Nghĩa của từ time interval bằng Tiếng Việt

@Chuyên ngành kỹ thuật
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Đặt câu có từ "time interval"

Dưới đây là những mẫu câu có chứa từ "time interval", trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Anh - Việt. Chúng ta có thể tham khảo những mẫu câu này để đặt câu trong tình huống cần đặt câu với từ time interval, hoặc tham khảo ngữ cảnh sử dụng từ time interval trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Anh - Việt

1. Still recommend removal of Absorbable sutures at the appropriate time interval

2. Between two Aperiodic real-time tasks the time interval may be even zero

3. The atomic hydrogen maser is the most stable frequency standard allshortest measuring time interval.

4. ‘This error can be reduced substantially by choosing the Coelostat position and time interval.’

5. Calorimeters are used to measure the volume and heat produced during a certain time interval

6. A timer presets the knocking time interval of the air knocker during the back washing process.

7. - or to compare two integrations of a load per unit length over the same time interval,

8. New feature – Calculate the amount of units for the time interval (salary, distance, etc) Time Calculator Cardamon

9. Two independent investigators abstracted all relevant information from eight yearly volumes within the time interval 1955 -1989.

10. The wick illustrates the highest and lowest traded prices of an asset during the time interval represented.

Bấc nến thể hiện điểm cao nhất và thấp nhất của giá giao dịch của chứng khoán trong phiên mà nó thể hiện.

11. Ampullula is an important genus in biostratigraphy for the recognition of the late Early–Middle Ordovician time interval

12. Circuit arrangement for digitally recording analog information, in particular the time interval between two consecutive states of a signal

13. Chattering alarms (alarms that repeat excessively in a short time interval) create a level of nuisance to the operator

14. The strict controls of stern writing in ethical Considerations a research paper editors and fact really justify a specific time interval

15. And, finally, these conditions must be maintained for a time interval long enough for a minimum number of collisions to occur.

16. The atomic hydrogen maser is the most stable frequency standard generally available today for all but the shortest measuring time interval.

17. The oscillator circuit is relatively quick to react to changes in the controlling voltage, adjusting the oscillation frequency in a relatively short time interval.

18. For example, given this text file and this audio file, Aeneas determines, for each fragment, the corresponding time interval in the audio file:

19. The Aroon indicator measures the time interval between the ongoing highs and lows and uses this deduction to calculate the market trend's direction and strength.

20. Instantaneous Acceleration is defined as the limit of the ratio of the velocity change to the elapsed time as the time interval approaches zero

21. The interference absorption circuit (20) is arranged for adapting the time interval (&Dgr;t) in dependence on the duration of the individual interference components.

22. However, controlled Breaths are delivered for safety at a set time interval if your patient is paralyzed or doesn’t have a respiratory drive (sedation, comatose, ect).

23. Circuit for digitally recording analog information, in particular the time interval between two consecutive states of at least one signal or the amplitude of said signal.

24. The unit represents an amount of work a horse is supposed capable of delivering during an hour (1 (one) horsepower integrated over a time interval of an hour).

25. With the gas flow flux increase, the time interval of bubble formation decreases, the bubble coalescence site moves forward, the detaching time decreases first and then increases.

26. The success of Antivenin appears to be directly related to how rapidly the animal is treated after being bitten–the shorter the time interval the better the chance of recovery

27. The acoustic energy discharge can be swept over a time interval, or steered in a selected pattern throughout the arrray, to significantly reduce the impulse energy released into the water.

28. An Autoresponder is a pre-defined, automated email triggered by defined set of rules and conditions like time interval, or visitor's action like link click, email open, page visited, etc

29. Therefore, each processor (31, 41, 51) can equally acquire the bus use right by determining in advance this time and letting an interruption signal reach each slave processor at this time interval.

30. For heating the catalyst the ignition time (Za, Zb, Zc, Zd, Ze, ...) on one of the cylinders (1, 2, 3, 4) is adjusted to 'late' and after a predetermined time interval (t¿int?)

31. The test subject's hearing threshold is determined based on the predetermined dependency on time of the intensity during the ramp and the combined time interval between the acoustic stimulus and the transient brain response.

32. The recorded brain responses and stored a-priori information on transient brain response to the acoustic stimulus are used to determine a combined time interval between the acoustic stimulus and the transient brain response.

33. Caesura - a pause or interruption (as in a conversation); "after an ominous Caesura the preacher continued" pause, suspension, intermission, interruption, break - a time interval during which there is a temporary cessation of something

34. Methods: The proposed approach monitors blood pressure by exploiting two features in the whole-body head-to-foot Ballistocardiogram measured using a force plate: the time interval between the first ("I") and second …

35. by a global set time interval ($g(D)t0), set value determination locally or globally, for example by means of averaging actual values (a¿i?, ta¿i?), additional balancing of the gradients of asynchronous state variables (a(t)).

36. In addition or alone, the maximum value of the absolute value of the detected measuring signals of the ultrasound waves can be determined during a time interval between the beginning of the injection of the ultrasound waves and a prederminable moment.

37. Fault creep is Aseismic fault slip that occurs in the uppermost part of the earth's crust during the time interval between large stress-releasing earthquakes on a fault or as "afterslip" in the days to years following an earthquake

38. More specifically, the disclosed charge pump sets up a time interval between a control signal controlling a source switch and a control signal controlling movement of a sharing transistor, then turns on the sharing transistor so that it reaches a certain voltage level.

39. Erosion has stripped an estimated 3 to 7 km of rock section from the top of Batholithic rocks in northwest Nevada during the time interval between Late Cretaceous extinction of the arc and Tertiary (mostly Eocene) formation of the regionally extensive basal Tertiary unconformity

40. The depositional architecture and the geometric relationships between platform-slope deposits and basinal sediments along with paleontological evidence indicate the time interval of the younger Anisian Reitziites reitzi ammonoid zone to largely represent the main stage of platform aggradation at the Cernera and Bivera/Clapsavon carbonate platforms.

41. ‘The aim of Book X is to investigate the Commensurable and the inCommensurable, the rational and irrational continuous quantities.’’ ‘In this he discussed whether the celestial motions are Commensurable or, expressed another way, is there a basic time interval so that the day, month, and year are all exact integer multiples of it.’

42. Important design and operational parameters such as autosave time interval, color table name, input and display grid, angle and grid lock, coordinate display mode, standard placement angle and mirror mode, standard text size, library access paths, plot file names, standard trace widths, Mincon function class, airline display mode, placement matrix, copper fill parameters, etc.

43. During a first time interval, inside a region defined by the first and the second stop point, the rod-side surface (Ar) of the piston is subjected to a pressure that is sufficiently high to accelerate the second tool part (12) in such a way that when the two tool parts meet, they both move at practically the same speed.