Nghĩa của từ sardonic bằng Tiếng Việt

@sardonic /sɑ:'dɔnik/
* tính từ
- nhạo báng, chua chát, mỉa mai, châm biếm

Đặt câu có từ "sardonic"

Dưới đây là những mẫu câu có chứa từ "sardonic", trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Anh - Việt. Chúng ta có thể tham khảo những mẫu câu này để đặt câu trong tình huống cần đặt câu với từ sardonic, hoặc tham khảo ngữ cảnh sử dụng từ sardonic trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Anh - Việt

1. She raised a sardonic brow.

2. He looked at her with sardonic amusement.

3. 24 Roman's slow smile was infinitely sardonic.

4. He was full of sardonic humour.

5. He gave a brief, sardonic laugh.

6. Roman's slow smile was infinitely sardonic.

7. She gave him a sardonic smile.

8. I admired Jobert's intelligence and sardonic wit.

9. "Really?" she said, raising a sardonic eyebrow.

10. There was a sardonic expression on her face.

11. A Colonel Azizov, a swarthy, sardonic, pipe - smoking Tartar, awaited Levchenko.

12. 9 Adlon's slyly sardonic send-up of American financial kite-flying.

13. She watched us with a sardonic eye as we stepped from the brougham.

Cô ấy nhìn tôi với ánh mắt chua chát như chúng ta bước từ Brougham này.

14. 12 She watched us with a sardonic eye as we stepped from the brougham.

15. Was the old sardonic Lexandro reasserting himself during this lull of relaxation?

16. He paused to see the effect of this sardonic bit of commentary.

17. Beckett's playing is all quicksilver and lyricism with an often sardonic edge.

18. Moreover, her sardonic tone, though justified in the text, sounded more annoying than engaging.

19. He raised a sardonic eyebrow as she sat down opposite him and started to eat.

20. If she went down in trousers he would give one of those sardonic smiles.

21. He reminded me of Benjamin with his dry wit, sardonic observations and palpable honesty.

22. The scar gave his face a mocking, sardonic cast except when he smiled.

23. He looked at her with sardonic amusement which deepened when she quickly looked away.

24. She was totally guileless, honest, with a mordant sense of humour and sardonic wit.

25. The gardener continued to lean against the wall, arms folded, watching them with a sardonic expression.

26. 9 Now each absurdly impossible picture returned to her with a sardonic caption attached: Oh, yeah?

27. 25 He reminded me of Benjamin with his dry wit, sardonic observations and palpable honesty.

28. Now each absurdly impossible picture returned to her with a sardonic caption attached: Oh, yeah?

29. Maggie sipped cautiously at the wine, aware all the time of dark, sardonic eyes watching her.

30. 18 As centres of commerce, finance and fashion their buildings reflect the sardonic elegance of a bygone era.

31. Ambiguous, ironic, indirect, sarcastic, oblique, sardonic, double-edged, equivocal, with tongue in cheek a Backhanded compliment 2

32. As centres of commerce, finance and fashion their buildings reflect the sardonic elegance of a bygone era.

33. He was a tall man with a craggy, rubbery face which twisted and turned, often into a sardonic grin.

34. Skate - he imagined that was one of those flat bony fish, with the teeth showing in a sardonic grin.

35. Quiet-spoken and deeply read, he is an instructive and entertaining conversationalist with a sardonic sense of humour.

36. “Blather doesn’t care.” A sardonic laugh escapes us as we bow, cruel and cynical hounds that we are

37. He gave a slight sardonic grunt, remembering how excited he had been in that railway carriage on his way to Carewscourt.

38. 19 synonyms for Backhanded: ambiguous, ironic, indirect, sarcastic, oblique, sardonic, double-edged, equivocal, with tongue in cheek, indirect, rambling

39. Ambrose Bierce, American newspaperman, wit, satirist, and author of sardonic short stories based on themes of death and horror

40. Mosley sardonic analysed Moslem Anoterite unsatiate Moshe bottom tuna Moses mounted Moser enclaves Moselle evocator uprend Balsamorrhiza encroachments tumblerful

41. Greendale Community College continues to attract an odd assortment of intellectual "seekers" in the fourth season of this sardonic sitcom

42. Assinine for sardonic effect looks like a winner to me, although 'alternative spelling' is not an adequate peg for such usage.

43. And this 20th-century art suite ends Anticlimactically with a sour throwback to realism: Jack Levine's sardonic "The Arms Brokers" 1982-83

44. Cher honed her acting skills in sketch comedy roles such as the brash housewife Laverne, the sardonic waitress Rosa, and historical vamps, including Cleopatra and Miss Sadie Thompson.

Cher mài giũa khả năng diễn xuất trong nhiều vai hài kịch như bà nội trợ thô lỗ Laverne, cô hầu bàn mỉa mai Rosa và các nữ nhân vật cổ trang như Cleopatra và Miss Sadie Thompson.

45. Although he was not familiar with Doc Ock, Molina found one element of the comics that he wanted to maintain, and that was the character's cruel, sardonic sense of humor.

Mặc dù Molina không hề quen thuộc với Doc Ock, ông tìm thấy một yếu tố trong truyện tranh mà ông muốn duy trì, đó là khiếu hài hước độc ác và mỉa mai của nhân vật.

46. The story of Constantine is a bit convoluted, so you can Google it yourself, but the character, as portrayed by Welsh actor Matt Ryan, is quite engaging with his witty, sardonic humor

47. Equally fantastical, Amis' all-ugly-all-the-time London is also Anglophilic catnip, just the kind that tends to impress the sort of American who prefers sardonic "we're all fucked" loathing to

48. Acerbic adjective sharp, cutting, biting, severe, acid, bitter, nasty, harsh, stern, rude, scathing, acrimonious, barbed, unkind, unfriendly, sarcastic, sardonic, caustic, churlish, vitriolic, trenchant, acrid, brusque, rancorous, mordant, mordacious comments made in a spirit of Acerbic wit

49. Acerbic adjective sharp, cutting, biting, severe, acid, bitter, nasty, harsh, stern, rude, scathing, acrimonious, barbed, unkind, unfriendly, sarcastic, sardonic, caustic, churlish, vitriolic, trenchant, acrid, brusque, rancorous, mordant, mordacious comments made in a spirit of Acerbic wit

50. The New Austerities is a surreal, sardonic journey through the cultural wasteland and political chaos of post-modern America, but it proves that with a certain about of luck — and a modicum of ruthlessness and guile — you can go home again