Nghĩa của từ punctate bằng Tiếng Việt

@punctate /'pʌɳkteit/ (punctated) /'pʌɳkteitid/
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Đặt câu có từ "punctate"

Dưới đây là những mẫu câu có chứa từ "punctate", trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Anh - Việt. Chúng ta có thể tham khảo những mẫu câu này để đặt câu trong tình huống cần đặt câu với từ punctate, hoặc tham khảo ngữ cảnh sử dụng từ punctate trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Anh - Việt

1. Punctate keratitis occurs in the infected area.

2. Some examples of different types of Areolae include lineolate (Navicula), punctate (Gomphoneis) and loculate (Diploneis).

3. Punctate Basophilia is a disorder of young red cells which show several deep blue dots on Romanowsky staining

4. Basophilic stippling or punctate basophilia means the presence of numerous Basophilic granules distributed throughout the cell (Fig

5. Punctate Calcifications are a subset of round Calcifications and, by definition, are <0.5 mm in size

6. Adherens junctions occur in different cell types, and either form plaque-containing linear (zonula adhaerens) or punctate (punctum adhaerens

7. Reactions occurring in 10% to 40% of patients included ptosis, lid erythema, lid edema, chemosis, itching, punctate keratitis, corneal edema, Browache…

8. Reactions occurring in 10% to 40% of patients included ptosis, lid erythema, lid edema, chemosis, itching, punctate keratitis, corneal edema, Browache, photophobia and headaches

9. Reactions occurring in 10% to 40% of patients included ptosis, lid erythema, lid edema, chemosis, itching, punctate keratitis, corneal edema, Browache…

10. Pronotum slightly convex, gradually narrowed anterad from base, emarginate at anterior margin, feebly Bisinuate behind head; surface evenly punctate as head; marginal pronotal stria complete, well impressed

11. Seven of 38 patients using one batch of acyclovir ointment developed minor punctate staining with Bengal rose on the lower third of the bulbar conjunctiva.

12. Basophilic stippling, also known as punctate basophilia, is the presence of numerous Basophilic granules that are dispersed through the cytoplasm of erythrocytes in a peripheral blood smear

13. Avascularised scleral bed and the superficial punctate keratitis that appeared in our patients, although in a mild form, is a symp-tom ofthe toxic and antimetabolic effect of the drug

14. We report the cases of two patients whose respirators produced a continuous flow of pressurized air (nCPAP) onto the operated eye, leading to conjunctival hyperemia, recurrent corneal erosion, infiltration of the puncture track and the cornea, and superficial punctate keratopathy.

15. Partial Differential Diagnosis of Red Eye Conjunctivitis* Bacterial Viral Allergic Vision Pain Photophobia Foreign-body sensation Itch Tearing Discharge Pre-auricular adenopathy Pupils Conjunctival hyperemia Cornea Normal – +/– +/– +/– + Mucopurulent – Normal Diffuse Clear Normal – – +/– +/– ++ Mucoid + Normal Diffuse Sometimes faint punctate staining or infiltrates Normal Normal – – – ++ + – – Normal Diffuse Clear

16. Conjunctivitis* Bacterial Conjunctivitis* Viral Conjunctivitis* Allergic Corneal Injury or Infection Uveitis (Iritis) Glaucoma Vision Normal Normal Normal Reduced or very reduced Reduced Very reduced Pain - - - + + +++ Photophobia +/- - - + ++ - Foreign-body sensation +/- +/- - + - - Itch +/- +/- ++ - - - Tearing + ++ + ++ + - Discharge Mucopurulent Mucoid - - - - Pre-auricular adenopathy - + - - - - Pupils Normal Normal Normal Normal or small Small Moderately dilated and fixed Conjunctival hyperemia Diffuse Diffuse Diffuse Diffuse with ciliary flush Ciliary flush Diffuse with ciliary flush Cornea Clear Sometimes faint punctate staining or infiltrates Clear Depends on disorder Clear or lightly cloudy Cloudy Intraocular pressure Normal Normal Normal Normal Reduced, normal or absent Increased +, present (to various degrees); -, absent; +/-, may be present. *Hyperthyroidism may cause conjunctival injection.