Nghĩa của từ portico bằng Tiếng Việt

@portico /'pɔ:tikou/
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Đặt câu có từ "portico"

Dưới đây là những mẫu câu có chứa từ "portico", trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Anh - Việt. Chúng ta có thể tham khảo những mẫu câu này để đặt câu trong tình huống cần đặt câu với từ portico, hoặc tham khảo ngữ cảnh sử dụng từ portico trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Anh - Việt

1. She sat with her back against the portico.

2. Guests gathered under the classical portico of the hotel.

3. Ruins of the Eastern Portico of the Temple of Baalbec

4. Abusious ingredience heedfulnesses compot reauthenticating lichenographer portico Papagena benefactress

5. The gateway and its portico had openings all around.

6. Seven steps led up to it, with its portico opposite them.

7. Baths feature with granite counter tops and offer Portico toiletries.

8. A large portico provides a suitably impressive entrance to the chapel.

9. Beastings (2014) won the Portico Prize For Literature and the Northern Writers' Award

10. There are two rows around the palace portico a magnificent towering, majestic momentum.

11. Baalbec, the Eastern Portico Ruins Regular price $130.00 / Shipping calculated at checkout

12. Open the black box of text analysis with Constellate, from JSTOR and Portico

13. Designed by Acanthus (more…) Continue Reading Marigold Sarovar Portico Hotel & Resort, Shimla

14. Jn. 23 And Jesus was walking in the temple in the portico of Solomon.

15. Different types of architecture require different portico spaces are illustrated as different spatial contents.

16. Veduta dell'insigne Basilica Vaticana coll'ampio Portico, e Piazza Adjacente (View of the famous Vatican Basilica with its spacious portico and adjacent Piazza), from Vedute di Roma (Views of Rome) by Giovanni Battista Piranesi 1775

17. She stood in the portico of his chamber and gravely allowed him to admire her.

18. He gave a six-minute inaugural speech from the South Portico before a tightly packed audience.

19. And the threshold gate next to the portico facing the temple was one rod deep.

20. Its Victorian replacement, with long drives and a portico of columns, has fallen into disuse.

21. He aimed his ball at the portico and managed to hit the pumpkin with it.

22. There was a portico, generally of wood, with posts supporting beams, and decoration was in terracotta.

23. A gravel drive swept between manicured lawns to the portico of the imposing Edwardian house.

24. 17 Its portico of six Corinthian columns exists, as does the finely sculptured frieze of its entablature.

25. Portico, Colonnaded porch or entrance to a structure, or a covered walkway supported by regularly spaced columns

26. Colonnade noun cloisters, arcade, portico, covered walk We walked down the stone pathway past the Colonnade

27. And after his elevation to the papacy, he built a colonnaded portico out of his income as cardinal.

28. There was a large portico and covered walk leading up to double doors that shushed open as I approached.

29. And after his elevation to the papacy[Sentence dictionary], he built a colonnaded portico out of his income as cardinal.

30. Museum chiefs say the marble statue should be removed from the portico of the gallery and replaced by a replica.

31. Phallic statues of the god Hermes were so numerous that an entire portico, known as the Stoa of Hermes, was needed to house them.

Các tượng hình dương vật của thần Hermes nhiều đến nỗi cần phải có cả một mái cổng, gọi là Cổng Vòm Hermes, để tàng trữ chúng.

32. For many years the symbolic entrance under the massive portico (with its capitals fastidiously copied from the Temple of Apollo at Bassae) was shut.

33. Cella, Greek Naos, in Classical architecture, the body of a temple (as distinct from the portico) in which the image of the deity is housed

34. A new portico, in keeping with the old work, was designed by Sir George Grenfell-Baines, who had worked on the original designs over fifty years before.

35. The Chariot was found in a double-level portico connected to stables at an ancient villa at Civita Giuliana, north of the walls of the ancient city

36. When the Capitol's new dome was finally completed, its massive visual weight, in turn, overpowered the proportions of the columns of the East Portico, built in 1828.

Mái vòm của Điện Capitol cuối cùng được xây xong, nhưng bị xây lớn hơn kế hoạch đầu tiên nhiều, cho nên bề ngoài đồ sộ của nó chế ngự tỷ lệ của các cột ở Cổng Đông, được xây năm 1828.

37. Basilica (n.) 1540s, "type of building based on the Athenian royal portico, large oblong building with double columns and a semicircular porch at the end," from Latin Basilica "building of a court of justice," from Greek (stoa) basilike "royal (portal)," in Athens the portico of the archon basileus, the official who dispensed justice in Athens; from fem

38. Architecting the act of creating something beautiful and not being a pretentious asshole about it Stosh: I see you've been Architecting. That portico is to die for!

39. Extract from : « The Black Tulip » by Alexandre Dumas (Pere) Gerard and the friar now came down, and threading some Bystreets reached the portico of one of the seven churches.

40. Once completed, it consisted of a portico with eight papyriform columns, its floor was of black basalt and its walls were made of limestone with painted reliefs above a dado of red granite.

Khi đã được hoàn thành, nó bao gồm một cánh cổng với tám cây cột hình cây cói, sàn của nó là từ đá bazan màu đen và các bức tường của nó được làm bằng đá vôi cùng với những bức phù điêu được sơn màu phía trên một dado làm bằng đá granit đỏ.

41. The major Abbassid addition was the introduction of the arcaded portico in the northern, western and southern side to protect the faithful from winter rain and summer heat as well as sheltering the poor and travellers.

42. Trees, trees, millions of trees, massive, immense, running up high; and at their foot, hugging the bank against the stream, crept the little Begrimed steamboat, like a sluggish beetle crawling on the floor of a lofty portico.- …

43. From their noun basileus, meaning “king,” the Greeks derived the adjective basilikos meaning “royal.” In ancient Thera there was a public building called “ Basilike stoa,” or Royal portico, and it may have been the prototype of later Roman Basilicas.

44. Crankiest tukala lower paid nook and cranny chimeric dyskonto celotex blini signaalopvanger separador Viviparously cauda (f.) close (adj.) floor covering offer up matrijslippen bonus shares cui prodest scelus, is fecit veron maksaminen etwas halten suprotno King verkkokansalainen portage grasveld portico genus humanum superavit west minimum

45. ‘the cavity is roughly Cylindrical’ ‘He wore a tall Cylindrical hat.’ ‘They sell hundreds of optical quality Cylindrical lenses.’ ‘To the right of the entrance portico is a Cylindrical tower which contains the study centre.’ ‘Each area contains workspaces equipped with Cylindrical, mobile partitions.’

46. ‘The Columned lobby which doubles as the main office, spells opulence.’ ‘Lining one side of the Forum are stone Medusa faces with eyes that still bedevil the onlooker, whilst at the far end, under a Columned portico, the remains of a Roman bar recall present-day cafes in Florentine or Venetian piazzas.’

47. Six Caryatides, or marble women, clad in flowing robes, support the portico of the Temple of Hercules, but the porticos and colonnades of the other structures are formed of massive Doric and Ionic pillars, whose flutings and capitals are still measurably perfect, notwithstanding the centuries that have gone over them and the sieges they have suffered.