Nghĩa của từ congregate bằng Tiếng Ả Rập

Congregate تجمّعي

Đặt câu có từ "congregate"

Dưới đây là những mẫu câu có chứa từ "congregate", trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Tiếng Anh - Tiếng Ả Rập. Chúng ta có thể tham khảo những mẫu câu này để đặt câu trong tình huống cần đặt câu với từ congregate, hoặc tham khảo ngữ cảnh sử dụng từ congregate trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Tiếng Anh - Tiếng Ả Rập

1. Congregate underground?

2. The highbrows usually congregate there.

3. People congregate to listen me speak.

4. Crowds began to congregate to hear the President's speech.

5. An obvious place for people to congregate was crossroads.

6. To gather together; congregate: Protesters Assembled on the common

7. On Friday evening, teenagers congregate outside the bars on Greene Street.

8. Some common synonyms of Assemble are collect, congregate, and gather

9. Albatrosses often congregate in the same areas where boats fish

10. Most species generally congregate in groups of 6-60 individuals.

11. The Bluegill will congregate around vegetation and sunken trees of …

12. Young people often congregate in the main square in the evenings.

13. Other animals pair for life, but never congregate into larger groupings.

14. They almost always congregate in groves, and over time, groves may become forests.

15. All the big game congregate here, and birdlife is particularly prolific.

16. Africans typically congregate in urban areas, moving to suburban areas over time

17. Many insects have particular types of place where they congregate for mating.

18. Canals already are fished by sneaky devils, who learn where fish congregate.

19. Adult Alligators are usually solitary, but often congregate together, especially in the breeding season

20. Muslims generally congregate on Friday afternoons for a sermon and group prayer.

21. Those that drive down usually congregate around two pubs near the ground.

22. Synonyms for Concenter include gather, assemble, meet, congregate, collect, convene, foregather, converge, concentrate and cluster

23. These days motorists congregate at petrol stations in a seemingly perpetual hunt for fuel.

24. Blackbirds can congregate in enormous numbers, sometimes in mixed-species flocks with starlings and other birds

25. In Lopé, mandrills, large baboons, congregate in huge groups that occasionally number over a thousand animals.

26. The slugs obligingly congregate beneath the citrus dome and can be gathered for disposal.

27. A delicious variation of Arabic bread is “kaak,” which is sold wherever children congregate.

28. They multiply rapidly if ignored, however, and form an unattractive brown film wherever they congregate.

29. Public defenders are Currently considered eligible to receive vaccine as their work brings them into congregate settings or necessarily places them in close contact of less than 6 feet with clients placed in congregate living settings

30. We count monkeys in the trees and macaws at their clay licks where they congregate in their hundreds.

31. It was estimated that no fewer than 000 people could congregate at Grand Central without serious crowding.

32. Growing to about 16 inches (40 centimeters), French angelfish congregate, often in pairs, at shallow coral reefs.

33. The pharmacy has Administered over 5,000 COVID-19 vaccine doses to vulnerable residents of 22 congregate care communities

34. Simultaneously, he said, public places like squares, parks and plazas would be liberally placed where people could congregate.

35. There is more than one way in which animals can congregate in the dark, or in the light.

36. They congregate off campus before and after school and during lunch, hoping not to get busted by passing teachers and administrators.

37. They congregate at night in trees close to the water, dividing into smaller subgroups during the day to spread out to find food.

38. Chubs can be commercially harvested year round but catches peak during the winter months as the fish congregate to spawn

39. Bob is our BYP, and being Bobbed means you are in an elite society where worshipers of the BYP congregate

40. Liz was right to vanish, as the boys were right to congregate at the Maid Marian and avoid their grandmothers.

41. Obviously this was not conclusive, L A is a pretty vital business centre, you would expect millionaires to congregate there.

42. Various people are opposed to this scheme as it will give the youth another area to congregate and possibly cause trouble.

43. 8 It is best not to congregate in large groups, especially in lobbies or parking lots, as this will draw unnecessary attention.

44. Prior to their mating season, males of this species congregate by the hundreds on patches of moist soil that contain mineral salts (mud-puddling).

45. Noticing the demand for quality coverage of music in Asia and a site which music lovers can congregate at, Bandwagon was started.

46. 1 Father Illtyd kept open house and the boys would congregate in his study during their recreation time, playing cards or games.

47. Belarusians—largely populate the northern plains, where they congregate in large villages that originally served as the centres of collective and state farms

48. Young icefish hide in small ice holes to avoid predators, while a variety of invertebrates, like jellyfish and siphonophores, congregate in the area.

49. “Congregate the people,” he instructed, “the men and the women and the little ones and your alien resident who is within your gates.”

50. Centipedes congregate where there are large amounts of insects and seek out dark, damp places with plenty of small crevices and cracks, like basements, garages, and mulched gardens