Nghĩa của từ accounting principles bằng Tiếng Đức

accounting principles [əkauntiŋprinsəplz] Buchführungsrichtlinie

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Dưới đây là những mẫu câu có chứa từ "accounting principles", trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Anh - Đức. Chúng ta có thể tham khảo những mẫu câu này để đặt câu trong tình huống cần đặt câu với từ accounting principles, hoặc tham khảo ngữ cảnh sử dụng từ accounting principles trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Anh - Đức


2. Accounting principles


3. Accounting principles and practices

Rechnungsführungsgrundsätze und -praktiken



5. Exception to the accounting principles

Abweichung von den Rechnungsführungsprinzipien

6. Failed to follow basic accounting principles;

elementare Grundsätze der Buchführung missachtete;

7. Cost Accounting: Principles, Procedures and Control

8. The Accounting Principles Board (Apb) was a precursor to the Financial Accounting Standards Board, which establishes generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP).

9. Financial Statements are prepared in accordance with accrual accounting principles.

10. "Financial Statements are prepared in accordance with accrual accounting principles.

11. “National GAAP”: national generally accepted accounting principles developed under BAD;

‚Nationale GAAP‘ im Rahmen der BAD aufgestellte, allgemein anerkannte nationale Rechnungslegungsgrundsätze;

12. The financial statements were prepared in accordance with the stated accounting principles.

13. U.S. GAAP: Accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America.

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14. Financial Statements Financial Statements are prepared in accordance with accrual accounting principles.

15. Financial records and statements must be in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles.

16. Financial Statements These Financial Statements are prepared in accordance with accrual accounting principles.

17. Separate financial statements must be prepared in line with generally accepted accounting principles

18. In accounting, the cost principle is part of the generally accepted accounting principles.

19. All financial statements are prepared according to Canada’s generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP).

20. A model of Appropriations has been developed based on full accrual accounting principles.

21. This income statement has been prepared in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles."

22. - adopting the new Financial Regulation, including the introduction of new accrual based accounting principles;

23. Audited financial reports must be submitted only on the basis of Statutory Accounting Principles

24. the accounting principles used, significant estimates made and the overall combined financial statement presentation.

25. The economic outturn for the year is calculated on the basis of accrual accounting principles.

Das wirtschaftliche Ergebnis für das Haushaltsjahr wird gemäß den Grundsätzen der periodengerechten Rechnungsführung ermittelt.

26. They shall be calculated, on the basis of generally accepted cost accounting principles, as follows:

Ihre Berechnung muss anhand gemeinhin akzeptierter Rechnungslegungsgrundsätze erfolgen.

27. Appropriations provided to CSPS do not parallel financial reporting according to generally accepted accounting principles.

28. The consolidated financial statements have been prepared in accordance with Canadian generally accepted accounting principles.

29. The economic outturn for the year is calculated on the basis of accrual accounting principles

30. Such internal accounting systems shall operate on the basis of objectively justifiable cost accounting principles.

31. Topics include: the accounting cycle, fundamentals of accounting principles, and an overview of accrual accounting.

32. The economic outturn of the year is calculated on the basis of accrual accounting principles

33. The economic outturn of the year is calculated on the basis of accrual accounting principles.

Das wirtschaftliche Jahresergebnis wird nach den Grundsätzen der periodengerechten Buchführung berechnet.

34. The economic result of the year is calculated on the basis of accrual accounting principles.

Das wirtschaftliche Jahresergebnis wird nach den Grundsätzen der periodengerechten Buchführung berechnet.

35. They shall be calculated, on the basis of generally accepted cost accounting principles, as follows

36. ◦ a statement of the registered party’s revenues and expenses in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles;

37. Financial Statements of Departments and Agencies Financial Statements are prepared in accordance with accrual accounting principles.

38. In accounting, an economic entity is one of the assumptions made in generally accepted accounting principles.

39. In July 2002, the first set of Financial Statements based on accrual accounting principles was published.

40. The Commission is not alone in moving towards the respect of generally accepted accrual accounting principles.

Die Kommission steht bei weitem nicht allein bei der Umstellung vom Kassen- auf das Periodenrechnungskonzept.

41. The accounting principles were applied on a basis consistent with that of the preceding financial period.

42. As a general rule, the calculation of costs must be ‘based on generally accepted cost accounting principles’.

Die Berechnung der Kosten muss grundsätzlich „im Einklang mit allgemeinen Prinzipien der Buchführung vorgenommen werden“.

43. These statements are based upon the accrual basis of accounting and the Canadian generally accepted accounting principles.

44. Costs and revenues must be correctly assigned on the basis of clearly established, objective cost accounting principles

Kosten und Einnahmen müssen auf der Grundlage klarer, objektiver Grundsätze der Kostenrechnung ordnungsgemäß zugewiesen werden

45. • Preparation of auditable financial statements to ensure accordance with generally accepted accounting principles and financial accountability requirements.

46. Charges shall be calculated in line with the accounting principles applicable to the public sector bodies involved.’.

Die Gebühren werden unter Beachtung der für die betreffenden öffentlichen Stellen geltenden Buchführungsgrundsätze berechnet.“

47. Costs and revenues must be correctly allocated on the basis of clearly established, objective cost accounting principles

Alle Kosten und Erlöse müssen auf der Grundlage klar festgelegter und objektiv gerechtfertigter Kostenrechnungsgrundsätze korrekt zugeordnet und zugewiesen werden

48. Our financial statements are prepared on a full accrual basis in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles.

49. This was discussed from the point of view of standard setters for accounting principles and securities reporting.

50. Costs and revenues must be correctly assigned on the basis of clearly established, objective cost accounting principles.

Kosten und Einnahmen müssen auf der Grundlage klarer, objektiver Grundsätze der Kostenrechnung ordnungsgemäß zugewiesen werden.