit ihren Konsequenzen — nämlich Gefährdung der Öffentlichkeit mit krimineller Absicht — gleichzusetzen und folglich als vorsätzlichen Mord einzustufen.

43. à fond, Afonso, A fool and his money are soon parted, A foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of little minds, afoot, Afore, foregone conclusion, a, Aforehand, Aforementioned, Aforesaid, Aforethought Unabridged Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc

44. The amendment removes from the Constitution the reference to the imposition of the death penalty for the crimes of treason during war with a foreign country, parricide, homicide with malice aforethought or premeditation or for gain, arson, kidnapping, highway robbery and piracy and for serious military offences.

45. The public prosecutor stressed that, because Mrs Belozerova had intended to pass on a dose of the substance in question to another drag addict, it was legitimate to equate this act with its consequences- public endangerment with criminal intent- and consequently to define it as murder aforethought

Der Staatsanwalt betonte, dass, weil Frau Belezerova die Absicht hatte, eine Dosis dieser fraglichen Substanz an einen anderen Drogenabhängigen weiterzugeben, es durchaus rechtmäßig sei, diese Handlung mit ihren Konsequenzen- nämlich Gefährdung der Öffentlichkeit mit krimineller Absicht- gleichzusetzen und folglich als vorsätzlichen Mord einzustufen

46. 1974, Bill Wannan, With Malice Aforethought, page 85: Why, strike me pink, I'd sooner drink / With a cove sent up for arson / Than a rain-beseeching, preaching, teaching, / Blanky, cranky parson.··Alternative form of blankie 2009 June 18, Cintra Wilson, “A Spirit in a Material World

47. But though similar disasters, however little Bruited ashore, were by no means unusual in the fishery; yet, in most instances, such seemed the White Whale's infernal aforethought of ferocity, that every dismembering or death that he caused, was not wholly regarded as having been inflicted by an unintelligent agent.

48. Penalties vary depending on whether the offence was committed with premeditation or malice aforethought, whether it resulted in loss or amputation, loss of an eye or loss of use of a limb or any other permanent disability, whether there was any intention to kill, and whether the victim was a child aged under

49. This also brings me to a lie that needs to be addressed — and it is not a misunderstanding but a lie, circulated with malice aforethought: that the conservative objection to Trump is only a matter of style, his boorishness bumptiousness and Boobishness on Twitter, his gooftastical manner of speaking, his preening, his vanity, his habitual and

50. This also brings me to a lie that needs to be addressed — and it is not a misunderstanding but a lie, circulated with malice aforethought: that the conservative objection to Trump is only a matter of style, his boorishness bumptiousness and Boobishness on Twitter, his gooftastical manner of speaking, his preening, his vanity, his habitual and often dishonest boasting in matters both small