Nghĩa của từ rule-of-thumb bằng Tiếng Việt

- (Econ) Quy tắc tự đặt.
+ Một công thức hay thủ tục mà tạo cơ sở cho việc ra quyết định của các tác nhân kinh tế.

Đặt câu có từ "rule-of-thumb"

Dưới đây là những mẫu câu có chứa từ "rule-of-thumb", trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Anh - Việt. Chúng ta có thể tham khảo những mẫu câu này để đặt câu trong tình huống cần đặt câu với từ rule-of-thumb, hoặc tham khảo ngữ cảnh sử dụng từ rule-of-thumb trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Anh - Việt

1. The rule of thumb:

Quy tắc chung:

2. The rule of thumb no longer mattered.

3. Every student's rule of thumb should be: study hard!

4. As a rule of thumb, the higher the better.

5. The rule of thumb in this business is courtesy.

6. It is a Compositional rule of thumb, not a …

7. Rule of thumb The rule of thumb in buying is to advertise opportunities, select a winning contractor fairly and obtain the best value for your client.

8. A basic rule-of-thumb: Depreciate tangible assets and Amortize intangible assets

9. As a rule of thumb, it is profoundly unwise to take Crack-cocaine

10. As a rule of thumb, always use a rear foot kick after a feint.

11. We present modified rule-of-thumb formulas to adjust real discount rates for income taxes.

12. Boss your men and shame your women; that was a rule of thumb with him.

13. As a rule of thumb, a cup of filter coffee contains about 80mg of caffeine.

14. As a general rule of thumb, thinner cuts of meat are more suitable for Broiling, …

15. Typically, the rule of thumb is the lighter the Beer, the colder the serving temperature

16. It was a place, Wade came to understand, where lost was a rule of thumb.

17. A good rule of thumb- if you’re in your 20’s, do 1 Cheekbone Pop

18. But despite its drawbacks, primogeniture did offer a rule of thumb that commanded widespread respect.

19. A good rule of thumb is to Brine super-thin fish fillets for 10 minutes

20. As a general rule of thumb, aluminum Bleachers seat one spectator every 18 inches per row

21. In general, the rule of thumb was that one's peers were seconded to perform the role.

22. As a rule of thumb, funds with durations of one to three years are relatively conservative.

23. As a rule of thumb, all Canadian three-letter IATA airport codes start with a "Y".

24. This fact is the basis for the one-drink-an-hour rule of thumb for remaining sober.

25. Journalists have a rule of thumb: the more a person knows, the more that person can learn.

26. As a general rule of thumb, you want to avoid having an Absenteeism rate in double digits.

27. Objections to the tacit assumption of Saint-Venant's principle or the above rule of thumb arise however.

28. A good rule of thumb is that a portion of rice is two and a half handfuls.

29. When distinguishing Breed from type, the rule of thumb is that a Breed always "Breeds true"

30. A general rule of thumb with Atlantic oysters is the farther north they’re grown, the Brinier the flavor

31. When distinguishing breed from type, the rule of thumb is that a breed always "Breeds true"

32. As a rule of thumb, you should cook a chicken for 20 minutes for each pound of weight.

33. As a rule of thumb the sample thickness should be kept greater than 2.5 times the indent diameter.

Theo kinh nghiệm bề dày mẫu nên lớn hơn 2,5 lần đường kính vết lõm.

34. A good rule of thumb is to think of 30k as around the upper limit for a page.

35. Rebuilding costs might be calculated on a rule of thumb basis but the assumptions would be relatively arbitrary.

36. As a rule of thumb, look into the average conversion value divided by cost from the last 4 weeks.

Theo quy tắc chung, hãy xem xét giá trị chuyển đổi trung bình chia cho chi phí từ 4 tuần qua.

37. I believe that the rule of thumb is: Easier to mobilize does not always mean easier to achieve gains.

Tôi tin rằng luật lệ cơ bản là: Dễ huy động không có nghĩa là dễ đạt được.

38. In all directions it seemed that scientific investigation was triumphing over ignorance, and scientific analysis replacing rule of thumb.

39. As a rule of thumb, you should cook a chicken for 20 minutes for each pound that it weighs.

40. As a rough " rule of thumb , " women tend to undergo menopause at an age similar to that of their mothers .

Đại loại gần như " quy tắc ngón tay cái " thì phụ nữ thường hay mãn kinh ở tuổi giống như mẹ của mình vậy .

41. A rule of thumb for Eastern Bluebirds is that eggs will hatch 17 days after the first egg is laid.

42. The 28/36 Rule for Affordability One rule of thumb that lenders may use to assess how much of a …

43. A general rule of thumb is a minimum of 1.25" of Cupola for every foot of unbroken roof ridge line

44. A general rule of thumb is a minimum of 1.25" of Cupola for every foot of unbroken roof ridge line

45. The rule of thumb for making good use of a metaphor is to compare what is said with what is meant.

46. A good rule of thumb is to make the spacing between the bars one half of the width of the bars.

47. To make the best Applesauce recipe even better, a good rule of thumb is to choose a mix of two or three …

48. A good Affordability rule of thumb is to have three months of payments, including your housing payment and other monthly debts, in reserve

49. Frying the Crispiest Chicken Tenders A good rule of thumb for frying chicken is to keep the oil between 350 and 375 degrees

50. As a rule of thumb, allow up to 1 hour for every pound of shoulder Clod, maintaining smoking temperatures at or below 250 degrees.