Nghĩa của từ public good bằng Tiếng Việt

@Public good
- (Econ) Hàng hoá công cộng.
+ Một hàng hoá hoặc dịch vụ mà nếu đã cung cấp cho một người nào đó thì đối với những người khác cũng được cung cấp như vậy mà không phải chịu bất cứ chi phí nào thêm.
@Chuyên ngành kinh tế
-công ích
-hàng hóa quốc dâ

Đặt câu có từ "public good"

Dưới đây là những mẫu câu có chứa từ "public good", trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Anh - Việt. Chúng ta có thể tham khảo những mẫu câu này để đặt câu trong tình huống cần đặt câu với từ public good, hoặc tham khảo ngữ cảnh sử dụng từ public good trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Anh - Việt

1. [Science for the public good]

[Khoa học vì lợi ích công chúng]

2. Should It'still be deemed a public good?

3. It is not conducive to the public good.

4. Private interest was not allowed to predominate over the public good.

5. They can't subordinate those interests to the greater global public good.

Họ không thể đặt các mối quan tâm đó sau lợi ích toàn cầu lớn hơn.

6. The public good is the rule and measure of all law - making.

7. He is always ready to sacrifice his personal interest to public good.

8. Politicians dress up their ruthless ambition as a pursuit of the public good.

9. These families used a lot of their own money for the public good.

10. Inventions are an example of a public good, which we discussed in Chapter

11. The opinions I have had of its errors I sacrifice to the public good.

12. Choices for correcting the imbalance between public good and private cost consist, basically, of:

13. Since these provide a public good, they must be funded by a general levy.

14. This is how little successes can be leveraged to more broadly advance the public good.

15. Knowledge is to some extent excludible so it might be considered an impure public good.

16. The espousal of a notion of public good, drawing people beyond the personal and consumerist .

17. Their activities exploited every opportunity meetings , memorials , petitions , addresses and ' protests for the public good ' .

18. Statistics shows that the participation rate for public good of Chinese millionaires is extremely low.

19. First, and perhaps most fundamentally, is the fact Alluded to earlier - knowledge is a public good.

20. iii. Creation of baseline geoscientific data as a public good for open dissemination free of charge.

21. The authors make an evaluation of forest quality based on public good forest and commodity forest.

22. The optimal size of the local authority depends on the kind of public good under consideration.

23. Abstract: Clientelism is common in developing countries, and often detrimentally affects political accountability and public good provision

24. Fair and reasonable criticism of a judicial act in the interest of public good does not constitute contempt .

25. Precautionary decisions may impose costs on certain segments of society to achieve net benefits for the public good.

26. It is quite possible that that arrangement is the one that is most conducive to the public good.

27. In this view, men starved amid abundance because goods were produced for private gain and not for public good.

28. Vigilance is certainly required that funding allocated for the public good should not be siphoned off into private firms.

29. We sum vertically at a given quantity because everyone consumes the same quantity of a public good by definition.

30. Judged from his whole works , Aristotal unfurled his thoughts from four perspectives, ie. law , citizen, mutual benefit and public good.

31. To illustrate this, we modify the model and suppose that the public good is an alternative to a private good.

32. A local public good is to be provided in each locality and the cost is to be shared equally by residents.

33. In Fig. 11-9 are illustrated the preferences of the median voter over a private good and the local public good.

34. So a private sector agent will only provide a public good if his private benefits exceed the costs of producing the good.

35. A recent Mainichi Shimbun newspaper poll found that only 10 percent of respondents thought government bureaucrats seek to fulfill the public good.

36. The grand inquisitor of the Spanish Inquisition spouts the loftiest of motives. The Salem witchcraft trials were conducted for the public good.

37. Of course, each King of Ireland would have the right to confer hereditary peerages on heroes and contributors to the public good.

38. According to the IPCC's 2014 assessment report, "Mitigation is a public good; climate change is a case of the 'tragedy of the commons'.

Theo báo cáo đánh giá năm 2014 của IPCC "Việc giảm thiểu là một lợi ích công cộng; thay đổi khí hậu là một trường hợp 'cha chung không ai khóc'.

39. Well-meaning people acting in what they feel is the public good have censored or bowdlerized everything from the Bible to The Wizard of Oz.

40. Vocational education and training is a public good, and quality in VET needs control for the sake of the citizens and the society as a whole

41. In this way, big-firm pro bono serves not merely as a vehicle to advance the public good, but also as a source of professional legitimation .

42. 1.7. Vocational education and training is a public good, and quality in VET needs control for the sake of the citizens and the society as a whole.

43. Them from Advantaging a single firm by giving them the right to place parcel locker systems in public spaces, unless other companies also have access to this public good

44. Along with the economic globalization, taking the public good in anti-dumping system is significant trend of modern anti-dumping law, and is common feature of modern economic law.

45. Yet there Hon. Paul Martin, The Public Good in the is growing evidence that the rising Age of Globalization, Congress of the Social tide is not lifting all boats.

46. In response to the perceived quality of a public good, households may choose to incur Avertive expenditures as a substitute to its aggregate provision, thereby revealing an (inverse) demand function

47. A Private College for the Public Good Bard College seeks to inspire curiosity, a love of learning, idealism, and a commitment to the link between higher education and civic participation.

48. The Alga Mission Alga empowers our local government auditing community through excellence in advocacy, education, communication, and collaboration to protect and enhance the public good while embracing diversity, equity, and inclusiveness.

49. Downloadable! In response to the perceived quality of a public good, households may choose to incur Avertive expenditures as a substitute to its aggregate provision, thereby revealing an (inverse) demand function

50. Because primarily of the power of the Internet, people of modest means can band together and amass vast sums of money that can change the world for some public good if they all agree.