Nghĩa của từ standardization bằng Tiếng Việt

@standardization /,stændədai'zeiʃn/
* danh từ
- sự tiêu chuẩn hoá
@Chuyên ngành kinh tế
-sự tiêu chuẩn hóa
-tiêu chuẩn hóa
@Chuyên ngành kỹ thuật
-sự chuẩn hóa
-sự định mức
-sự tiêu chuẩn hóa
@Lĩnh vực: xây dựng
-sự điển hình hóa
@Lĩnh vực: cơ khí & công trình
-tiêu chuẩn hóa

Đặt câu có từ "standardization"

Dưới đây là những mẫu câu có chứa từ "standardization", trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Anh - Việt. Chúng ta có thể tham khảo những mẫu câu này để đặt câu trong tình huống cần đặt câu với từ standardization, hoặc tham khảo ngữ cảnh sử dụng từ standardization trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Anh - Việt

1. Zsh Completions standardization

2. The main advantages of Containerization are: Standardization

3. Standardization of Cut Flowers (GE.9) - adjourned sine die

4. Higgins Awardis sponsored by the Board on Standardization and Testing

5. And we see this in the inexorable march towards standardization.

Và chúng ta thấy điều này trong cuộc hành quân không gì lay chuyển nổi tiến tới sự chuẩn hóa.

6. The International Organization for Standardization provides the European standard for Safety footwear.

Các Tổ chức quốc tế về tiêu chuẩn hóa cung cấp các tiêu chuẩn châu Âu cho giày dép an toàn.

7. In this paper, we propose a implementation scenario of model standardization based on analyzing and summing up different model, and present the format description of the model standardization.

8. Standardization of Eggs and Egg Products (GE.8) - adjourned sine die

9. - provide, as a spin-off via national channels, input to standardization bodies.

10. Standardization of IgG subclass Antiserums for use with sensitized red cells

11. Canal standardization, cross - strait dike is flat, river water is clear.

12. First of all, it is the frenzied standardization to which the European Union aspires.

13. (a) Improvement of standardization of analytical methods, especially for NOX, hydrocarbons and photochemical oxidants.

14. It feeds twice as many humans on Earth, but has replaced diversity with standardization.

Nó đủ nuôi sống hai lần dân số Trái Đất, nhưng lại lấy sự tiêu chuẩn hoá đổi chỗ cho tính đa dạng.

15. standardization: development of standards whose purpose is to align formalities, procedures, documents, information, and operations.

16. Implementation of telephone eBilling, completion of software user acceptance testing and standardization of telephone billing

17. The purported “standardization” by the Greek Cypriot Committee is ultra vires, and void ab initio.

18. Moreover, the difference relates to the degree of product standardization and responsiveness to local business environment.

Hơn nữa, sự khác biệt liên quan đến mức độ tiêu chuẩn hóa sản phẩm và khả năng đáp ứng với môi trường kinh doanh địa phương.

19. Its promulgation market a new stage in the standardization and legalization of China's invoice management work.

20. Those analytical methods refer to certain standards established by the European Committee for Standardization (CEN).

21. Some of the most significant risk factors for organizations adopting CASE technology include: Inadequate standardization.

Một số nhân tố rủi ro quan trọng nhất đối với các tổ chức sử dụng công nghệ CASE bao gồm: Tiêu chuẩn hoá không đầy đủ.

22. The standardized management of GMP document administrate the production process in pharmaceutical enterprises in standardization.

23. The thoroughly changed sonoanatomy, however, exacts a strict standardization of cross sections and positions.

24. The standardization effort consisted mainly of combining these two (Roman and Gallican) regional liturgies.

Những nỗ lực cho việc tiêu chuẩn hoá chủ yếu bao gồm việc kết hợp thánh ca của hai vùng Roma và Gallic.

25. Division of labour leads to standardization of products due to the possibility of mechanization.

26. Being encouraged by standardization bootes like IEEE or ECMA this development surely will notchange in the future.

27. many existing way of thought concept ? value system 、 comportment standardization 、 cultural production 、 social prevailing and < ...

28. Biologicals is a bimonthly peer-reviewed scientific journal and the official journal of the International Alliance for Biological Standardization. The journal covers research on the development, production, quality control, and standardization of biological derived from both novel and established biotechnologies.

29. For the purpose of standardization, the intensity of agglutination in the microtest plate had to be defined.

30. The standardization efforts of ITU commenced in 1865 with the formation of the International Telegraph Union (ITU).

ITU là Tổ chức viễn thông quốc tế thuộc Liên hiệp quốc, được thành lập vào năm 1865 (với tên gọi tiền thân là Liên minh Điện báo quốc tế - International Telegraph Union).

31. It is also responsible for the coordination of the Canadian portion of the American, British, Canadian, Australian (with New Zealand) Armies’ Standardization Program (ABCA) and for various NATO Standardization Agency (NSA) working groups and other comparable bodies.

32. An age-specific standardization of electrophysiologic parameters, measured during EPS, does not seem to be required.

33. At present, standardization of cutoff points and criteria to determine osteoporosis among the different devices is unsatisfactory.

34. 2 Preparation And Standardization Of Solutions For Acidimetry And Alkalimetry DATA SHEET Date Submitted Grp No

35. Successful treatment of thymic carcinoma and carcinoid tumor requires an individualized multimodal therapy aiming at standardization.

36. These included construction code, sport fishing, standardization of drinking water sanitation, and issuance of vendor permits.

Đó là việc đưa ra luật xây dựng, luật câu cá thể thao, tiêu chuẩn hóa vệ sinh nước uống, và cấp giấy phép bán hàng.

37. These include harmonizing and simplification of customs and other procedures, standardization, reciprocal recognition tests and certification and banking facilities.

38. The Standards Council of Canada accredits Canadian standards development organizations and coordinates Canada's input in international standardization work.

39. According to the regulation required by STCW78/ maritime administration should make assessment for standardization of seaman competency periodically.

40. Boilerplate documents are commonly used for efficiency and to increase standardization in the structure and language of legal documents, including …

41. The International Organization for Standardization have released a series of Standards for the establishment and management of supply-chain security.

Tổ chức Tiêu chuẩn hóa Quốc tế đã phát hành một loạt các Tiêu chuẩn để thiết lập và quản lý an ninh chuỗi cung ứng.

42. The present paper claims that companies have to take into account several criteria to answer the standardization/adaption question.

43. A kinetic analysis of the renin-Angiotonin pressor system and the standardization of the enzymes renin and angiotonase

44. It is also critical to have good item master management to manage contract compliance and product standardization initiatives.

45. Shipyard work continued until 17 March, when Alabama got underway for standardization trials and refresher training along the southern California coast.

Công việc bảo trì tiếp tục cho đến ngày 17 tháng 3, khi Alabama lên đường chạy thử máy và huấn luyện ôn tập dọc theo bờ biển Nam California.

46. The most frustrating thing about cooking with Chiles both fresh and dry is the lack of standardization in naming

47. The Legal Language of Scottish Burghs Standardization and Lexical Bundles (1380-1560) Joanna Kopaczyk Oxford Studies in Language and Law

48. Methods The evaluation was performed in accordance with the evaluation criteria established by International Council for Standardization in Haematology(ICSH).

49. (e) the European standardization bodies to accelerate the preparation of harmonized standards, in particular those covering the Directive on machinery;

50. In the years immediately following 2000, planners decided to switch to server-based applications with a high degree of standardization.

Trong những năm sau 2000, các nhà lập kế hoạch đã quyết định chuyển thành các ứng dụng dựa trên sever với sự chuẩn hóa mức độ cao.