Nghĩa của từ redouble bằng Tiếng Việt

@redouble /ri'dʌbl/
ngoại động từ
- làm to gấp đôi; làm cho to hơn; tăng thêm, tăng cường thêm
=to redouble one's efforts+ cố gắng gấp đôi; cố gắng hơn nữa, nổ lực hơn nữa
nội động từ
- gấp đôi; to hơn, nhiều hơn, mạnh hơn (trước đây)

Đặt câu có từ "redouble"

Dưới đây là những mẫu câu có chứa từ "redouble", trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Anh - Việt. Chúng ta có thể tham khảo những mẫu câu này để đặt câu trong tình huống cần đặt câu với từ redouble, hoặc tham khảo ngữ cảnh sử dụng từ redouble trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Anh - Việt

1. We must redouble our efforts.

2. We redouble our efforts for Manhan's release.

3. From now on we'll redouble our efforts.

4. Call — Any bid, double, redouble or pass.

5. 7 If we redouble our efforts, our dream will translate into reality.

6. The only correct form is the single word " Redouble "

7. I will redouble my caution in the future.

Sau này sẽ cẩn thận hơn gấp bội.

8. Society should redouble its efforts to give everyone equal opportunities.

9. There isn't much time ahead , so we should redouble our effort.

10. The government, he said, must redouble their efforts to beat crime.

11. Relever or re-lever (Slang) Redouble; by extension from lever.

12. Three, we will redouble efforts to boost rural infrastructure development.

13. If we are to succeed, we must redouBle our efforts.

14. Some will redouble their commitment to nonsense, like Project Pat.

15. Our prize is slipping from our grasp. We must redouble our efforts.

16. We must redouble our efforts to make up for the lost time.

17. We hope that you should redouble your efforts in your sales pushing.

18. This first defeat, however, only spurred leaders to redouble their propaganda and seek new allies.

19. We will have to redouble our loving care of the saplings that have just been planted.

20. Let us redouble our exertions, and strike with united strength while life and power remained.

21. The leading banks are expected to redouble their efforts to keep the value of the dollar down.

22. 20 The president also called on nations to redouble their efforts to negotiate an international trade agreement.

23. Parties must also redouble efforts for early adoption of a Code of Conduct on the basis of consensus.

24. The punishment, as it were, is so severe that they redouble their efforts to avoid encountering it again.

25. We call upon all states to redouble efforts to strengthen the international legal regime for the peaceful uses of outer space. 13.

26. Government has called upon all states to redouble efforts to strengthen the international legal regime for the peaceful uses of outer space.

27. An appropriate response, it seemed, would have been for the company to redouble its efforts to improve its own offering.

28. And I made myself a bargain that if only I redouble my efforts to be perfect and never make another mistake again, please make the voices stop.

Và tôi tự mặc cả với bản thân rằng giá như tôi cố gắng gấp đôi để trở nên hoàn hảo và không bao giờ phạm sai lầm nào nữa, xin hãy để sự day dứt của lương tâm dừng lại.

29. Now, be steeped to the lips in in this lawsuit, can so say, they need to redouble one's efforts, in order to avoid similar issue.

30. As we see countries start to close diplomatic and economic paths to the DPRK, we have seen Pyongyang redouble its efforts to generate currency and cultivate other diplomatic relationships.

31. At the same time, we appeal to the Kosovo Albanians to redouble their efforts to ensure the freedom and rights of minorities and to increase their outreach to all communities.

32. The decision to permit the rule of Sharia law came as the Obama administration was encouraging the Pakistanis to do the opposite — to redouble their military efforts against the Taliban terrorists in these mountainous regions.

33. While we redouble our efforts to address challenges of WMD priferation, we must also be aware of other emerging security challenges, which may erode security of the ‘Global Commons’ that cover outer-space, cyber space and global transport and communication networks.

34. India hopes that all parties to the disputes in the South China Sea will abide by the guidelines on the implementation of the Declaration on the Conduct of Parties in the South China Sea, and redouble efforts for early adoption of a Code of Conduct on the basis of consensus.

35. We need o redouble efforts in the multilateral negotiations to ensure full, effective and sustained implementation of the UN Framework Convention and its Kyoto Protocol, and to conclude these negotiations with a balanced, comprehensive and above all, an equitable outcome, with equal emphasis on all four pillars – mitigation, adaptation, finance and technology transfer.

36. We need to redouble efforts in these multilateral negotiations, especially after last year’s Copenhagen Conference, to ensure full, effective and sustained implementation of the UN Framework Convention and its Kyoto Protocol, and to conclude these negotiations with a balanced, comprehensive and above all, an equitable outcome, with equal emphasis on all four pillars – mitigation, adaptation, finance and technology transfer.

37. Balefully, they eyed a "good number of the low, mischievous, and disgusting publications now on the table."The committee was in fact already intimately familiar with these types of publications, but their review of them inspired the RTS to redouble their efforts "to publish tracts with the express purpose of meeting and suppressing the lowest class of books now circulating."

38. I had three other appeals that I wanted to make: first, to call on President Hamid Karzai, after receiving the compelling vote of confidence from the Emergency Loya Jirga, to redouble his efforts to extend the authority of the Transitional Administration beyond Kabul; secondly, to call on the Afghan diaspora to respond to President Karzai’s call for them to return to help in the reconstruction of Afghanistan, which would go much further in helping Afghanistan than criticism from afar; and thirdly, to call on the Afghan delegates who participated in the Emergency Loya Jirga and who showed a tremendous amount of political courage and maturity to continue to display the same degree of commitment in the months and years ahead.