Nghĩa của từ technological progress bằng Tiếng Việt

@Technological progress
- (Econ) Tiến bộ công nghệ.
+ Hầu hết các lý thuyết phát triển kinh tế nhấn mạnh sự cần thiết của tiến bộ kỹ thuật, và thường sự gia tăng trong tốc độ tiến bộ kỹ thuật có khi đòi hỏi sự tăng tốc.
@Chuyên ngành kinh tế
-tiến bộ kỹ thuật

Đặt câu có từ "technological progress"

Dưới đây là những mẫu câu có chứa từ "technological progress", trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Anh - Việt. Chúng ta có thể tham khảo những mẫu câu này để đặt câu trong tình huống cần đặt câu với từ technological progress, hoặc tham khảo ngữ cảnh sử dụng từ technological progress trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Anh - Việt

1. Technological progress had accelerated manifold.

2. We need to synchronize our technological progress with ourprinciples.

3. There are two sorts of technological progress really, for this purpose.

Có hai loại tiến trình công nghệ tr6n thực tế, cho mục đích này.

4. Technological progress has been so rapid over the last few years.

5. He cited a recent survey indicating European citizens' ambivalence to technological progress.

6. Stimulated by technological progress,(Sentence dictionary) the cotton industry expanded more and more.

7. Three additional classes may be added to the classification if required by technological progress.

8. Witness, for example, the active debate about whether technological progress is accelerating or decelerating.

9. A favourable economy allied with technological progress led to a boom in the footwear industry.

10. Renewable energy has entered a virtuous cycle of falling Costs, increasing deployment and accelerated technological progress

11. Nevertheless, telecommuting is destined to increase, he said, pushed along by snowstorms, traffic jams and technological progress.

12. Technological progress is like an axe in the hands of a pathological criminal. Albert Einstein 

13. It is , therefore , of great importance that adequate efforts for research and development are continuously made so that technological progress is possible .

14. 20 It is equally important to note that the change in attitude and technological progress should not imply the rejection of exogenous technology.

15. The period is characterised by the rise to importance of science and increasingly rapid technological progress, secularised civic politics and the nation state.

Thời kỳ này có đặc điểm ở sự nổi lên quan trọng của khoa học và sự phát triển ngày càng nhanh của kỹ thuật, chính trị dân sự thế tục và quốc gia.

16. Cellulose is an international journal devoted to the dissemination of research and scientific and technological progress in the field of Cellulose and related naturally occurring polymers

17. "Breakages" is the focus of a critique of capitalism, shown as exerting undue political influence while hampering beneficial technological progress to protect its own interests.

18. Article 329 A technology contract which monopolizes the technology or impedes the technological progress, or which infringes upon the technological achievement of others shall be null and void.

19. Support powers also play a major role in this map, especially the Catalyst Missile and the Tiberium Vapor Bomb, which can castrate the enemy's economic and technological progress.

20. Researcher Alan During writes: “Advertisements, like our age, are mercurial, hedonistic, image-laden, and fashion-driven; they glorify the individual, idealize consumption as the route to personal fulfillment, and affirm technological progress as the motive force of destiny.”

21. Beneficence, Nonmaleficence, and Technological Progress Two moral norms have remained relatively constant across the various moral codes and oaths that have been formulated for health-care deliverers since the beginnings of Western medicine in classical Greek civilization, namely, Beneficence — the provision of benefits — and nonmaleficence

22. Some delegations expressed the view that scientific and technological progress, the commercialization of outer space, the participation of the private sector, emerging legal questions and the increasing use of outer space in general had made it necessary to define and delimit airspace and outer space.

23. to pay special attention to the technological progress in the field of weaponisation of robotics and in particular, on the armed robots and drones and their conformity with international law; to establish a legal framework on drones and armed robots in line with the existing international humanitarian law to prevent this technology from being misused in illegal activities by state and non-state actors;