Nghĩa của từ sure-enough bằng Tiếng Việt

@sure-enough /'ʃuəi'nʌf/
* tính từ
- (từ Mỹ,nghĩa Mỹ), (thông tục) đúng, thực, chắc

Đặt câu có từ "sure-enough"

Dưới đây là những mẫu câu có chứa từ "sure-enough", trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Anh - Việt. Chúng ta có thể tham khảo những mẫu câu này để đặt câu trong tình huống cần đặt câu với từ sure-enough, hoặc tham khảo ngữ cảnh sử dụng từ sure-enough trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Anh - Việt

1. Sure enough mountain man.

Chắc chắn là dân sơn cước rồi.

2. Sure enough, a sudden calm followed.

Không còn nghi ngờ gì nữa, một cảnh êm ả bỗng nhiên tiếp theo sau.

3. I believe I am bewitched, sure enough!

4. 11 She is a sure-enough hag.

5. And sure enough, the hoaxer came forward.

6. And sure enough, the signatures did look personalized.

7. Come election day, sure enough, it was a landslide.

Ngày bầu cử tới, và đó là chiến thắng áp đảo.

8. 'Ay, ay,' said he,'that's some better, sure enough.

9. Sure enough, Rastus arrived punctually at seven o'clock that evening.

10. I’ve just sat on the Alepot.” Sure enough, a pool

11. Sure enough, there he was, Cord Shay, at the megaphone.

12. Sure enough, I found a book that discredited the Prophet Joseph.

Chắc chắn, tôi tìm thấy một cuốn sách mà đã làm mất uy tín của Tiên Tri Joseph.

13. So, Ted hits him a few ground balls and sure enough.

Nên Ted ném ra vài quả bóng lập bập trên mặt đất...

14. I tried it and, sure enough, freed myself from stage fright.

15. Sure enough, he asked me if I had any lyrics for that.

Khi còn sống, ông đã ân cần căn dặn người em phải cố gắng xuất bản tập thơ ấy.

16. And, sure enough, they dissolve into your blood and tissues as well.

Và, chắc rằng, chúng cũng tan vào máu và các mô của bạn.

17. Sure enough, she was still there, sitting on her haunches eyeing me thoughtfully.

18. Sure enough, her eyes could see the faint satiny gleam of his bronze skin.

19. Sure enough, the Aztecs took notice of some major solar eclipses in their history

20. 5 Well, sure enough,( it turns out that Terra Nova is really only pseudo-new.

21. 4 We found the English treacle pudding too good to resist. Sure enough, it was delicious.

22. Sure enough, when we visited him, he was extremely friendly, and he accepted a number of books.

23. Sure enough, they've got half a dozen cradles and a big sluice box down in the canyon.

Rõ ràng, họ có nửa tá thùng đãi vàng và một cái miệng cống bự dưới hẽm núi.

24. His mouth opened, and sure enough, there was the old wart on the end of his tongue.

25. Referees a whistle, all of you blunt go out, and sure enough, he was immediately far jilt behind.

26. Sure enough, I look around and observe that all the houses on Saba are white with red roofs.

Thật thế, tôi đảo mắt nhìn quanh thấy nhà nào ở Saba cũng được sơn trắng với mái ngói đỏ.

27. So, that, now I figured this is it, and sure enough, I did get an assignment, a flight assignment.

Và tôi nhận ra đây là thời điểm mà, tôi khá chắc mình sẽ được giao nhiệm vụ điều khiển chuyến bay.

28. And I did the tests in the Royal Air Force to become a pilot, and sure enough, I failed.

Sau đó tôi đã làm bài thi vào Không Lực Hoàng Gia. và dĩ nhiên rồi, tôi trượt.

29. 6 Sure enough, we were soon catching bonito, a fish in the tunny family which resembles a huge mackerel.

30. Simpleton led the group to the castle, and sure enough, the princes burst out laughing when she saw the group.

31. Sure enough, Lila had booby-trapped a couple of drawers by affixing a strand of hair slyly across the crack.

32. And sure enough, we found a dose-response relationship, just like we found in the arterial blockages in our cardiac studies.

Và chắc chắn, chúng tôi tìm thấy mối quan hệ liều lượng-phản ứng, giống như trong việc tắc nghẽn tim mạch như nghiên cứu trước.

33. 18 Sure enough, Lila had booby-trapped a couple of drawers by affixing a strand of hair slyly across the crack.

34. 11 Simpleton led the group to the castle, and sure enough, the princes burst out laughing when she saw the group.

35. I awoke and found my mouth full of saliva, with a Coppery taste, and sure enough, I was obliged to spit

36. And sure enough, we found a dose- response relationship, just like we found in the arterial blockages in our cardiac studies.

Và chắc chắn, chúng tôi tìm thấy mối quan hệ liều lượng- phản ứng, giống như trong việc tắc nghẽn tim mạch như nghiên cứu trước.

37. Sure enough, the Bunkermen decided the ball had come loose, or something, in DWZ’s kung-fu grip, and that was presumably enough to constitute a …

38. sure enough, when a female prairie vole mates, there is a 50% increase in the level of dopamine in the reward centre of her brain.

39. And, sure enough, while she was asking us who we were through the door and we were telling her, we heard a window go up.

Và, y như rằng, trong khi cổ hỏi qua cánh cửa chúng tôi là ai, và chúng tôi đang trả lời cổ, chúng tôi nghe một tiếng cửa sổ bể.

40. “I told the Realtor, ‘Don't put us in a predominantly white or black neighborhood,’ ” Mrs. Peeples recalled. “And sure enough, we have a biracial kid next door.”

41. That evening I came back to the market in the dark and I heard "uhh, uhh," and sure enough I found a dying orangutan baby on a garbage heap.

Tối hôm đó tôi quay lại khu chợ lúc trời tối và tôi nghe thấy tiếng "ư... ử..." và vâng, tôi đã tìm thấy một con đười ươi con đang hấp hối trên một đống rác.

42. Certainly: 1 adv definitely or positively (`sure' is sometimes used informally for `surely') “she Certainly is a hard worker” Synonyms: for certain , for sure , sure , sure as shooting , sure enough , surely

43. Sure enough you can pay half the price and get the same job done (remove calluses and nails painted), but if you consider all the sensational enjoyment Cowshed's ultimate pedicure brings

44. But sure enough, a sweet handsome man swept her off her feet, wooed her with promises of sunshine, hot summers and Airmailed Jack Stack BBQ to her to seal the deal

45. ‘Why, given its exceedingly smooth beginnings, is the universe so Clumpy, on all scales from galaxies to galactic superclusters?’ ‘Sure enough, there was a huge shell of Clumpy, hole-riddled gas that looked like a nearly dissipated planetary nebula.’

46. ‘Why, given its exceedingly smooth beginnings, is the universe so Clumpy, on all scales from galaxies to galactic superclusters?’ ‘Sure enough, there was a huge shell of Clumpy, hole-riddled gas that looked like a nearly dissipated planetary nebula.’

47. And sure enough, Born again was packed full of losers and misfits for whom Newman's contempt was unmistakable; from a man who had found some measure of understanding in his tales of thugs, stalkers, and slave traders on previous releases, the unmistakable bile Newman summoned up on "Half a Man," "Mr