Nghĩa của từ unsubstantiated bằng Tiếng Việt

@unsubstantiated /' ns b'st n ieitd/
* tính từ
- không được chứng minh, không có căn cứ

Đặt câu có từ "unsubstantiated"

Dưới đây là những mẫu câu có chứa từ "unsubstantiated", trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Anh - Việt. Chúng ta có thể tham khảo những mẫu câu này để đặt câu trong tình huống cần đặt câu với từ unsubstantiated, hoặc tham khảo ngữ cảnh sử dụng từ unsubstantiated trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Anh - Việt

1. He Conscientiously avoids the vague, the doubtful, the unsubstantiated

2. 12 It was time to deploy Dexter's tactic of unsubstantiated allegation.

3. 3 Pathetic effort, the story's unusable, nothing more than an unsubstantiated libel.

4. 13 However,[] recent research has shown that this particular anecdote is unsubstantiated.

5. Synonyms for Baseless include groundless, unfounded, unproven, unsubstantiated, unsupported, false, foundationless, spurious, unattested and unconfirmed

6. Unsubstantiated naming and shaming and politically motivated country-specific resolutions should be Categorically rejected .

7. An Allegation is unsubstantiated if there is not enough evidence to determine whether or not misconduct occurred

8. Anecdotal adjective Unsubstantiated; occurring as single or isolated event; referring to evidence based on subjective descriptions

9. In declaring that God does not exist, a person makes a sweeping unsubstantiated statement —a postulate based on faith.”

Khi tuyên bố không có Thượng Đế, người ta đưa ra một lời khẳng định khái quát, vô căn cứ—một định đề chỉ dựa trên đức tin”.

10. The Hailes Abbey chronicle indicates that John Botetourt may have been Edward's illegitimate son; however, the claim is unsubstantiated.

Biên niên sử Hailes Abbey cho rằng John Botetourt có thể là con ngoại hôn của Edward; tuy nhiên, tuyên bố này là vô căn cứ.

11. We should not waste our time viewing questionable Internet news sites or reading unsubstantiated reports circulated via e-mail.

Chúng ta không nên lãng phí thời gian lướt những trang tin tức đáng ngờ hoặc đọc các tin đồn được lan truyền qua thư điện tử.

12. Local legend holds that Vyšehrad was the location of the first settlement which later became Prague, though thus far this claim remains unsubstantiated.

Truyền thuyết địa phương cho rằng Vysehrad là địa điểm cư trú đầu tiên mà sau này trở thành Praha, tuy nhiên, đến nay nhận định này vẫn chưa có bằng chứng cụ thể.

13. Unfounded allegations: The Report is littered with unsubstantiated assertions introduced by such amorphous phrases as: `The evidence suggests' and “It seems that”

14. Adjective unfounded, false, fabricated, unconfirmed, spurious, unjustified, unproven, unsubstantiated, groundless, unsupported, trumped up, without foundation, unjustifiable, uncorroborated, ungrounded, without basis The government has described the reports as completely Baseless.

15. The claim of "fused sand" being recovered from the landing site was for some time unsubstantiated; even Hynek said he had not heard such rumors during his investigations.

Lời tuyên bố "cát bị dính lại" đang được thu hồi từ bãi hạ cánh trong một thời gian là vô căn cứ; thậm chí Hynek nói rằng ông chưa từng nghe nói về những tin đồn như thế này trong suốt quá trình điều tra của mình.

16. No justification has been provided by the Government of Pakistan except for the completely baseless and unsubstantiated allegation that his activities were not in keeping with diplomatic norms.

17. Trump's statement was criticized severely by the media and members of the public as insincere, and an attempt to divert attention away from Trump's comments and onto unsubstantiated accusations against his political opponents.

Lời tuyên bố của Trump đã bị chỉ trích nặng nề bởi dư luận là giả dối, và là một nỗ lực để chuyển hướng sự chú ý từ những lời bình luận của Trump sang các cáo buộc vô căn cứ của ông với đối thủ của mình.

18. The sixfold or greater relative risk of suicide implied by the unsubstantiated suicide death tolls is also demonstrated to be incompatible with the findings of epidemiologic studies of mortality risk among Vietnam veterans.

19. By the decade of the 1980s world opinion had strongly turned against the apartheid regime and Hubbard was re-written as this great voice of anti-Apartheidism, making unsubstantiated and grandiose claims of his tireless efforts to defeat apartheid

20. In November 2015, psychiatrist Khwaja Khusro Tariq from The Huffington Post classified the term as an unsubstantiated ad hominem attack, stating that the harshest critics of Islam are courted by both liberal and conservative media in the United States.

21. ‘Coarse-grained Anorthosite is the predominant rock type in these bodies.’ ‘The plagioclase crystals would have formed subcircular lenses of Anorthosite that punctuated background chromite accumulation.’ ‘Wood's second audacious - and completely unsubstantiated - claim was that all the lunar highlands were made of the rock Anorthosite.’

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23. The Government rejected the baseless and unsubstantiated allegations made by Pakistan against these officials and expressed regret that Pakistan authorities chose to level such allegations after deciding to recall, on their own, six officials of the Pakistan High Commission, some of whom may have been named to Indian authorities by a Pakistani spy - Mehmood Akhtar - working in the Pakistan High Commission in New Delhi, when he was apprehended by Law Enforcement Authorities on October 27, 2016 indulging in anti-India activities.