Nghĩa của từ reverential bằng Tiếng Việt

@reverential /,revə'renʃəl/
* tính từ
- tỏ vẻ tôn kính, tỏ vẻ kính trọng

Đặt câu có từ "reverential"

Dưới đây là những mẫu câu có chứa từ "reverential", trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Anh - Việt. Chúng ta có thể tham khảo những mẫu câu này để đặt câu trong tình huống cần đặt câu với từ reverential, hoặc tham khảo ngữ cảnh sử dụng từ reverential trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Anh - Việt

1. He spoke in reverential tones.

2. A moment of reverential silence, please.

3. He did not seem reverential.

4. He opened the ancient book with reverential care.

5. His name was always mentioned in almost reverential tones.

6. The man of character is also reverential.

7. Our prayers should be thoughtful and reverential, not wordy.

Khi cầu nguyện, chúng ta phải suy nghĩ chín chắn và cung kính, chớ dài dòng.

8. "That's the old foresters" garden,' she said in reverential tones.

9. The reverential hush is thus not only demanded, but enforced.

10. For the Renaissance: a reverential longing to recapture classical antiquity.

11. Awesome (adj.) 1590s, "profoundly reverential," from awe (n.) + -some (1)

12. Older respondents tend to state their replies in honorifics; younger ones are less reverential.

13. Why is our cultivating reverential fear of God the course of wisdom?

Tại sao việc chúng ta vun trồng lòng kính sợ Đức Chúa Trời là đường lối khôn ngoan?

14. Love of God is made a duty, but reverential fear is the predominant emotion.

15. Charles has the conservatives' reverential attitude towards the enduring and natural forces of nature.

16. This was perhaps the first attempt at a reverential realisation of India as our motherland.

17. The street in the softer hours of the morning has an almost reverential quiet.

18. Such reverential fear prevents us from doing what is bad and is spiritually healing and refreshing.

Sự kính sợ này sẽ giúp chúng ta tránh làm điều xấu và ngược lại, chúng ta sẽ mạnh khỏe và được mát mẻ về thiêng liêng.

19. The Lakers, meanwhile, spoke of their victory as if it were a cathartic event, almost in reverential tones.

20. Rather, it is a profound sense of reverential awe, respect in its most ennobling form.

Thay vì thế, đó là xúc cảm kính sợ sâu sắc, hình thức kính trọng cao cả nhất.

21. She placed it at his feet and said in a low reverential whisper: "Please accept my offering.

22. It also has the reverential, quasi-mystical approach to artistic creation which always seems to go down well with critics.

23. Still, we can develop strong and deep emotions for God in a reverential way, with awe.—Psalm 89:7.

Tuy thế, chúng ta có thể vun trồng những cảm xúc thiết tha và sâu đậm đối với Đức Chúa Trời trong sự kính sợ và khâm phục (Thi-thiên 89:7).

24. Producer Brian Grazer said they were too "reverential" when adapting The Da Vinci Code, which resulted in it being "a little long and stagey."

Nhà sản xuất Brian Grazer nói rằng họ đã phải tỏ vẻ rất tôn kính khi làm phim dựa trên Mật mã Da Vinci, và điều này gây ra một chút dài lê thê và hơi kệch cỡm.

25. Hanging on the wall behind her was a cowhide imprinted with a reverential image of Chairman Mao — a new work by the Chinese artist Zhang Huan.

26. Jesus – someone called by the reverential terms "Teacher and Lord" – performed a menial task on persons well beneath him on the social ladder!

27. Dun Brython welcomes all who approach the Brythonic deities with a reverential attitude regardless of race, gender, sexual orientation, disabilities, mental health, spiritual path, or location

28. Ye’ll come and find the place where I am lying / And kneel and say an Ave there for me.· A reverential salutation.··Abbreviation of Avenue

29. He was one of those whom the book had captivated and used frequently to send reverential offerings of books or cloth[38] to the address of the reputed authoress.

30. Given Pasolini's well-known reputation as an atheist, a homosexual, and a Marxist, the reverential nature of the film came as a surprise, especially after the controversy of La ricotta.

Pasolini nổi tiếng là một người vô thần, một người đồng tính luyến ái, và một người theo chủ nghĩa Marx, nên tính chất tôn kính trong bộ phim này của ông là đáng ngạc nhiên, nhất là sau những tranh cãi về cuốn phim ngắn La ricotta của ông.

31. The place was packed with hushed soldiers and reverential young pioneers, all duly being shown just how much their leaders were loved by the rest of the world.

32. History of religion refers to the theory of history on the unrealistic existence of social and historical imagination as well as the virtual and reverential history.

33. Consider: The brain enables us to breathe, laugh, cry, solve puzzles, build computers, ride a bicycle, write poetry, and look up at the night sky with a sense of reverential awe.

Hãy xem xét điều này: Nhờ bộ não, chúng ta có thể thở, cười, khóc cũng như giải đáp những câu hỏi khó, tạo ra máy vi tính, đi xe đạp, làm thơ và nhìn lên bầu trời về đêm với cảm giác tôn kính sâu xa.

34. But meditation is a much broader term than many people realize, and the reverential monk image respresents only a minute fraction of what the world of meditation actually consists of.

35. This page shows answers to the clue Awful, followed by ten definitions like “Applied intensively”, “Full of awe; reverential” and “Inspiring fear; dreadful”.Synonyms for Awful are for example abysmal, appalling and atrocious.More synonyms can …

36. And she had in fact tried to die, barring her bedroom door and eating nothing but bread and water for three days, until she was overcome by the reverential terror she felt for her father.

37. The heart of our life as Canonesses is the solemn and reverential celebration of the Sacred Liturgy together in choir, amid a monastic life of prayer within the context of the Rule of St.

38. If you've ever had a crush on a person, even if this man is and you fight little cousin, you also can really understand, so the nostalgic is how of reverential awe and swayed lost.

39. ‘I sipped, cautiously, and then slurped, Appreciatively.’ ‘Once the ensuing reverential silence has descended, spoon out into bowls, inundate with custard and eat slowly and Appreciatively.’ ‘There's no need to feel nervous about reading your work; members are more likely to coo Appreciatively than tear your piece apart.’

40. ‘I sipped, cautiously, and then slurped, Appreciatively.’ ‘Once the ensuing reverential silence has descended, spoon out into bowls, inundate with custard and eat slowly and Appreciatively.’ ‘There's no need to feel nervous about reading your work; members are more likely to coo Appreciatively than tear your piece apart.’