Nghĩa của từ oxidizing agent bằng Tiếng Việt

@Chuyên ngành kỹ thuật
-chất oxi hóa
-chất ôxi hóa

Đặt câu có từ "oxidizing agent"

Dưới đây là những mẫu câu có chứa từ "oxidizing agent", trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Anh - Việt. Chúng ta có thể tham khảo những mẫu câu này để đặt câu trong tình huống cần đặt câu với từ oxidizing agent, hoặc tham khảo ngữ cảnh sử dụng từ oxidizing agent trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Anh - Việt

1. BrominE is a powerful oxidizing agent

2. Bromine is a powerful oxidizing agent

3. Lead(II) nitrate is an oxidizing agent.

Chì(II) nitrat là một tác nhân oxy hóa.

4. Benzoyl peroxide is a non-specific oxidizing agent

5. It is also an oxidizing agent and a Lewis acid.

Nó cũng là một tác nhân oxy hoá và là một axit Lewis.

6. Reflecting its high oxidation state, FeO42− is a powerful oxidizing agent.

Như vậy dễ thấy FeO42− là một chất oxy hoá mạnh.

7. • Bromine is a strong oxidizing agent and is unstable in natural waters

8. In organic chemistry, silver oxide is used as a mild oxidizing agent.

Trong hóa học hữu cơ, oxit bạc được sử dụng làm chất oxy hoá nhẹ.

9. Copper(II) acetate has found some use as an oxidizing agent in organic syntheses.

Đồng (II) acetate đã tìm thấy một số sử dụng như một tác nhân oxy hóa trong tổng hợp hữu cơ.

10. Benzoquinone acts as an oxidizing agent (NTP, 1992). Belongs to the Following Reactive Group (s)

11. The pertechnetate anion is similar to the permanganate anion but is a weaker oxidizing agent.

Anion pertechnetat tương tự anion pemanganat nhưng có tính oxi hoá yếu hơn.

12. The stripping solution comprises an oxidizing agent, an alkaline pH adjuster, and a silver solubilizing agent.

13. It explodes because the Acetylide is a reducing agent and the copper (I) is an oxidizing agent.

14. It is a very powerful oxidizing agent, and liberates oxygen from water slowly, accelerated by exposure to sunlight.

Nó là một chất oxy hoá rất mạnh và giải phóng oxy từ nước từ từ, tăng tốc bằng cách tiếp xúc với ánh sáng mặt trời.

15. Dysprosium nitrate, Dy(NO3)3, is a strong oxidizing agent and will readily ignite on contact with organic substances.

Nitrat dysprosi, Dy(NO3)3, là một tác nhân ôxi hóa mạnh và dễ dàng bắt cháy khi tiếp xúc với các chất hữu cơ.

16. Chair-side Bleaching Your dentist etches your teeth with an acid solution and then applies an oxidizing agent to the enamel

17. Chlorine dioxide is a strong oxidizing agent, bactericide, fungicide, algicide, and antiseptic. It can be applied as gas or in solution

18. For Acetaldehyde synthesis, the chemical that assumes the honorary title 'oxidizing agent' of a primary alcohol is a sodium dichromate/sulfuric acid solution (Na2Cr2O7/H2SO4).

19. Ruthenium tetroxide is a highly aggressive oxidant, but its one-electron reduced derivative is a mild oxidizing agent for the conversion of alcohols to aldehydes.

20. Some major uses of Bromine have been discussed below: Bromine is a good oxidizing agent like other chlorine water and more useful as it does not decompose readily

21. Bromine bond energies tend to be lower than chlorine bond energies but higher than iodine bond energies, and Bromine is a weaker oxidizing agent than chlorine but a stronger oxidizing

22. Treatment with clay, preferably acid treated clay, and more preferably acid treated bentonite clay, after deactivation with the oxidizing agent or reducing agent can further reduce residual tin levels to less than 10 ppm.

23. This corrosion of the conductor roll (21) is considerably slowed by adding an oxidizing agent such as hydrogen peroxide, sodium peroxydisulfate or potassium peroxydisulfate to the acid bath in accord with the present invention.

24. USE: Potassium Bromate is used as a laboratory chemical, oxidizing agent in hair products, and a food additive in flour and malted cereal used for the brewing of beer or distillation of spirits.

25. The cleaner comprises a liquid solution of an oxidizing agent, a liquid detergent surfactant, a scenting agent and an alcohol which is applied to the surfaces of the firearm, preferably with a mild abrasive action.

26. Chromic anhydride definition is - a brilliant red crystalline substance essentially CrO3 that is made from sodium dichromate and sulfuric acid and that is used especially in chromium plating and as an oxidizing agent —called also chromium trioxide, Chromic acid.

27. The slurry for polishing crystalline phase-change materials according to one embodiment of the present invention comprises an abrasive, an alkaline abrasive enhancer, an oxidizing agent having a standard reduction potential higher than that of perchlorates, and ultrapure water.

28. The polishing slurry includes colloidal particles with a particle size less than 60 nm, in an amount between 0.2% to about 10% by weight of slurry, a pH adjustor, a chelating agent, an oxidizing agent in an amount less than 1% by weight of slurry, and polyacrylic acid.

29. What it is: • An inorganic ion, Bromate (Br0 3 –) is a member of the oxyhalide group of chemicals that includes hypochlorite (OCl –), perchlorate (ClO 4 –) and iodate (IO 3 –) and others.It contains bromine in its highest oxidation state +5, so it is an oxidizing agent, especially under acidic conditions.

30. N-Bromosuccinimide (NBS) is a brominating and oxidizing agent that is used as source for bromine in radical reactions (for example: allylic Brominations) and various electrophilic additions.The NBS Bromination of substrates such as alcohols and amines, followed by elimination of HBr in the presence of a base, leads to the products of net oxidation in which no bromine

31. A method of detecting a methylated cytosine of the invention comprises the steps of: hybridizing an oligonucleotide capable of hybridizing to a region containing a cytosine which is expected to be methylated in a sample DNA and having an abasic site at a position complementary to the cytosine to the sample DNA; oxidizing a methylated cytosine by reacting an oxidizing agent with the hybridized sample DNA formed in the previous step when a methylated cytosine is present therein; and detecting the oxidized methylated cytosine.

32. The present application provides a composition in foam form for colouring keratin-containing fibres, more particularly human hair, under induction by atmospheric oxygen, the composition comprising, in a cosmetically acceptable vehicle, at an alkaline pH of 8 to 10.5, (a) as a colour-forming component in the form of a dye precursor of a nature-analogous dye, at least one indole and/or indoline derivative, (b) at least one alkalifying agent, and (c) at least one propellant, the composition comprising no additional oxidizing agent for the colour-forming components.

33. The invention provides for the use of a composition which is prepared immediately prior to application, by the mixing of at least two components, of which component (A) comprises at least hydrogen peroxide as oxidizing agent, in a cosmetically compatible vehicle, and component (B) comprises at least one alkalifying agent, with component (A) also including at least one acylpyridinium derivative of the formula (I), for improving the condition of the hair, for reducing hair damage and for reducing the formation of split hair ends, in each case during the colouring and/or lightening of human hair.

34. The present application provides processes for lightening keratinic fibres, comprising the steps of i. producing the ready-to-use lightening composition immediately prior to application by combining a composition (A) comprising at least one alkalizing agent, a composition (B) comprising at least one oxidizing agent, and a composition (C) comprising at least one peroxo salt, and then mixing, ii. deploying the ready-to-use lightening composition from a foam dispensing vessel and distributing the ready-to-use composition onto the fibres, iii. leaving the lightening composition on the fibres for a period of 1 to 60 min, iv. and washing the remaining lightening composition out of the fibres.