Nghĩa của từ patrimony bằng Tiếng Việt

@patrimony /'pætriməni/
* danh từ
- gia sản, di sản
- tài sản của nhà thờ (đạo Thiên chúa)
@Chuyên ngành kinh tế
-di sả

Đặt câu có từ "patrimony"

Dưới đây là những mẫu câu có chứa từ "patrimony", trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Anh - Việt. Chúng ta có thể tham khảo những mẫu câu này để đặt câu trong tình huống cần đặt câu với từ patrimony, hoặc tham khảo ngữ cảnh sử dụng từ patrimony trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Anh - Việt

1. His grandfather left the patrimony to him.

2. Gambling has come to the rescue of China's cultural patrimony.

3. Recoverable pecuniary damage is a diminution of the victim's patrimony caused by the damaging event.

4. They maintained a superior legal position and imposed traditional notions of patrimony.

5. We Catholics of the Anglican patrimony, of course, have always been preoccupied with Birettas

6. Families were therefore nuclear and patriarchal and only one son inherited the patrimony.

7. Normally feudal grants were made within the Patrimony and the Papal State in return for military service.

8. The spontaneity music has excludes it as a luxury item a patrimony of society.

9. He was the author of the law that incorporated the Sorocabana Railroad to the São Paulo State patrimony.

Ông là tác giả của luật pháp đã kết hợp Đường sắt Sorocabana vào di sản của Tiểu bang São Paulo.

10. Synonyms for Bequeathal include legacy, inheritance, heritage, bequest, endowment, benefaction, patrimony, birthright, heirloom and bestowal

11. They shall have like portions to eat, beside cometh of the sale of his patrimony.

12. Natural resources are seen by many as a national patrimony, meaning all profits should be shared.

13. Birthright noun right, due, heritage, privilege, patrimony Freedom is the natural Birthright of every human

14. The whites displaced the Indians by force of arms , got their patrimony by fraudulent treaties.

15. India’s historical patrimony is very different from China’s, for example, not to mention the singular experience of Japan.

16. First, because it tended to accumulate wealth rather than administer its property as “the patrimony of the poor.”

17. In the 1930's, The National Trust began its campaign to save Britain's patrimony of threatened country houses.

18. On 23 June 1613 Isaac Jaggard was admitted freeman of the company by patrimony, doubtless to help his father.

19. As control technique, it is not identical with the periodical inventory of the financial administration or of the entire patrimony .

20. Mao Zedong's exploring of socialist construction road is the indelible experience and valuable patrimony that the CCP. grope for socialist system.

21. At the height of his career his whole estate, including his patrimony, was probably worth rather more than £300 a year.

22. Polls were running strongly against selling the country 's mineral patrimony to a company ultimately controlled by the Chinese Communist Party .

Các cuộc thăm dò ý kiến dư luận đang được thực hiện cực lực phản đối việc bán tài nguyên khoáng sản của đất nước cho công ty bị kiểm soát tuyệt đối bởi Đảng Cộng sản Trung quốc .

23. All that pertains to the integrity of the Order's patrimony and structures, namely C. 1-4 and 73-85, is treated by both General Chapters: Abbots' and Abbesses'.

24. Although the first reports , cited above , of looting of the national museum turned out to be exaggerated , the Iraqi pillaging of their own patrimony continued apace over a month later .

25. Prior to 18 the pope's temporal authority extended over a large area of central Italy, the territory of the Papal States that was formally known as the " Patrimony of St Peter".

26. If the son demands his patrimony and gives up food and drink in order to enforce his demand, then the parents hand his share over to him three years before the legal time.

27. Pope Benedict XVI provided an outstanding opportunity to do just that AND retain the Anglican Patrimony so beloved by Anglicans around the world in the writing of Anglicanorum coetibus and the creation of the Anglican Ordinariates in England, Australia, and North America

28. Disponing also to them the heritable and perpetual right and jurisdiction of Sheriffship and Bailiffry within the Bishoprick and Patrimony there∣of, exempting the Inhabitants and Vassals of the Bi∣shoprick in all causes, civil and criminal, from the ju∣risdiction of the Sheriffs and Stewards of the Earl∣dom.

29. During Groussac’s forty-year administration the library’s patrimony was also enriched with many important donations including Angel Justiniano Carranza‘s personal collection, 18,600 volumes from the nineteenth-century legal expert Amancio Alcorta, and Martín García Merou’s collection - which included valuable papers regarding the foundation of the city of Buenos Aires.

30. Such self-knowledge will come only in so far as Europe explores afresh the roots of her identity, roots which reach deep into the classical Hellenistic patrimony and into the Christian heritage which brought to birth a humanism based upon the vision of every human person as created in the image and likeness of God.

31. He is said to have been in the habit of buying little birds in demand for their song at enormous prices and serving them up as Beccaficos and of dissolving pearls of great value in vinegar and sprinkling them over drinks, eager to throw away his large patrimony with all possible speed as though it were a galling load

32. As a result of the 1993 amendments to the Civil Code, married women have obtained the right to administer not only property which belonged to them before marriage (paraphernal property) but also to administer, jointly with the husband, the patrimony acquired by both spouses during marriage when the community of acquests subsists between the spouses.

33. Art. 571: crimes of destruction and arson; art. 572: attacks against individuals (death, serious injuries, abduction); art. 573: arms or ammunition depot, possession or deposit of explosive, flammable, incendiary or asphyxiant substances or devices or of their components, as well as their manufacture, traffic, transportation or supply, and their laying or use; art. 574: any other offence with the above-mentioned aims; art. 575: attacks against the patrimony.

34. The rules regarding matrimonial real property are contained in Book Two, of the Code, entitled "The Family".14 These articles are comprehensive and govern marriage and its solemnization, rights and duties of spouses, family residence, family patrimony, compensatory allowance, matrimonial regimes, partnership of acquests, separation as to property, community regimes, separation from bed and board, dissolution of marriage, civil union, filiation, adoption, obligation of support, parental authority and successions.

35. Another extends his indifference to good morals even to his future wife, or he sinks to such depths of infamy as to be indifferent to his wife's conduct; but go a step further; speak to him of his mother. Is he willing to be treated as the child of an adulteress and the son of a woman of bad character, is he ready to assume the name of a family, to steal the patrimony of the true heir, in a word will he bear being treated as a bastard?