Nghĩa của từ unanswered bằng Tiếng Việt

@unanswered /'ʌn'ɑ:nsəd/
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Đặt câu có từ "unanswered"

Dưới đây là những mẫu câu có chứa từ "unanswered", trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Anh - Việt. Chúng ta có thể tham khảo những mẫu câu này để đặt câu trong tình huống cần đặt câu với từ unanswered, hoặc tham khảo ngữ cảnh sử dụng từ unanswered trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Anh - Việt

1. All distress calls unanswered.

Mọi tín hiệu cầu cứu đều không được hồi đáp.

2. But they left many questions unanswered.

3. Their cries for help went unanswered.

4. His appeal for forgiveness went unanswered.

5. The most fundamental questions remain unanswered.

Những câu hỏi nền tảng nhất vẫn còn đang bỏ ngỏ.

6. Many other questions remain unanswered .

7. All my letters went unanswered.

8. Only one question remains unanswered.

9. Some important questions remain unanswered .

10. No issue was ignored, no charge unanswered.

11. The family's request for help went unanswered.

12. All our hails have gone unanswered.

Tất cả các tin nhắn của chúng tôi đều không có hồi đáp.

13. But it left some unanswered questions.

14. And today, the vital questions still remain unanswered.

15. The first two calls went unanswered.

16. The trial left many questions unanswered.

17. None the less, their pleas still went unanswered.

18. There's a little question unanswered between us.

Có một câu hỏi nhỏ chưa được giải đáp giữa chúng ta.

19. Many questions about the crime remain unanswered .

20. He hurried from one unanswered name to the next.

21. Others of us have felt it as unanswered prayer.

22. The children's cries for help went unanswered .

23. He had always had difficulty leaving questions unanswered.

24. Some of the most important questions remain unanswered.

25. There were some holes in that theory, some unanswered questions.

26. His letters to the Internal Revenue Service went unanswered.

27. She couldn't answer my questions, so they went unanswered.

Bà ấy không thể trả lời câu hỏi của tôi và chúng bị bỏ ngỏ.

28. Staff's anxieties will grow if their questions remain unanswered.

29. Through an unfortunate oversight your letter was left unanswered.

30. Forgive me for leaving some of your questions unanswered.

31. Unanswered by Amtrac published on 2021-03-25T16:44:14Z

32. The key question of what caused the leak remains unanswered.

33. First meeting characterized as Collegial and cooperative though unanswered questions remain

34. Suspicions were first aroused after questions from local residents remained unanswered.

35. You may find your youthful occupational dreams are largely unanswered and unfulfilled.

36. One main branch of sea science, physical oceanography, holds enormous unanswered questions.

37. (James 1:5) Our prayers for the help of his spirit will not go unanswered.

(Gia-cơ 1:5) Lời chúng ta cầu xin thánh linh Ngài giúp đỡ sẽ được đáp ứng.

38. Berkeley put God in that gap; the phenomenalists, including Mill, essentially left the question unanswered.

Berkeley đã đặt Chúa trời vào khe hở đó; các nhà hiện tượng luận, trong đó có Mill, về bản chất đã bỏ ngỏ câu hỏi đó mà không trả lời.

39. Prayers to the multiplicity of gods of the world’s religions obviously go unanswered.

Hiển nhiên những lời cầu nguyện cho nhiều thần thánh này nọ của thế gian không có hiệu nghiệm.

40. I recognize that, on occasion, some of our most fervent prayers may seem to go unanswered.

Thỉnh thoảng, tôi nhận biết rằng một số lời cầu nguyện khẩn thiết nhất của chúng ta dường như không được đáp ứng.

41. The star trek is over for today, but the burning questions are still unanswered.

42. Though accounting for the great diversity seen among religions, it leaves some basic questions unanswered.

43. We must do out our desk drawer; it's full of waste paper and unanswered letters.

44. You must do out your desk drawer, it's full of waste paper and unanswered letters.

45. I would send out hundreds of postcards to editors and art directors, but they would go unanswered.

Và tôi đã gửi hàng trăm tấm bưu thiệp tới những biên tập và nhà chỉ đạo nghệ thuật, nhưng chúng luôn không có hồi âm.

46. The salesman’s Circuitous demonstration of the product left the potential customers with many unanswered questions

47. Thus our plea to Jehovah for him to make our soul rejoice will not go unanswered.

48. The question concerning a possible causal relationship between active, regular, moderate jogging and reduced absenteeism remains unanswered.

49. Only two questions remained unanswered - the puzzling absence of any sect heavies and Grant's worrying non-return.

50. However, one fault is that it ended rather Abruptedly, and with far too many unanswered questions and loose ends