Nghĩa của từ conglomerates bằng Tiếng Ả Rập

Conglomerates التكتلات

Đặt câu có từ "conglomerates"

Dưới đây là những mẫu câu có chứa từ "conglomerates", trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Tiếng Anh - Tiếng Ả Rập. Chúng ta có thể tham khảo những mẫu câu này để đặt câu trong tình huống cần đặt câu với từ conglomerates, hoặc tham khảo ngữ cảnh sử dụng từ conglomerates trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Tiếng Anh - Tiếng Ả Rập

1. In many areas, submarine fan conglomerates stratigraphically overlie alluvial fan conglomerates, implying rapidly migrating 'basin margins' through time.

2. Much of the head-office slashing now going on is an attempt by conglomerates to act like specialists - while remaining conglomerates.

3. Too often, the big conglomerates had too many dissimilar businesses.

4. Cementation is one of the main processes involved, particularly for sandstones and conglomerates

5. Other conglomerates, particularly those looking for synergy, should be depressed by their mentor's plight.

6. Vertical integration of media conglomerates adds pressure to the marketplace and the creative process.

7. Andesite dike in volcanic debris flow conglomerates (Absaroka Volcanics Supergroup, Eocene, 48-50 Ma; Rt

8. Conglomerates, arkoses, and acidic volcanics may all metamorphose to foliated rocks of granitic composition.

9. Most of the conglomerates which were made up of a disparate collection of businesses have failed.

10. Favorable reservoirs may be composed of sandstones, conglomerates basement metamorphic buried hills, and volcanic rocks.

11. Synonyms for Converges include assembles, concentres, concenters, concentrates, congregates, gathers, meets, clusters, collects and conglomerates

12. Media Conglomeration means that several media companies of different purposes combines together to form conglomerates

13. Bezoars are intraluminal conglomerates of indigestible foreign materials that accumulate in the gastrointestinal (GI) tract

14. In exchange for Suharto's patronage, the conglomerates provided vital financing for his "regime maintenance" activities.

15. Black pebbles are in part transported and found in narrow alluvial fans, beach conglomerates and lagoonal settings.

16. Anc Education, a member of CEG Education Holding, is one of the largest conglomerates in Sri

17. This distinction is crucial, especially for entities such as financial conglomerates, which continually deal in information.

18. These conglomerates are the media gatekeepers that wield extraordinary power over the ideas and information the public receives.

19. To ensure democracy and content diversification, major media conglomerates should be prevented from controlling access to information

20. Synonyms for Accretes include amasses, accumulates, gathers, collects, masses, concentrates, conglomerates, piles up, stacks up and builds up

21. Till-covered plain Derived from gneisses, sandstones and conglomerates the extensive glacial tills in Lewis have sandy loam textures.

22. The upshot is that the conglomerates and the government have a perverse incentive to allow the system to continue to fester.

23. Renewed growth of the alluvial fans led to the deposition of the Echo Cove Formation, 850–1300 m thick, on the conglomerates.

24. The uppermost part of the Archean stratigraphy (Kavirondian System) consists of conglomerates and quartzites which rest unconformably on the older units.

25. Fragmentation is rampant in the entertainment business. Vertical integration of media conglomerates adds pressure to the marketplace and the creative process.

26. The depression is filled mainly with Miocene sediments, made up of red clays and sludges with arkosic sandstone and conglomerates of Quaternary alluvial and fluvial origin.

27. The conglomerates record frequent, high-energy events that were capable of Brecciating a lithified lake bed and transporting cobbles in wave-influenced sediment-gravity flows

28. He holds interests in and/or has significant influence in the Amir Group and Cham Holdings, two conglomerates with interests in the real estate, tourism, transport and finance sectors.

29. Business associations should accept the help of the large-scale enterprises and multinational conglomerates willing to provide a free business counselling service to the SSEs.

30. Government-corporate cooperation on expanding South Korean exports helped lead to the growth of some South Korean companies into today's giant Korean conglomerates, the chaebols.

31. The actual occurrence of brannerite in Precambrian conglomerates must, therefore, be regarded with reservation and it is suggested that redistribution and subsequent adsorption of uranium on Ti phases during diagenesis and/or metamorphism of the conglomerates did not lead to the formation of authigenic brannerite, but rather resulted in microcrystalline leucoxene/rutile admixtures containing uranium in varying amounts.

32. Sierra Leone is known for its blood diamonds that were mined and sold to diamond conglomerates during the civil war, to buy the weapons that fuelled its Atrocities .

33. Resting unconformably on the upper surface of the basalt is a thin layer (≤ 10 m) of marine, basal Windsor Group limestone, disconformably overlain by alluvial conglomerates of inferred Hopewell Group age.

34. The Carmaker is also the crown jewel of one of the huge family-linked conglomerates, or chaebol, that dominate the South Korean economy, churning out everything from steel to …

35. These were formed from pyritic muds and iron sulfide gels existing on the surface of the alluvial fan, and later were reworked as mud balls or fragments and deposited with the conglomerates.

36. Specific infectious diseases appearing as intra-abdominal conglomerates (tuberculosis, actinomycosis, amebiasis) lead to a delay in diagnostics because of their scarcity and are characterized by special patho-anatomical, diagnostic and therapeutic features.

37. ‘In the southern part of the valley, the Serghaya Fault Zone follows the mountain front juxtaposing recent alluvium and Colluvium against late Quaternary lake sediments, Neogene conglomerates, and Cretaceous carbonates.’

38. (adjective) Thus, we find them more frequently, folded, tilted and Cleaved; the muds have become shales, slates, phyllites or schists, the grey and red sands and conglomerates have become quartzites and greywackes, while …

39. The series consists of silty sericite schists, ordinary and conglomeratic greywackes, arkosic sandstones, thinly banded slates of varvitic type, conglomerates and volcanites, i. e. spilitic porphyrites and amygdaloids, tuffs and quartz keratophyres.

40. These fossils embedded in the Funtana-Morimenta lineup, which is composed of aeolian sedimentary formation that is located below a layer of strata dominated by a rock unit of conglomerates (the Tyrrhenian conglomerate).

41. The post-Cambrian marine sedimentation is made up of alternate layers of limestone, dolomites, schists and clays, with the successive series of Pliocene sedimentations represented by basal conglomerates, marls, clays and finally loose sandstones and sand

42. The post-Cambrian marine sedimentation is made up of alternate layers of limestone, dolomites, schists and clays, with the successive series of Pliocene sedimentations represented by basal conglomerates, marls, clays and finally loose sandstones and sand.

43. For example, it is relatively easy to recognize different conglomerates and Breccias on the basis of purely descriptive textural characteristics (boulder conglomerate versus cobble conglomerate) or composition (chert pebble conglomerate versus limestone pebble conglomerate).

44. Often contrasted with autochthonous ‘The fossils of the westernmost exposures of the Hoko River Formation are Allochthonous, preserved in reworked concretions within conglomerates that were deposited as part of a submarine fan system during late Eocene time.’

45. Japan has received the most science Nobel prizes in Asia (see List of Nobel laureates by country) Japan has large international corporate conglomerates such as Fuji (which developed the nation's first electronic computer, FUJIC1999, in 1956) and Sony.

46. Both kinds of features are considered to be the results of failed metabolic hyperactivity of aberrantly differentiating cells of subependymal Anlage, in course of their pathological proliferation (dysplasia) and not as products of an ordinary degeneration, which seem to be the homegenous intracellular conglomerates, the third type of the described changes.