Nghĩa của từ oxidation state bằng Tiếng Việt

@Chuyên ngành kỹ thuật
@Lĩnh vực: hóa học & vật liệu
-trạng thái oxi hóa

Đặt câu có từ "oxidation state"

Dưới đây là những mẫu câu có chứa từ "oxidation state", trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Anh - Việt. Chúng ta có thể tham khảo những mẫu câu này để đặt câu trong tình huống cần đặt câu với từ oxidation state, hoặc tham khảo ngữ cảnh sử dụng từ oxidation state trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Anh - Việt

1. In such cases, gold has a fractional oxidation state.

Trong những trường hợp đó, vàng có một trạng thái ôxi hoá phân đoạn.

2. Amide Derivatives: Oxidation State +3, Tricoordinate5. From Amides

3. Reflecting its high oxidation state, FeO42− is a powerful oxidizing agent.

Như vậy dễ thấy FeO42− là một chất oxy hoá mạnh.

4. In addition to that, the oxidation state of Chromate is six plus

5. Hence, nobelium is the only Actinoid with a +2 oxidation state

6. The sulfur can be considered to be in its +5 oxidation state.

Nguyên tố lưu huỳnh có thể được xem ở trạng thái oxi hóa +5.

7. The −1 oxidation state occurs in aurides, compounds containing the Au− anion.

Trạng thái ôxi hoá −1 xảy ra trong các hợp chất có chứa anion Au−, được gọi là aurua.

8. This oxidation state is also seen in the mineral rhodochrosite (manganese(II) carbonate).

Trạng thái ôxy hóa này cũng được gặp trong khoáng rhodochrosit, (mangan(II) cacbonat).

9. Au(III) (auric) is a common oxidation state, and is illustrated by gold(III) chloride, Au2Cl6.

Au(III) (auric) là một trạng thái ôxi hoá phổ biến và được thể hiện bởi vàng(III) clorua, Au2Cl6.

10. The word nitride refers to the −3 oxidation state of the nitrogen bound to the uranium.

Từ "nitrua" có nghĩa là trạng thái oxy hóa -3 của nitơ liên kết với urani.

11. In most of its compounds, iron has the oxidation state +2 or +3 (Fe2+ or Fe3+).

Trong hầu hết các hợp chất, sắt có trạng thái oxy hoá +2 hay +3 (Fe2+ hay Fe3+).

12. Aldehydes reduce dichromate from the +6 to the +3 oxidation state, changing color from orange to green.

13. Like terbium, trivalent Berkelium can be converted to the +4 oxidation state by strong oxidizing agents.

14. Calculations indicate that a zinc compound with the oxidation state of +4 is unlikely to exist.

Các tính toán chỉ ra rằng hợp chất kẽm có trạng thái ôxi hóa +4 không thể tồn tại.

15. Organometallic compound - Organometallic compound - Metal carbonyl Anions: More remarkable than the formation of zero-oxidation-state metal carbonyls is the reduction of many of these carbonyl compounds to metal carbonyl Anions, in which the metal has a negative oxidation state

16. Arsenide is an ion.Its chemical formula is As 3-.Most Arsenides have arsenic in its -3 oxidation state

17. Such extra stability due to completely filled orbital is not acquired by any other Actinoid in their +2 oxidation state

18. However, cerium is insoluble in its higher oxidation state as the ceric/Cerous mixed oxide but soluble in its lower valence salt state, such as Cerous nitrate, in contrast to chromium that can be soluble in the [Cr.sup.VI] oxidation state and insoluble as a [Cr.sup.III] oxide.

19. The most common oxidation state for americium is +3, in which americium compounds are rather stable against oxidation and reduction.

20. The chloride of this oxidation state is formed only with difficulty and decomposes readily into lead(II) chloride and chlorine gas.

Muối clo ở trạng thái ôxi hóa này khó được tạo ra và dễ bị phân hủy thành chì(II) clorua và khí clo.

21. 5 Oxidative charge-transfer processes are observed in the spectra of complexes of low oxidation state metals with organic amines, such as.

22. Like all actinides, Berkelium easily dissolves in various aqueous inorganic acids, liberating gaseous hydrogen and converting into the trivalent oxidation state

23. As with most lanthanides and actinides, actinium exists in the oxidation state +3, and the Ac3+ ions are colorless in solutions.

24. It is a weak reducing agent, as is sulfur dioxide, sulfites, and any other compound containing sulfur in the +4 oxidation state.

Nó là một chất khử yếu, như lưu huỳnh dioxit, sunfit và bất kỳ hợp chất nào khác có chứa lưu huỳnh ở trạng thái oxy hóa +4.

25. Cerium looses 4 electrons handing them over to the surrounding oxygen leaving aside defects, this means it has a 4+ oxidation state

26. Chromate is an ion that contains one chromium atom (in its +6 oxidation state) and four oxide atoms. Its formula is CrO 4

27. Although its empirical formula, AgO, suggests that silver is in the +2 oxidation state in this compound, AgO is in fact diamagnetic.

Mặc dù công thức thực nghiệm của nó, AgO, cho thấy bạc ở trạng thái ôxy hóa +2 trong hợp chất này, AgO thực tế là một hợp chất nghịch từ.

28. These trends are explained by considering the sulphur to be either a spin donor or a spin acceptor, depending on the oxidation state.

29. Definition: An Alkaloid is a cyclic organic compound containing nitrogen in a negative oxidation state which is of limited distribution among living organism”

30. Molybdenum disulfide (MoS2) consists of separated sulfide centers, in association with molybdenum in the formal +4 oxidation state (that is, Mo4+ and two S2−).

Molypden disunfua (MoS2) bao gồm các gốc sunfua khác biệt, kết hợp với molypden ở trạng thái oxy hóa chính thức +4 (tức là, Mo4+ và hai S2−).

31. This unusual antiferromagnetism transforms into a disordered paramagnetic state at 230 K. The most common oxidation state of terbium is +3, as in Tb 2O 3.

Tính chất phản sắt từ bất thường này chuyển thành trạng thái thuận từ không trật tự ở nhiệt độ 230 K. Trạng thái hóa trị phổ biến nhất của terbi là +3, như trong ôxít terbi (III) (Tb2O3).

32. Berkelium forms a number of chemical compounds, where it normally exists in an oxidation state of +3 or +4, and behaves similarly to its lanthanide analogue, terbium

33. Disclosed a multifunctional catalyst to assemble prodrugs at the P(V) oxidation state through a dynamic kinetic Asymmetric transformation (DYKAT) ( 17 ), expanding greatly on the general principle of catalytic enantioselective

34. Arsenate (As5+) is a common form of arsenic found in water supplies, and is generally less acutely toxic than arsenite (As3+), which is the other common oxidation state discussed below.

35. The identity of titanium species in aqueous solution remains unknown because of its low solubility and the lack of sensitive spectroscopic methods, although only the 4+ oxidation state is stable in air.

Việc xác định loại titan trong dung dịch vẫn còn chưa sáng tỏ do tính tan của nó thấp và thiếu các phương pháp quang phổ hiển vi nhạy cảm để xác định, mặc dù chỉ trạng thái ôxy hóa 4+ là ổn định trong không khí.

36. Definition and Classification of Alkaloids An Alkaloid has been defined by Pelletier as: “a cyclic organic compound containing nitrogen in a negative oxidation state which is of limited distribution among living organisms”

37. Chromic acid may also refer to the molecular species, H 2 CrO 4 of which the trioxide is the anhydride. Chromic acid features chromium in an oxidation state of +6 (or VI)

38. The most stable oxidation state for manganese is +2, which has a pale pink color, and many manganese(II) compounds are known, such as manganese(II) sulfate (MnSO4) and manganese(II) chloride (MnCl2).

Trạng thái ôxy hóa ổn định nhất là mangan +2, nó có màu hồng nhạt, và một số hợp chất mangan (II) đã được biết như mangan(II) sulfat (MnSO4) và mangan(II) clorua (MnCl2).

39. But on very close inspection with x-ray spectroscopy its clear that the Cerium hangs on to at least some of those four electrons and its true oxidation state is in a quantum mechanical limbo some where between 3

40. The isotope Californium-249 has been used in tracer levels and microgram amounts to investigate the chemistry of Californium (which exhibits an oxidation state of +3 in aqueous solution) and for preparing microgram quantities of compounds such as the oxychloride CfOCl, the oxides…

41. The first superactinide, unbiunium (element 121), should be a congener of lanthanum and actinium and should have similar properties to them: its main oxidation state should be +3, although the closeness of the valence subshells' energy levels may permit higher oxidation states, just as in elements 119 and 120.

42. What it is: • An inorganic ion, Bromate (Br0 3 –) is a member of the oxyhalide group of chemicals that includes hypochlorite (OCl –), perchlorate (ClO 4 –) and iodate (IO 3 –) and others.It contains bromine in its highest oxidation state +5, so it is an oxidizing agent, especially under acidic conditions.

43. 1.3.2 Metal Arsenides A large number of metal Arsenides are known and generally can be considered as metal alloys with the formula MAsn, where M is a metal and n =1, 2, or 3. In these compounds arsenic exists in a negative oxidation state; however, bonding is strongly covalent and the compounds are semiconducting in nature.

44. Bottommost, lowest, nadir: 一番下 [いちばんした] building of a Shinto shrine complex built upon the lowest ground: 下宮 [げぐう] eutectic point, lowest melting point: 共晶 [きょうしょう] hypo- -ous (indicating the lowest oxidation state), hypo- -ite: 次亜 [じあ] jonidan (second lowest) division: 序二段 …

45. The subject of the invention is a method of synthesizing a compound MxPy with M being an element belonging to one of columns II to XV of the Periodic Table of the Elements or to the family of lanthanoids or to the family of actinoids, characterized in that it comprises: the reaction of x mol of compound comprising the element M in its 0 oxidation state with y/4n mol of compound (P4)n-. The method of the invention may be carried out at a temperature much lower than those necessary in the methods of the prior art; it also enables the formation of nanoparticles at low temperatures and stoichiometric reaction control.