Nghĩa của từ impact assessment bằng Tiếng Sec

[eko.] hodnocení vlivů na životní prostředí Note: Proces, který určuje množství a význam vlivů na životní prostředí uvnitř definovaného systému. Honocení vlivů na prostředí je částí prosecu LCA zaměřený na technické, kvlaitativní a kvantitativní klasifikaci, charakterizaci a oceňování ve Entry edited by: RNDr. Pavel Piskač

Đặt câu có từ "impact assessment"

Dưới đây là những mẫu câu có chứa từ "impact assessment", trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Tiếng Anh - Tiếng Sec. Chúng ta có thể tham khảo những mẫu câu này để đặt câu trong tình huống cần đặt câu với từ impact assessment, hoặc tham khảo ngữ cảnh sử dụng từ impact assessment trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Tiếng Anh - Tiếng Sec

1. The environmental impact assessment was submitted in February 2010.

2. See Impact Assessment accompanying this proposal as a Commission Staff Working Paper.

3. providing impact assessment of the added value and benefit of Union funds.

4. An adequate environmental impact assessment was not carried out on the bypass project.

5. An Adequate environmental impact assessment was not carried out on the bypass project

6. Public information and consultation provisions are a central component of Environmental Impact Assessment.

7. See the Impact Assessment accompanying this proposal as a Commission Staff Working Paper.

8. An Adequate environmental impact assessment was not carried out on the bypass project: 10

9. 17 An adequate environmental impact assessment was not carried out on the bypass project.

10. The Impact Assessment was modified accordingly to address the issues raised by the RSB.

11. Now, the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) for Lynas' permanent disposal facility (PDF) has Contradicted them

12. Results of the EF impact assessment prior to weighting shall be reported alongside weighted results.

13. It should also make an impact assessment of these measures taking into account their costeffectiveness.

14. The options considered in the impact assessment concern targeted adjustments of specific provisions in EMIR.

15. - analysis (impact assessment) of the environmental effects of projects, programmes, strategies and policies in developing countries.

16. In line with its "Better Regulation" policy, the Commission conducted an impact assessment of policy alternatives.

17. Any non - compliance with the submissions may constitute a contravention of the Environmental Impact Assessment Ordinance.

18. Whereas the Community signed the Convention on Environmental Impact Assessment in a Transboundary Context on # February

19. An independent impact assessment found 98 percent user satisfaction and 90 percent sustainability for this operation.

20. The underlying analysis was contained in the accompanying Extended Impact Assessment issued as SEC(2004) 1028.

21. First, the Commission based its analysis in the Impact Assessment Report on data aggregated at European level.

22. [8] For more detailed analysis see section 2.2 of the impact assessment and in particular table 22.

23. Direct revenue from admissions is estimated from visitor projections (see Overview of Economic Impact Assessment, Step Three).

24. The Commission carried out an impact assessment listed in the Work Programme, accessible at [... to be added... ].

25. - Conduct gender impact assessment of selected policy areas, which have not up to now been gender mainstreamed.

26. Positive impact on profits and asset accumulation MKNELLY, B. and LIPPOLD, K. (1998), "Practitioner-led impact assessment:

27. The calculations of the release of airborne radioactive effluence to environment are bases of environmental impact assessment.

28. Bilboes Holdings (Pty) Ltd SLR Project No: 710.04026.00035 Environmental And Social Impact Assessment - Soil Impact Assessment March 2019 710.04026.00024_R01_Bilboes_Soil Assessment ESIA_Rev0e_20190417.docm iv Impacts of the intended project on the soil resource Significant impacts are listed in Table 1-3 below.

29. We asked whether we could introduce a social impact assessment into European Union legislation as a regulatory mechanism.

30. A further impact assessment would not add to the information already available from the previous assessment carried out.

31. In line with its policy on "better regulation", the Commission conducted an impact assessment on various policy alternatives.

32. Integrated management system for sludge in plurality of sewage treatment facilities using environmental impact assessment and method therefor

33. GSM argues that the Regulatory Impact Assessment failed to take adequate account of recent reductions in retail prices.

34. These results are fully taken into account in the proposed preferred options package presented in the impact assessment.

35. Contravenes section 10 (3) (a), (b) or (c) Contravenes order municipality fails to submit or Contravenes plan Contravenes regulations respecting hazardous waste refuses to supply environmental impact assessment Contravenes section 87 (8) knowingly supplies false or misleading environmental impact assessment Contravenes section 85 (8)

36. For purposes of the impact assessment, the effect of the proposed all-weather access roads may affect five water quality parameters:

37. Characterization of the initial noise levels, numeric simulation of the projected noise levels, acoustic compliance and impact assessment on noise levels.

38. Ministry of Earth Sciences is carrying out Survey & Exploration, Environmental Impact Assessment, Technology Development (Mining and Extractive Metallurgy) under polymetallic nodules program through various national institutes viz.

39. • Socio-economic impacts must be investigated as part of any environmental impact assessment, and the importance of socio-economic changes that accompany mineral development should be recognized.

40. The impact assessment, which accompanies this Road Map, provides a detailed account of the various impacts of the measures set out above and compares the impacts of various alternative policy options.

41. (a) the objectives set out in Article 2(2)(j) of the Alpine Convention can be attained by means of appropriate precautionary and compensatory measures as determined by the environmental impact assessment;

42. ‘To Comprehensively address this issue, one needs to first assess the availability of habitat variables in the habitat.’ ‘The current state of knowledge will be most Comprehensively reviewed in the Arctic Council's upcoming climate impact assessment.’

43. 23 The Italian authorities stated that they had excluded the projects at issue from the environmental impact assessment procedure since they fell within the exception referred to in Annex A (l) to the DPR, as amended by Article 3(1) of the DPCM.

44. Though this contravenes Ukraine’s responsibility, as a signatory to the Espoo convention, to carry out a cross-border environmental-impact assessment (not to mention missing the opportunity to consider potential alternatives to continuing the reactor’s operation), no such analysis is expected to take place.

45. 44 The Commission adds that, in so far as it excludes from the environmental impact assessment procedure all installations carrying out waste recovery operations which are granted an authorisation under the simplified procedure, the DPCM infringes the obligations which stem from Directive 85/337.

46. One source is a General Comment by the Committee on the Rights of the Child, which refers to "process of child impact Assessment (predicting the impact of any proposed law, policy or budgetary allocation which affects children and the enjoyment of their rights) and child impact …

47. On a microeconomic level, Member States are called upon to extend and deepen the internal market and create a more attractive business environment through timely transposition of internal market legislation, a reduction in state-aid, and by ensuring rigorous economic, social and environmental impact assessment of new regulation.

48. 20. There are three new proposals from India on (i) Agro-Meterological Advisory Service System for Enhancing Agriculture Output, (ii) Potential Fishing Zone Advisories and (iii) Forecast Demonstration Project for Improving the Track, Intensity, Landfall Prediction and Impact Assessment of Tropical Cyclones affecting the North Indian Ocean Rim Countries, under the Academic Group.

49. The Pennsylvania Climate Impact Assessment states that the “average of the projections from a suite of GCMs is most often used because model-average Backcasts [running the model for previous decades using known data to determine accuracy] are found to more closely replicate the historical climate record in Pennsylvania in the 20th Century

50. Among the different data collection options evaluated in the impact assessment of the Thematic Strategy on the Sustainable Use of Pesticides, mandatory data collection was recommended as the best option because it would allow the development of accurate and reliable data on the placing on the market and use of plant protection products quickly and cost-efficiently.