Nghĩa của từ rhesus bằng Tiếng Việt

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Đặt câu có từ "rhesus"

Dưới đây là những mẫu câu có chứa từ "rhesus", trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Anh - Việt. Chúng ta có thể tham khảo những mẫu câu này để đặt câu trong tình huống cần đặt câu với từ rhesus, hoặc tham khảo ngữ cảnh sử dụng từ rhesus trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Anh - Việt

1. Each of the 4 Blood groups can be classified as either Rhesus positive or Rhesus negative

2. 16 To investigate MRI characteristics of normal rhesus uterus.

3. Anorectics: effects on food intake and self-administration in rhesus monkeys

4. ABO system, Rhesus (C, c, D, E, e) anti-Kell

5. ABO system (A, B), Rhesus (C, c, D, E, e), and Kell (K

6. This is demonstrated in detail by the results of the ABO- and Rhesus-system.

7. Blood groups: See ABO Blood groups , KELL BLOOD GROUP SYSTEM and RHESUS FACTOR .

8. Allo- and auto-reactive t-cell epitopes from rhesus protein and their use

9. Conclusion The seasonal biological variations influence the reproductive functions of male rhesus monkey.

10. To study tissue distribution of TTV in experimentally infected Rhesus monkey andTT virus is hepatotropic.

11. Objective To establish a bioassay of follicle stimulating hormone ( FSH ) in serum of rhesus monkey.

12. The three rhesus monkeys , named Chimero , Roku and Hex , are said to be normal and healthy .

3 chú khỉ nâu , tên là Chimero , Roku và Hex , được cho là bình thường và khỏe mạnh .

13. Chen Yuanlin, Zeng Zhongxing and Bai Shouchang 1985 The Rhesus Monkey . Science Press, Beijing[Sentencedict], China.

14. Face rhesus with an untrained army and you risk losing far more than a single battle.

Đối đầu Rhesus bằng quân đội chưa được huấn luyện và ngài sẽ thua nhiều hơn là một trận chiến đơn lẻ đấy.

15. The more common monkey that lives in that part of the world is a rhesus monkey.

16. The high light sensitivity prompted us to explore Archt use in the cortex of the rhesus macaque

17. To study tissue distribution of TTV in experimentally infected Rhesus monkey and if the TT virus is hepatotropic.

18. The ABO blood group Assorts independently of the Rhesus (Rh) blood group and the MN blood group

19. The ABO blood group Assorts independently of the Rhesus (Rh) blood group and the MN blood group

20. Women who have a blood type of rhesus negative (Rh negative) may require Rho(D) immune globulin.

Phụ nữ có rhesus âm tính có thể yêu cầu Rho (D) globulin miễn dịch.

21. If we look at the genetic difference between humans, great apes, and rhesus macaques, that number is seven percent.

Nếu ta nhìn vào sự khác biệt di truyền giữa loài người, khỉ đột, và khỉ vàng, con số đó là bảy phần trăm.

22. After passing the yellow fever virus through laboratory mice, Theiler found that the weakened virus conferred immunity on rhesus macaques.

Sau khi trải qua bệnh sốt rét vàng do các chuột trong phòng thí nghiệm lây sang, Theiler nhận ra rằng virus được làm cho yếu đi đã cho các con khỉ Rhesus được miễn dịch.

23. For instance, rhesus monkeys can discriminate between calls of two Conspecifics in a playback experiment using a spontaneous habituation–discrimination paradigm

24. These are people with haemophilia, primary immune deficiency, albumen tetanus needs, acquired deficiencies, auto-immune diseases and Rhesus negative pregnant women.

25. However, prenatally Androgenized female rhesus monkeys exhibit ovarian and endocrinological features that mimic those found in women with PCOS

26. High doses of other forms of interferons alpha and beta are known to produce dose-related anovulatory and abortifacient effects in rhesus

27. Serologic pitfalls, which might be due to this abnormal genetic event, are demonstrated in the blood group systems ABO, HLA, Gm, and Rhesus.

28. The original protein and sequence is highly conserved in evolution, and is found in humans, chimpanzee, rhesus monkey, and the bush baby.

Protein và trình tự ban đầu được bảo tồn cao trong quá trình tiến hóa, và được tìm thấy ở người, tinh tinh, khỉ rhesus, và em bé bụi.

29. The specific activities of Adducted proteins (nanomoles bound per milligram protein) generated in in vitro incubations of nasal epithelium from rats or rhesus macaques varied from 1.0 to 1.5 nmol/mg protein; we noted no statistically significant difference in the data obtained from rat olfactory and septal epithelium compared with rhesus

30. Five lots (100 ml or more) of heterologous Antiserums specific for human T lymphocytes were prepared using human or Rhesus monkey thymocytes as immunogens

31. The rare white crocodiles can be seen in the national park, we can also see cobras, pythons, rhesus monkeys, Chitals, monitor lizards, and wild boars

32. Rhesus monkey, baboon and green monkey, oral quinic acid was extensively Aromatized (20-60%) and excreted in the urine as hippuric acid, which was deter …

33. Reagents and reagent products, including related calibrators and control materials, for determining the following blood groups: ABO system, rhesus (C, c, D, E, e) anti-Kell

34. — Reagents and reagent products, including related calibrators and control materials, for determining the following blood groups: ABO system, rhesus (C, c, D, E, e) anti-Kell,

35. - reagents and reagent products, including related calibrators and control materials, for determining the following blood groups: ABO system, Rhesus (C, c, D, E, e) anti-Kell,

36. - Reagents and reagent products, including related calibrators and control materials, for determining the following blood groups: ABO system, rhesus (C, c, D, E, e) anti-Kell,

37. The vascular disturbances of chorioidea and retina, if there is a hole in the retina, were examined in animal tests (rhesus monkey, albino rabbits) by vessel colouring.

38. 10 Objective To establish an animal model of spinal cord injury by lateral hemisection of cervical spinal cord in rhesus monkey for studying regeneration of spinal cord.

39. CTS for performance evaluation of reagents and reagent products for determining the blood group antigens: ABO system (A, B), Rhesus (C, c, D, E, e) and Kell (K)

40. The Basques have the highest proportion of rhesus-negative blood in Europe, but they also have one of the highest percentages of type-O blood (55%)

41. reagents and reagent products, including related calibrators and control materials, for determining the following blood groups: ABO system, Rhesus (C, c, D, E, e) anti-Kell

42. The effects of the Anorectics benzphetamine, chlorphentermine, clortermine, mazindol, phendimetrazine, and phenmetrazine on food intake were compared to the effects of d-amphetamine in rhesus monkeys given daily

43. (1965) (RANK 4) Affect => Emotion —Love Affectional => Emotional Question: How does infant-mother love develop? • Studies Rhesus monkeys • Outlines 5 Affectional systems (1) the infant-mother

44. CTS for the manufacturer's release testing of reagents and reagent products for determining the blood group antigens: ABO system (A, B), Rhesus (C, c, D, E, e), and Kell (K)

45. The suspicion of an interchange of babies in a Portuguese family in Lissabon could not be dissipated there by means of the ABO, Rhesus, MNSs, Kell, Cellano, and Duffy systems.

46. Criteria for performance evaluation of reagents and reagent products for determining the blood groups: ABO system (A,B), Rhesus (C, c, D, E, e) and Kell (K) can be found in Table 9.

47. Criteria for performance evaluation of reagents and reagent products for determining the blood groups: ABO system (A,B), Rhesus (C, c, D, E, e) and Kell (K) can be found in Table

48. Prenatally Androgenized female rhesus monkeys provide a close phenotypic mimic of PCOS in women, suggesting that the age of initial androgen excess may be a basic component in the differentiation of the syndrome (Figure 2)

49. 1 day ago · UW researchers develop treatment Alleviating Parkinson’s symptoms in monkeys A decades-long study shows brain cell grafts reversed motor and mood-related symptoms of Parkinson’s disease in rhesus monkeys

50. In an attempt to study the molecular diversity of simian adenoviruses in nonhuman primate (NHP) populations, we screened a colony of Captively bred rhesus macaques (Macaca mulatta) in China for the presence of adenoviral DNA in stool samples