Nghĩa của từ overlying bằng Tiếng Việt

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Đặt câu có từ "overlying"

Dưới đây là những mẫu câu có chứa từ "overlying", trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Anh - Việt. Chúng ta có thể tham khảo những mẫu câu này để đặt câu trong tình huống cần đặt câu với từ overlying, hoặc tham khảo ngữ cảnh sử dụng từ overlying trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Anh - Việt

1. Buntsandstein is unconformably overlying the Paleozoic.

2. They are alluvial soils overlying stony terraces.

3. Profile Nabbegat is a haplic Arenosol (with Mormoder humus form), overlying a plaggic Anthrosol, overlying a ploughed umbric Podzol (Fig

4. • Removal of the portion of aitch bone and overlying fibrous tissue.

5. · Removal of the portion of aitch bone and overlying fibrous tissue.

6. The Breast is the tissue overlying the chest (pectoral) muscles

7. · Removal of the portion of aitch bone and overlying fibrous tissue

8. · Portion of aitch bone and overlying fibrous tissue retained or removed.

9. Within the studied basins, four seismo-stratigraphic units overlying the acoustic basement were recognized.

10. The loose connective tissue between the alveolar process and the overlying lining epithelium.

11. Contusion: a bodily injury in which small blood vessels are broken but the overlying skin is not.

12. The analysis shows that ozone absorption overlying the nitrogen dioxide absorption bands cannot be ignored.

13. The aquifer is a sand deposit overlying a thick nonfissured layer of Champlain Sea clay.

14. The Buboes stick to deeper tissues and cause the overlying skin to become inflamed, sometimes with fever and malaise

15. Maximum numbers of bacteria generally occur at the pycnocline, where phytodetritus accumulates by sinking from the overlying euphotic zone.

16. Bruise: a bodily injury in which small blood vessels are broken but the overlying skin is not.

17. Its base is limestone bedrock with overlying layers of glacial till, silty clays and wind-blown sand.

18. The foundation of the dyke consists of a layer of interbedded silts and clay overlying a basal sand stratum.

19. Class E Airspace extends upward from either the surface or a designated altitude to the overlying or adjacent controlled Airspace

20. The pressure of the weight of overburden, or overlying rock,(Sentencedict) on a formation; also called geostatic pressure.

21. The granite Batholiths were emplaced more than 10 km subsurface into the overlying gneiss and sedimentary rocks

22. 18 By grafting in another eyecup another lens can be induced to form from the overlying layer.

23. There the quantity of Barren overlying rock and earth is enormous, and detracts immensely from the value of the mines

24. 7 All the associated grave goods belonged to the fourth century, the cemetery itself overlying earlier field boundaries and enclosures.

25. The grooves are most likely formed in a muddy substrate, which preserved them during deposition of the overlying sediment.

26. // Characteristics of the superficial deposits and soils overlying the aquifer including their thickness, porosity, hydraulic conductivity, and absorptive properties;

27. Bruise definition is - an injury involving rupture of small blood vessels and discoloration without a break in the overlying skin : contusion

28. Buboes vary from 1 to 10 cm and elevate the overlying skin, which may be warm and erythematous

29. As the fifth largest continent in the world, Antarctica is also the most Southern, overlying the "South Pole"

30. Limb regeneration requires a Blastema with progenitor cells, immune cells, and an overlying wound epidermis, but molecular identities of these …

31. - characteristics of the superficial deposits and soils overlying the aquifer, including their thickness, porosity, hydraulic conductivity, and absorptive properties,

32. Sphere is Archearl (>2.5 Ga); however, most of the unexposed basement and some exposed basement overlying the tectosphere are Early Proterozoic [Hoffman, 1990]

33. - the thickness, hydraulic conductivity, absorptive and reactive properties of materials overlying the geological unit in which the groundwater is located,

34. Injuries to the talus (the bottom bone of the Ankle joint) that involve both the bone and the overlying cartilage

35. 23 The rubble of solid chilled material overlying the hot core naturally tends to insulate it, and it does so very efficiently.

36. It is characterized by a succession of sandstone and mudstone rhythmites that contrast with the coarse alluvial fan deposits of the overlying Bonaventure Formation.

37. If the gluteus musculature is atrophied and subsequently “absent” from providing shape, the overlying panniculus Adipous is responsible for the “sagging butt” appearance.

38. The accelerator grid include a core and an overlying layer that is made of a material having a mass less than that of the propellant.

39. The lowest Barite blades are truncated their tops (red arrow) indicating that they were already present when the overlying layer was deposited

40. The hot, exploding material also broke apart and melted nearly all of the mountain's glaciers along with most of the overlying snow.

Vật liệu nóng, nổ cũng tan vỡ và tan chảy gần như tất cả của núi cùng với hầu hết tuyết rơi.

41. Leg short cut: style 3 is the same as style 2 except the ischium, vertebrae, aitch bone, and overlying lean and fat are removed.

42. Evidence from the seismic data also indicates that fluids from the accretionary prism are being expelled into the sediments of the overlying Tofino basin.

43. The high water contents of back-arc basin basalt magmas is derived from water carried down the subduction zone and released into the overlying mantle wedge.

Hàm lượng nước cao của magma bazan của bồn trũng sau cung là do nước được mang vào đới hút chìm và giải phóng vào lớp nằm trên manti.

44. Shoshonite nearest the contact with the overlying flow is scoriaceous and, being less weather resistant, has eroded back to form a Conspicuous bench.

45. The leg short cut: style 3 is the same as style 2 except the ischium, vertebrae, aitch bone, and overlying lean and fat are removed.

46. Propagation develops within the working surface of the roll, gradually increasing in depth and width followed by a large surface spall of the overlying barrel surface.

47. A porphyritic mafic rock with a U-Pb zircon age of 150 Ma (Tithonian) has a crystallization Age coeval with marine strata overlying the salt

48. At the dawn of plate tectonics the concept of a weak Asthenosphere layer sandwiched between strong overlying plates and more viscous underlying mantle was widely accepted, albeit vaguely defined

49. The sensory epithelium of the Cristae ampullaris appears as a prominent crest overlying cone-shaped connective tissue; the extracellular membrane of the crista ampullaris is a cone-shaped cupula

50. 14 Heaven knows we need never be ashamed of our tears, for they are rain upon the blinding dust of earth, overlying our hard hearts. Charles Dickens