Nghĩa của từ tableaux vivants bằng Tiếng Việt

@tableaux vivants
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Đặt câu có từ "tableaux vivants"

Dưới đây là những mẫu câu có chứa từ "tableaux vivants", trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Anh - Việt. Chúng ta có thể tham khảo những mẫu câu này để đặt câu trong tình huống cần đặt câu với từ tableaux vivants, hoặc tham khảo ngữ cảnh sử dụng từ tableaux vivants trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Anh - Việt

1. Un Biologiste est un scientifique qui étudie les organismes vivants

2. It does seem they're no longer bombing during the tableaux.

Hình như chúng không còn dội bom trong lúc chúng ta diễn nữa.

3. Comparaison de brillant, tableaux de beaucoup des adjectifs français, comparaison, tous les formes, Adverbes

4. Bonnocks bonny bonnyclabber bonnyclabbers: bonobo bonobos bononian bons vivants bonsai bonsais bonsella bonsellas bonser bonshtedtite: Literary usage of Bonnock

5. Hence, the set of critical columns will remain the same throughout a sequence of tableaux optimal over degenerate intervals.

6. Sofia Coppola's "The Beguiled"—a remake (sort of) of the 1971 Don Siegel/Clint Eastwood film—is full of such tableaux

7. Realistic recreations of past dark deeds are dramatically brought to life through tableaux, scenic effects and spectacular sound and lighting.

8. When in Writer: Dans LibreOffice Writer, vous pouvez ajouter des Bordures aux pages, aux cadres, aux images, aux tableaux, aux paragraphes et aux objets incorporés.

9. The choreographers are not only at home in group folk dances but are also confident when it comes to tableaux and pas de deux.

10. The choreography isn't so bad either. The choreographers are not only at home in group folk dances but are also confident when it comes to tableaux and pas de deux.

11. Les Almanachs français; bibliographie-iconographie des Almanachs, années, annuaires, calendriers, chansonniers etrennes, états, heures, listes, livres d'adresses, tableaux, tablettes et aures publications annuelles éditée à Paris (1600-1895)

12. Biologiste Personne qui, à titre de spécialiste des sciences naturelles, effectue des recherches expérimentales et théoriques sur les organismes vivants et les phénomènes relatifs à la vie dans toutes ses manifestations

13. Moreover, practitioners' attempts at getting their message across carried some of the uncouthness of Communist party culture, including a perception that practitioners tended to exaggerate, create "torture tableaux straight out of a Cultural Revolution opera", or "spout slogans rather than facts".

Hơn nữa, những nỗ lực truyền bá thông điệp của các học viên Pháp Luân Công đã sao chép hình thức tuyên truyền của chính Đảng Cộng sản Trung Quốc, bao gồm xu hướng phóng đại, tưởng tượng ra "những hình thức tra tấn theo kiểu Cách mạng Văn hoá", hay "hô khẩu hiệu thay vì trình bày sự việc".

14. Au sein de son laboratoire, le Biologiste décortique les phénomènes et organismes vivants terrestres, plus communément appelés virus et bactéries, en les observant au microscope.Ce spécialiste en biologie isole les cellules qui l

15. To create the images in The Bathers, Williams drew on gestures and poses found in iconic paintings of nude women, including tableaux of Bathers by Paul Cézanne and Auguste Renoir, renderings of Venus by Giorgione and Titian, Dominique Ingres’s Odalisque and Slave, and Pablo Picasso’s Les Demoiselles d’Avignon

16. Accepter que tel et tel, vivants, aient eu leurs faiblesses, leurs Bassesses, leurs erreurs, que nous essayons vainement de recourvrir de pieux mensonges, un peu par respect et par pitié pour eux, beaucoup par pitié pour nous-mêmes, et pour la vaine gloire d’avoir aimé seulement la perfection, l’intelligence ou la beauté.

17. The Asiatics against whom Tutankhamun fights are depicted as standard Canaanite types, not as Hittites, The Syro-Palestinians, as they appear in scenes of foreign tribute in the tomb of the vizier Rekhmire, in the heraldic image of Asiatic combat on the chariot of Thutmose IV, and the Hittites in the later war tableaux of Seti I, routinely

18. L'Adjointe administrative d'aujourd'hui planifie les horaires des membres de son service ou de son organisation, élabore des tableaux statistiques et des rapports qui seront présentées aux gestionnaires de l'entreprise, effectuer la comptabilité de base (dans plusieurs petites entreprises), participe au développement d'applications

19. -- The Chorus threaten vengeance and suggest the name ORESTES as avenger: At this Clytaemnestra starts, _Aegisthus_ enraged gives the signal at which {1626} _Bodyguard of Aegisthus pour in through both the Inferior doors on either side of the Central door of the Palace, and fill the stage [thus producing one of the Scenic Tableaux of which Aeschylus was fond].

20. Les Millions d'Arléquin (English: Harlequin's Millions) (Russian: "Миллионы Арлекина", Milliony Arlekina) also known under the title HArlequinade (Russian: "Арлекинада", Arlekinada) is a ballet comique in two acts and two tableaux with libretto and choreography by Marius Petipa and music by Riccardo Drigo.It was first presented at the Hermitage by the Imperial Ballet

21. Le Biologiste est un scientifique qui étudie les mécanismes cellulaires et moléculaires, ainsi que les processus chimiques et physiques qui se produisent dans les organismes vivants (hommes, animaux, plantes et bactéries), leur génétique et leur relation avec l'environnement extérieur, y compris les processus de développement, évolution et interaction avec d'autres organismes.