Nghĩa của từ absorption approach bằng Tiếng Đức

absorption approach [əbsɔːpʃənəproutʃ] Absorptionstheorie

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Dưới đây là những mẫu câu có chứa từ "absorption approach", trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Anh - Đức. Chúng ta có thể tham khảo những mẫu câu này để đặt câu trong tình huống cần đặt câu với từ absorption approach, hoặc tham khảo ngữ cảnh sử dụng từ absorption approach trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Anh - Đức

1. Concerning absorption capacity, a more coherent approach to the question was needed

2. Concerning absorption capacity, a more coherent approach to the question was needed.

3. The M6 clusters impart photoluminescence with quantum yields (relating absorption to emission) that can approach 100 %.

Die M6-Cluster ermöglichen Photolumineszenz mit einer Quantenausbeute (das Verhältnis zwischen Absorption und Emission), die sich an 100 % annähern kann.

4. This approach allows almost continuous measurement of O3 ßux and provides daily and seasonal patterns of absorption.

5. This approach allows almost continuous measurement of O3 flux and provides daily and seasonal patterns of absorption.

6. One possible approach is to add calcium bentonite, a clay with high absorption capacity, to animal diets.

7. Where it is considered appropriate to obtain information on dermal absorption, the assessment of this endpoint shall proceed using a tiered approach for assessment of dermal absorption.

wenn Angaben über die Aufnahme durch die Haut für zweckmäßig erachtet werden, ist die Bewertung dieses Endpunkts mittels eines mehrstufigen Konzepts zur Bewertung der dermalen Absorption vorzunehmen.

8. Where it is considered appropriate to obtain information on dermal absorption, the assessment of this endpoint shall proceed using a tiered approach for assessment of dermal absorption

Wenn Angaben über die Aufnahme durch die Haut für zweckmäßig erachtet werden, ist die Bewertung dieses Endpunkts mittels eines mehrstufigen Konzepts zur Bewertung der dermalen Absorption vorzunehmen.

9. One observation from this approach is the strong relationship between O3 absorption and the amount of green vegetation.

10. This approach should ensure a smooth phasing-in, which adequately takes into account the level of absorption capacity.

Mit diesem Ansatz dürfte eine reibungslose Einführung sichergestellt werden, bei der die Absorptionskapazität angemessen berücksichtigt wird.

11. - lack of consistency between the employability pillar guidelines regarding the use of a combination of a preventive approach and actual absorption of the long-term unemployed (curative approach).

- fehlende Kohärenz zwischen den zur Säule Beschäftigungsfähigkeit gehörenden Leitlinien hinsichtlich des Einsatzes einer Kombination aus Verhütungsansatz und tatsächlicher Absorbierung der Langzeitarbeitslosen (Abhilfemaßnahmen).

12. The step-by-step approach could minimize risk and match it with the low absorption capacity of Guinea-Bissau

13. Structural Programme Loans (SPL) form a flexible framework approach promoting absorption, better use and leverage of EU Structural Funds.

14. A step-by-step approach was required owing to the countries' low absorption capacity for economic and financial assistance

15. A step-by-step approach was required owing to the countries’ low absorption capacity for economic and financial assistance.

16. This dual approach — inhibition of intestinal cholesterol absorption and hepatic cholesterol synthesis — offers a very potent reduction of cholesterol.

Dieses duale Wirksystem — Hemmung der intestinalen Cholesterinresorption und der hepatischen Cholesterinsynthese — ermöglicht eine sehr effektive Cholesterinsenkung.

17. The step-by-step approach could minimize risk and match it with the low absorption capacity of Guinea-Bissau.

18. This approach has enabled the Commission to take into account the requirements and absorption capacity of the towns concerned.

100 Mio ECU zum Einsatz kamen. Auf diese Weise konnte die Kommission dem Bedarf und der Aufnahmekapazität der ausgewählten Städte Rechnung tragen.

19. The Asian countries had followed an aggregate productivity approach prioritizing three types of inputs: skilled labour, infrastructure and technology absorption

20. Finally, the Commission did not analyse the absorption capacity of third countries as an isolated factor, but took a comprehensive approach.

Schließlich hat die Kommission die Aufnahmekapazität von Drittländern nicht isoliert betrachtet, sondern einen umfassenden Ansatz gewählt.

21. The Danube Strategy will facilitate, through a coordinated approach, a more efficient use and higher absorption of European funds, without however being restricted to these.

Die Donaustrategie wird durch eine koordinierte Herangehensweise die effizientere Verwendung und höhere Absorption europäischer Finanzmittel erleichtern, ohne jedoch auf diese begrenzt zu sein.

22. Absorption cycle system having dual absorption circuits

23. Shock absorption footwear comprising triangular shock absorption portion

24. An absorption cycle system utilizes an additional absorption circuit in conjunction with a traditional absorption circuit.

25. An absorption-generation system and an absorption heat pump.