Nghĩa của từ sacramental bằng Tiếng Việt

@sacramental /,sækrə'mentl/
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Đặt câu có từ "sacramental"

Dưới đây là những mẫu câu có chứa từ "sacramental", trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Anh - Việt. Chúng ta có thể tham khảo những mẫu câu này để đặt câu trong tình huống cần đặt câu với từ sacramental, hoặc tham khảo ngữ cảnh sử dụng từ sacramental trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Anh - Việt

1. Anglicans hold to sacramental theology

2. The sacramental prayers are a reminder of these covenants.

Những lời cầu nguyện Tiệc Thánh là một điều nhắc nhở về các giáo lễ này.

3. 3 synonyms for Chrisom: chrism, holy oil, sacramental oil

4. What do the sacramental bread and water represent?

Bánh và nước Tiệc Thánh tượng trưng cho điều gì?

5. At first sight, to speak of punishment after sacramental forgiveness might seem inconsistent.

6. Chase's research focuses on liturgical history, sacramental theology, Christian initiation, Anaphoral history, and liturgical methodology

7. We aspire to make rosaries, prayer ropes, and Chaplets as a form of sacramental art

8. Cistercian Stories for Nuns and Monks The Sacramental Imagination of Engelhard of Langheim Martha G

9. CEC NA - The Charismatic Episcopal Church of North America, a catholic (Sacramental-Liturgical), Evangelical and Charismatic Church

10. This sacramental seriousness pervades all his stories of family life, and most particularly that of his sons’ induction.

11. But they can not perform Catholic sacramental duties, such as hearing confession, offering Communion or giving last rites.

12. Struan, because of its direct descent from a traditional ritualistic practice, still retains a trace of sacramental efficacy.

13. While each Autocephalous church acts independently, they all remain in full sacramental and canonical communion with one another.

14. Today you handle vessels that contain the sacramental bread and water in remembrance of the Atonement of Jesus Christ.

Ngày nay em sử dụng những cái khay đựng bánh và nước của Tiệc Thánh để tưởng nhớ đến Sự Chuộc Tội của Chúa Giê Su Ky Tô.

15. Monks, however, do not normally perform sacramental rituals for the laity, and would not normally officiate at baptisms and marriages.

16. Chrismation or Confirmation is the sacramental or mystical invocation of sealing by the Holy Spirit whom the neophyte receives after his Baptism

17. He also could not accept the Lutheran doctrine of sacramental union in which Christ was "in, with and under" the elements.

Calvin cũng không chấp nhận giáo lý Lutheran về thuyết hiệp nhất trong thánh lễ cho rằng Chúa Christ hiện diện "trong, với, và dưới" các nguyên tố.

18. The Church fought for centuries against state encroachments and Arrogations, establishing that her ministers have a God-given right to make liturgical and sacramental determinations.

19. Protestants often are deeply uncomfortable with Catholic devotion to the Crucifix, a sacramental that depicts the corpus (body) of Christ on his cross

20. HISTORY OF THE Confiteor.—It 18 first heard of as the preparation for sacramental confession and as part of the preparation for Mass.

21. Almost every letter contains a sacramental parsing of a meal she has cooked or eaten – nobody Apotheosises “stuffed tomatoes, turkey, lemon mousse & Chablis” like Plath – while her

22. 'Non-Sacramental Absolutions of the Ruthenian Church' In the Ruthenian Office of Christian Burial there is a non-sacramental "prayer of absolution" of the dead at the cemetery as follows: May our Lord and God, Jesus Christ, Who has given His divine authority to His holy Disciples and Apostles to bind and loose the sins of the fallen, and from

23. Askesis A term in Eastern monastic tradition for all the forms of discipline, community prescription, sacramental practice, and participation in the divine liturgy whereby a religious grows in the

24. The Joint Commission has undertaken an important study of the sacramental life in our respective traditions and forged an agreement on the Anaphora of the Apostles Addai and Mari.

25. A year later, Bandle was assigned as an assisting priest, that is, to offer sacramental ministry at a parish that was under the pastoral care of a lay parish director

26. Building, in 1517, did not call it a temple but a “large ciborium of marble,” thus linking it to the tradition of sacramental shelters, Baldachins and tabernacles, often in small scale

27. Likewise it was by then becoming common to impart the Absolution immediately after sacramental confession, as is the norm today, and not after completion of a time of penance as was the earlier practice

28. Chrism - a consecrated ointment consisting of a mixture of oil and balsam chrisom, holy oil, sacramental oil ointment, salve, unguent, balm, unction - semisolid preparation (usually containing a medicine) applied externally as a remedy or for soothing an irritation

29. The Lady speaks Beseechingly of great calamities in the Church and in the world, and in her maternal love, indicates the only really effective remedy for a true renewal: a sincere conversion of heart and the sacramental life.

30. Elsewhere Spinks also traces, in a number of key texts in the Barthian corpus, Barth's increasing difficulty with particular sacramental interpretations of baptism, see ‘Karl Barth's Teaching on Baptism: Its Development, Antecedents and the “Liturgical Factor”’, Ecclesia Oran 14 (1997), pp

31. Even though Chrismation is a God-sent sacrament, an apostolic practice, and is found in Holy Scripture, the Protestant churches have nonetheless done away with it, viewing it as non-sacramental and unnecessary for the salvation of man

32. The Analogical and univocal orders--the sacramental search for order and integration, and the immanentist parodies of the same (which presume to exhaust reality)--find their respective embodiments in the figures of the Tutelar and Tribune, as I will show.

33. In S.'s thought-provoking work on Christian theology of incarnation, human Corporality and experience express the divine, displaying the invisible in the visible, transfiguring the created world into a sacramental sign without suppressing the concrete lived, incarnate world

34. The sacramental formula "I Absolve you" and the imposition of the hand and the Sign of the Cross made over the penitent show that at this moment the contrite and converted sinner comes into contact with the power and mercy of God

35. Chrisom: 1 n a consecrated ointment consisting of a mixture of oil and balsam Synonyms: chrism , holy oil , sacramental oil Type of: balm , ointment , salve , unction , unguent semisolid preparation (usually containing a medicine) applied externally as a remedy or for soothing an irritation

36. Such was his Majesty the Sultan Moulay Youssef, despoiled of sacramental Burnouses and turban, and shuffling along on bare yellow-slippered feet with the gait of a stout elderly gentleman who has taken off his boots in the passage preparatory to a domestic evening.

37. Blooket: Pop's Bridge- READING STORY; Sacramental Graces; Blooket: Social Studies Blooket- LESSON 2 Vocabulary; Blooket: Common and Proper Nouns; Sacramentals; Catholic Kids: Eucharist; Kids Explain: Eucharist; What is the Holy Eucharist? Blooket: Pop's Bridge VOCABULARY Blooket: SIMPLE AND COMPOUND SENTENCES; CATANI LINK; Confirmation: …

38. Definition of a Catechist: Catechists are called to share their faith, give witness, pray, model service, and build community.Catechists minister to adults, youth, and children in a variety of locations and programs such as Sacramental Preparation, RCIA, Family Programs, Scripture Study, and more.

39. This would be an instance of “significatio ex Adjunctis” [that is, the full significance of the form is expressed by the surrounding words and ceremonies]: a form that does not fully express the essence of the sacramental grace is expressed by the prayers and the ceremonies which accompany it

40. In the summer of 1606, laws against recusancy were strengthened; the Popish Recusants Act returned England to the Elizabethan system of fines and restrictions, introduced a sacramental test, and an Oath of Allegiance, requiring Catholics to abjure as a "heresy" the doctrine that "princes excommunicated by the Pope could be deposed or assassinated".

41. The Holy Law of Fasting Pope Clement XIII, Appetente Sacro, 1759 decribes the reason for fasting: “You will begin most appropriately, and with hope of the greatest profit, to recall men to the observance of the holy law of fasting, if you teach the people this: penance for the Christian man is not satisfied by withdrawing from sin, by detesting a past life badly lived, or by the sacramental

42. Given that the beauty of the liturgy "is no mere aestheticism, but the concrete way in which the truth of God's love in Christ encounters us, attracts us and delights us" (Sacramentum Caritatis, n. 35), it is important that the Eucharistic celebration manifest and communicate, through the sacramental signs, the divine life and reveal the true face of the Church to the men and women of this City.