Nghĩa của từ poor (the ...) bằng Tiếng Việt

@Chuyên ngành kinh tế
-cùng dân
-người bần cùng
-người nghèo

Đặt câu có từ "poor the ..."

Dưới đây là những mẫu câu có chứa từ "poor the ...", trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Anh - Việt. Chúng ta có thể tham khảo những mẫu câu này để đặt câu trong tình huống cần đặt câu với từ poor the ..., hoặc tham khảo ngữ cảnh sử dụng từ poor the ... trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Anh - Việt

1. If the associations are poor, the effects will be poor.

Nếu các bạn bè của chúng xấu, thì ảnh hưởng sẽ xấu (I Cô-rinh-tô 15:33).

2. Since my parish was poor, the bishop’s portion was never very impressive.

3. Even though most in the area were poor, the district was clean and peaceful.

Mặc dù đa số người dân ở đó nghèo, nhưng khu vực ấy sạch sẽ và yên bình.

4. But performance is poor, the steering light and lifeless, ergonomics messy and the gearbox jerky.

5. Most of its students are the provincial poor, the target audience of leftist guerrilla groups.

6. When He was on earth He served the poor, the ignorant, the sinner, the despised.

Khi Ngài sống trên thế gian, Ngài đã phục vụ người nghèo nàn, người dốt nát, người tội lỗi, người bị khinh khi.

7. The site of Amputation will depend on how poor the blood supply to your leg is

8. (John 6:38) That is why he had compassion for the downtrodden, the poor, the sinners.

(Giăng 6:38) Vì thế ngài có lòng trắc ẩn đối với những người bị áp bức, người nghèo và người có tội.

9. Miscellaneous fill low - intensity, high - compression, the uniformity of poor, the general also has collapsible water.

10. The county administrator grew up poor, the son of sharecroppers, in a house with no indoor plumbing.

11. That means every vote for Nader is a vote against women, minorities, the poor, the hungry, the homeless.

12. This was a loving arrangement in behalf of the poor, the alien residents, the orphans, and the widows.

13. The unemployed, the poor, the chronically sick and disabled and of course children would need to be covered by public money.

14. It is not confined to the young or the old, the rich or the poor, the little known or the public figure.

Sự cần có bạn không giới hạn cho người trẻ tuổi hay lớn tuổi, người giàu hay kẻ nghèo, người không tiếng tăm hay nhân vật nổi tiếng.

15. Body lice infestations can spread rapidly under crowded living conditions where hygiene is poor (the homeless, refugees, victims of war or natural disasters).

16. When people on the earth give away food grains as alms to the poor , the bag gets refilled and the eclipse is lifted .

17. She took into their home the poor, the sick, and the widowed and orphaned, and she even clothed the dead in their clean temple robes.

Bà đón về nhà mình những người nghèo khó, bệnh tật, và các quả phụ và cô nhi, và bà thậm chí còn tẩm liệm cho những người đã khuất bằng các trang phục đi lễ đền thờ sạch sẽ của vợ chồng bà.

18. An Almanac for 1582 predicts the commons will be "factious...quarrelous, impatient, and outragious, one envying the estate and degree of another: as the poor the rich, the ploughman the gentleman."

19. Africanization is about liberation – the comprehensive liberation of all Africa and all Africans – but more specifically the liberation of the poor, the Black, the women and most specifically Black or African women

20. In spite of his later atheism and Antiecclesiasticism, Marx could not quite forget Jesus' concern for "the least of these." In his writings, he champions the cause of the poor, the exploited, and the disinherited

21. By the 17th century, at the same time as the system was being extended to include the children of the poor, the children of the gentry, under economic pressures, were being Apprenticed to merchants and manufacturers and to lawyers and doctors.

22. *Christianity played a significant role in Acculturizing Africans to America *Baptists and Methodists had the most black converts due to their appeal to the poor *The First Baptist Church in Nashville conducted workshops on non-violence *In 1945 the Nashville Mason Temple became the largest meeting place for African Americans

23. 8 Let each company abear an equal proportion, according to the dividend of their property, in taking the poor, the bwidows, the cfatherless, and the families of those who have gone into the army, that the cries of the widow and the dfatherless come not up into the ears of the Lord against this people.

24. So great were the services rendered by these new communities to the poor, the sick, the young, and even the missions, that the Holy See expressly confirmed several constitutions, but for a long time refused to confirm the congregations themselves, and the formula of commendation or ratification contained this restriction citra tamen Approbationem conservatorii (without approbation of the …

25. He left countless projects in Guatemalan lands, such as being the first Alphabetist of Guatemala, the construction of a hospital for the poor, the introduction of the traditional posadas, the nacimientos, the construction of the Calvario de Antigua, and the convent of Nuestra Señora de Belén and the Bethlemite order in its masculine and