Đặt câu với từ "these kind of people"

1. That's the kind of dedication these people have.

2. Will I hurt these warm-hearted, patient, prayerful and kind people?

3. To see these uncreated things requires a kind of imagination that not many people have.

4. These apples are kind of mealy.

5. What kind of positions are these?

6. These caterpillars are kind of my trademark.

7. What kind of people do you hang outwith?

8. Anomy one-of-a-kind stand-up paddle boards for one-of-a-kind people

9. People are starving for any kind of miracle.

10. Kind of a Village People sort of a character.

11. These early licenses were of the "permissible " kind.

12. And this is kind of the pure geometrical versions of these, of these, things.

13. Yeah, they really seemed like your kind of people.

14. Do we need to take these kind of risks?

15. 28 Things of a kind come together; people of a kind fall into the same group. 

16. The world needs this kind of expertise, and it rewards the kind of people willing to acquire it.

17. You of all people know where this kind of talk leads.

18. God’s people will experience what kind of healing, and when?

19. With you people, there's no other kind.

20. I mean, these kind of cases, they can be rough.

21. These junk dealers must have a weakness of some kind.

22. Aside from these abilities, what kind of persons are they?

23. And these are the kind of study models we did.

24. 7 Have these words formed some kind of associative network?

25. Because the laugh is a kind of Appetence of people, right? 4.

26. Spreads are narrower because people are trading that kind of stuff.

27. What often ruins the kind of paradise that people now make?

28. People will be kind, not cruel or violent.

29. The local people were very kind and hospitable.

30. This is the kind of opportunity we are losing these days.

31. If you just look at these two pictures, these kind of words pop into your mind.

32. This is more asteroids, but these are kind of more frozen...

33. That sounds kind of futurist. Do these kinds of cars actually exist?

34. Credit unions are cooperatives for people who have some kind of connection .

35. Some people enjoy that kind of life, drifting from pillar to post.

36. So, it's kind of chaotic, the way things work for most people.

37. The questionnaire showed vast differences in what kind of product people want.

38. People seem to have an insatiable appetite for news of any kind.

39. What misdirected kind of love characterizes people who are alienated from God?

40. You manipulate people because you can't handle any kind of real relationship.

41. People do this kind of thing for fun at fairgrounds, Ace thought.

42. Some people call us debunkers, which is kind of a negative term.

43. To learn about these components of Cleats, what kind of studs are best,

44. Most of these people are paid monthly.

45. Many of these people suffer from tuberculosis.

46. Today, people of all ages view any kind of authority with distrust, even contempt.

47. Are we kind of stigmatizing people from Arkansas, and this part of the country?

48. And in which people start to kind of cut prices to actually compete.

49. This is a kind of mutual fund which invests money from many people .

50. Reki-jo are a kind of otaku, people obsessed with a particular interest.

51. Escort these people away!

52. I have about 60 people with some kind of blister and lesion outbreak.

53. What kind of things people won't say when they try to seduce others?

54. These were kindhearted people.

55. Fuck these people, man.

56. The whispers I hear, these ghosts of yours are the real kind of trouble.

57. Have grown people to imitate people kind. You foresight not to regard as very difference.

58. It will be kind of hard to sleep with all these lights on.

59. He knew the kind of hysteria That would flare up from these swastikas.

60. I'm inspired by a lot of people that are go- getters, so people that kind of make things happen inspire me.

61. That's kind, my jewel, but these days, only scribblers appeal.

62. I can't understand the mentality of the people who are behind this kind of violence.

63. That's not stopping the rest of these people.

64. The mentality of these country people is despicable.

65. The defining feature of this network is its focus on "social Closeness" - I want to keep track of these people because I have some kind of connection to them

66. Young people unconsciously conform to a dress code but reject any kind of uniform.

67. Some people felt that machines exercised a new kind of tyrannical power over them.

68. These people are guilty of acts of great atrocity.

69. Many people would like to have the same kind of choice when dining out.

70. These people have these units of goods and services called a gold coin.

71. That kind of love isn't enough for two people as different as we are.

72. Boffing in general, is Fighting between two people with Padded weapons of some kind

73. In addition to Audios, you'll find a kind, funny and encouraging community of people

74. You've proved that we are exactly the kind of people we say we aren't.

75. Because it's all of these things that I love all kind of in one place.

76. That just gives you an example of the kind of thing that these games probe.

77. These coils are attached to a kind of scaffold that holds them in place.

78. Atherosclerosis is a specific kind of Arteriosclerosis, but these terms are often used interchangeably

79. If we look ahead, these kind of changes are going to be increasingly possible.

80. This abnormality is confirmed by the kind of offspring that resulted from these unions.