Nghĩa của từ thundering bằng Tiếng Việt

@thundering /'θʌndəriɳ/
danh từ
- tiếng sấm sét
- tiếng vang như sấm
tính từ
- vang như sấm
=a thundering voice+ giọng vang như sấm
- (thông tục) to, mạnh, dữ dội, ghê gớm, cực kỳ
=a thundering fool+ một thằng chí ngu
=to be in a thundering rage+ nổi giận đùng đùng
- (nghĩa bóng) nạt nộ
* phó từ
- rất, cực kỳ, vô cùng, hết sức
=a thundering big mistake+ một lỗi lầm vô cùng to lớ

Đặt câu có từ "thundering"

Dưới đây là những mẫu câu có chứa từ "thundering", trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Anh - Việt. Chúng ta có thể tham khảo những mẫu câu này để đặt câu trong tình huống cần đặt câu với từ thundering, hoặc tham khảo ngữ cảnh sử dụng từ thundering trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Anh - Việt

1. That thundering cur?

Lão đốn mạt ấy ư?

2. Heavy trucks kept thundering past.

3. It was raining and thundering.

4. Like a thundering hailstorm, a destructive windstorm,

Như trận mưa đá khốc liệt, bão tố tàn phá,

5. The children came thundering downstairs.

6. It was thundering in the distance.

7. It was thundering all night but there was no rain.

8. "'Billions of bilious blue blistering barnacles in a thundering typhoon!

"'Hàng tỷ con hàu màu xanh bén nhọn gớm guốc trong một cơn giông bão!

9. The opposition is thundering ahead a 50% increase in oil prices.

Phe đối lập đang chỉ trích... về sự giảm phân nửa của giá dầu thô.

10. Sometimes they hear a thundering sound when there are no clouds.

Thỉnh thoảng họ nghe thấy tiếng sấm trên trời mặc dù không có mây đen.

11. Tons of thundering white water separated me from any effective action.

12. She heard the sound of the guns thundering in the fog.

13. As it is, the thundering herd is likely to prove a skittish lot.

14. Liz ran, dragging Anna, their footsteps thundering; stealth would take too long.

15. It's a foul night tonight; it's pouring with rain with thundering and lightning.

16. The peace of the village has been shattered by juggernauts thundering through it.

17. Continue south through orchards and vineyards to the thundering Niagara Falls.

18. Then the artillery, such as was saved, came thundering along, smashing and overpowering everything.

19. Synonyms for Animadverting include fulminating, raging, criticising, criticizing, denouncing, thundering, censuring, ranting, protesting and railing

20. 'It shall be what o'clock I say it is', thunders Petruchio (4.3.189)--thundering is what Braggarts do

21. View in context "It's a thundering lie, you miserable old Blatherskite !"

22. But a gentleman on tramp sees such a thundering lot of his boots.

Tuy nhiên, một người đàn ông trên lang thang nhìn thấy rất nhiều sấm khởi động của mình.

23. Ships first began thundering down the yard's slipway into the Mersey in 18

24. Yet the performance received a thundering ovation; from what one sees and hears, Eschenbach is immensely popular here.

25. That notion was being trampled into the earth by a thundering horde that barely had time to eat.

26. Loud, echoing, thundering, bellowing, resounding, deafening, strident, resonant, sonorous, stentorian The ginger man had a large Booming voice

27. While the taps were thundering, he poured himself a large whisky and soda, and gulped it.

28. Taking into account the thundering magnificence of your new single, the jury must grudgingly return a verdict of not guilty.

29. Now, 40 years on there is the prospect that I will once more see an A1 thundering up an incline.

30. The pixels form an animated image, whether it be a flight through the cosmos or fighter jets thundering across the sky.

31. As I took in the traffic thundering by beneath me and relived in my mind my alarming experience, my trepidation returned.

32. Into the Maelstrom For decades the rapids of Niagara were overshadowed by the presence of the thundering cataract.

33. If all of these Backfills happen simultaneously they will present excessive load on the OSD: the “thundering herd” effect.

34. 22 Today we halted at the grim-looking chasm which formed the entrance and watched a thundering swell drive into the cave mouth.

35. The tow rope sprang taut, plucking the dinghy clear as the swell broke, thundering forward on to the waiting coral.

36. Today we halted at the grim-looking chasm which formed the entrance and watched a thundering swell drive into the cave mouth.

37. The thundering in her heart had grown so enormous that she would not have heard a thing had there been an earthquake.

38. Brazil's attractions extend from frozen-in-time colonial towns to otherworldly landscapes of red-rock canyons, thundering waterfalls and coral-fringed tropical islands

39. Heavy, brittle walls of traditional adobe—cheap, sun-dried brick—cracked instantly when the ground started bucking. Subsequent shakes brought roofs thundering down.

40. Sebulba's Podracer was an imposing giant, an orange-hued bully of a craft whose pounding, thundering engine roar seemed powerful enough to knock down opponents.

41. 2 Goblin Patrol 2 Goblin War Buggy 3 Wild Dogs 1 Pouncing Jaguar 2 Acridian 2 Shivan Raptor 2 Thundering Giant 2 Cradle Guard 1 Anaconda 1 Bull Hippo 1 Argothian Wurm

42. Team Associated is the industry leader in race-level competition vehicles in a variety of sizes, ranging from diminutive 1:32 scale to serious, nitro-thundering 1:8 scale machines

43. NOT all that long ago, churchgoers regularly heard their preacher thundering from the pulpit against what is termed the “seven deadly sins” —lust, gluttony, avarice, sloth, anger, envy, and pride.

Cách đây không lâu, những người đi lễ thường nghe giảng một cách hùng hồn về cái được gọi là “bảy mối tội đầu”, gồm dâm dục, mê ăn uống, tham lam, làm biếng, giận dữ, ghen ghét và kiêu ngạo.

44. “In recent weeks, references have been made to the thundering silence of the churches amidst serious world crises, in particular the arms race and the threat of nuclear war,” stated the United Church of Canada’s magazine The Observer.

Một câu nói văn-vẻ trong Kinh-thánh nơi một bài Thi-thiên đã bị nhiều người dị nghị khi nói đến “tai” của rắn hổ-mang (Thi-thiên 58:4, 5).

45. A thundering chord introduces the coda, marked Presto con fuoco, to which the initial Neapolitan harmony re-emerges in constant dynamic forward propulsion, which eventually ends the piece in a fiery double octave scale run down the keyboard.

Một hợp âm sấm sét giới thiệu coda, được đánh dấu bởi Presto con fuoco, mà sự hòa hợp ban đầu của người Neapolitan lại xuất hiện trong động cơ thúc đẩy liên tục chuyển động, cuối cùng kết thúc mảnh trong một dãy gam quãng 8 theo hai chiều khác nhau chạy vào giữa bàn phím.

46. Mycetes Brother Cosroe, I find my selfe Agreev'd, Yet insufficient to expresse the same: For it requires a great and thundering speech: Good brother tell the cause unto my Lords, I know you have a better wit than I

47. It was not just the fierce wind, which was shrieking through the ship’s rigging; nor was it just the mountainous waves, which were thundering against the sides of the vessel, making her every timber creak and groan.

Đó không chỉ là tiếng gió rít dữ dội qua những sợi thừng buộc buồm, hay tiếng của những đợt sóng khổng lồ đập mạnh vào mạn tàu, làm những tấm ván tàu kêu ken két.

48. Alopecist - A person who claims to prevent baldness alphamegamia - The marriage between a young woman and an older man alphitomancy - Divination using barley meal alterocentric - Someone whose life revolves around other people altiloquent - Speaking pompously or in a high own manner altitonant - Thundering from above or on high

49. A Circumnavigation of Iceland, an 11-day expedition aboard the 148-guest National Geographic Explorer or 126-guest National Geographic Resolution, introduces Iceland’s geology in all its world-class manifestations: glaciers, thundering waterfalls, immense cliffs, geothermal springs, boiling mud pots and rock and lava-scapes of unique beauty.

50. Alopecist -( ) A person who claims to prevent baldness alphamegamia -( ) The marriage between a young woman and an older man alphitomancy -( ) Divination using barley meal alterocentric -( ) Someone whose life revolves around other people altiloquent -( ) Speaking pompously or in a high flown manner altitonant -( ) Thundering from above or on high