Nghĩa của từ stalemate bằng Tiếng Việt

@stalemate /'steil'meit/
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Đặt câu có từ "stalemate"

Dưới đây là những mẫu câu có chứa từ "stalemate", trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Anh - Việt. Chúng ta có thể tham khảo những mẫu câu này để đặt câu trong tình huống cần đặt câu với từ stalemate, hoặc tham khảo ngữ cảnh sử dụng từ stalemate trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Anh - Việt

1. We can't afford a stalemate.

Ta không chịu nổi sự bế tắc này.

2. No more stalemate.

Không còn bế tắc nữa đâu.

3. All this has produced a dangerous stalemate.

4. By February the crisis has reached stalemate.

Bởi tháng hai cuộc khủng hoảng đã đạt bế tắc.

5. But the talks themselves were a virtual stalemate.

6. By then, the war had again reached stalemate.

7. Congress remains in a stalemate over the federal budget.

8. But at least the stalemate had been been broken.

9. The proposal was aimed at ending the stalemate between environmentalist and business groups.

10. Both sides tried to break the stalemate using scientific and technological advances.

11. Despite long discussions, the workers and the management remain locked in stalemate.

12. The stalemate allowed Pyongyang to temporize untiltheendofthe Bush administration and set up a new roundofprovocation.

13. Edward Bruce, Robert's brother, was laying siege to the castle, but there was a stalemate.

14. There were no decisive engagements, and the war ended in a stalemate.

Không có một cuộc giao tranh quyết định nào, và cuộc chiến đã kết thúc trong bế tắc.

15. Only when they have reached stalemate with the bank will the ombudsman then consider a claim.

16. That same year, the 100-member House voted for outright repeal, causing a General Assembly stalemate.

17. Traders pointed to the federal budget stalemate and worries the gridlock could continue indefinitely.

18. Before the 8th National Congress, the stalemate between the conservatives and reformers continued.

Trước Đại hội Đảng lần thứ 8, sự bế tắc giữa phe bảo thủ và cải cách vẫn tiếp tục.

19. In the summer of 15 some of them tried to break the stalemate.

20. Some of the negotiators, however, said the stalemate over the issue of punitive damages seemed especially intractable.

21. The continued stalemate in the situation and hardening of positions is a matter of concern.

22. Instead, 000 on both sides died in trench warfare; a stalemate led to a truce.

23. The partial government shutdown derived from the budget stalemate will reach three weeks this Friday.

24. The US government recently admitted that it's in a stalemate in its war against ISIS.

Chính phủ Mỹ gần đây thừa nhận rằng họ đang bế tắc trong cuộc chiến chống ISIS.

25. 17 President Bush has ended the stalemate over moves to cut the country's budget deficit.

26. However, if a stalemate occurs, then new elections would seem to be in the offing.

27. All of these qualities, when duly accounted for, amounted to a virtual condition of stalemate between the opposing forces.

28. Following the military stalemate in the Korean War, a ceasefire was signed on 27 July 1953.

Sau giai đoạn bế tắc của quân đội hai bên trong Chiến tranh Triều Tiên, một hiệp định ngừng bắn đã được ký vào ngày 27 tháng 7 năm 1953.

29. But the painful stalemate wrought on this issue by divided government in Washington compelled a new approach.

30. Hence the stalemate between the two camps, the Deterrers and the Disarmers, which is still the position.

31. THE world peace that God has in mind will involve far more than a global cease-fire or a nuclear stalemate.

ĐỨC CHÚA TRỜI có ý định sẽ đem lại hòa bình thế giới bao gồm nhiều hơn là chỉ một cuộc đình chiến toàn cầu hoặc một cuộc ngưng chiến hạch tâm.

32. In comparison to legislatures, the executive structure tends to be more streamlined and less prone to stalemate and inaction.

33. The battle ends in a stalemate and both the Evolved and the Survivors retreat to recoup their losses for the next 40 years.

Cuộc chiến kết thúc trong bế tắc và cả hai phe quyết định rút quân để bù đắp tổn thất của họ trong 40 năm tiếp theo.

34. 15 hours ago · Fourth time Charmless What next for Israeli politics after another election stalemate? Binyamin Netanyahu looks to pull off another magic trick

35. On 8 December 2009, it was reported that India and Russia ended the stalemate over Admiral Gorshkov price deal by agreeing on a price of US$2.2 billion.

36. If the conventional strategy of strategic denial fails, then the Tatmadaw and its auxiliary forces will follow Mao's strategic concepts of 'strategic defensive', 'strategic stalemate' and 'strategic offensive'.

Nếu chiến lược thông thường không thành công thì Tatmadaw và lực lượng phụ của nó sẽ sử dụng khái niệm chiến lược của Mao Trạch Đông là " phòng thủ chiến lược ", " bế tắc chiến lược " và "tấn công chiến lược".

37. An act or instance of removing or surpassing an obstruction or restriction; the overcoming of a stalemate: The president reported a Breakthrough in the treaty negotiations.

38. The war then ground down to a stalemate, with the majority of actions fought as large skirmishes, such as those at Chestnut Neck and Little Egg Harbor.

Cuộc chiến sau đó rơi vào bế tắc, với phần lớn các giao tranh chỉ là những cuộc đột kích lớn, chẳng hạn như tại Chestnut Neck và Cảng Trúng Nhỏ.

39. The Anzio campaign became a costly stalemate in itself, but one that successfully tied up some 130,000 men of the German Fourteenth Army and weakened enemy defences on the Gustav Line

40. The Boogey-man fires its energy blasts while the other fires its mustard and ketchup cannons, both of which put them at a stalemate, until the ketchup and mustard cannons gain the upper hand and hit the Boogey-man

41. Synonyms of Adjudicators 1 a person who impartially decides or resolves a dispute or controversy since they seemed to be in a hopeless stalemate, both labor and management agreed to use an independent adjudicator to decide the terms of the contract

42. I can only say that at a time of rapid economic globalisation and the integration of the national economies in the global economic system, coupled with the current stalemate in the WTO negotiations, there is no alternative to accelerated regional economic cooperation.

43. Thus, Member States should not run away from the blatant truth that, during the sixtieth session of the Assembly, the stalemate that, over the past four years, has characterized negotiations regarding non-proliferation and disarmament, finally became abundantly clear to all nations.

44. The Boogey-man fires its energy blasts while the other fires its mustard and ketchup cannons, both of which put them at a stalemate, until the ketchup and mustard cannons gain the upper hand and hit the Boogey-man

45. Chancellorship of Angela Merkel First two terms and the euro-zone debt crisis As support for the SPD wavered, Schröder called for an early general election to be held in September 2005, and the result was a virtual stalemate

46. ‘That gave them a chance and all they lacked was the Ability to dominate less experienced opponents.’ ‘He possesses that rare Ability to unlock defences to break a stalemate.’ ‘The boy possesses the uncanny Ability to eat like an elephant and remain as skinny as a stick.’

47. Collaborationism in World War II can best be viewed as the most extreme form of what I have called elsewhere the breakdown of the republican synthesis-the "mix" represented by the stalemate so-ciety and the parliamentary regime.3 The collaborationists were among the most determined rebels engaged in the destruction of that synthesis.

48. The United States had tried to keep Iran out of the previous talks, but since the nuclear talks, the United States is Acquiescing to the fact that Iran is a player, the second one is the fact that now you have a stalemate on the ground neither side is going to be able to win it on the battlefield

49. ‘It was a Belter and only a splendid save from Zbigniew Malkowski kept the match at stalemate.’ ‘There are only six minutes gone and this match is shaping up to be a Belter.’ ‘The condition of the pitch has definitely undergone a change with the groundsmen pouring a fair amount of water on it to lessen the advantage for the Indian

50. "The timing of the move is important and a reflection of the intent of BJP Abhorrently rejecting all the peace overtures to save its face and a diplomatic debacle; all the stakeholders particularly the US, UK, China, Russia, EU and OIC need to note the sheer intransigence of India and use their tremendous prowess to address this paralyzing stalemate in the interest of regional peace