Nghĩa của từ out of business bằng Tiếng Việt

@Chuyên ngành kinh tế
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Đặt câu có từ "out of business"

Dưới đây là những mẫu câu có chứa từ "out of business", trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Anh - Việt. Chúng ta có thể tham khảo những mẫu câu này để đặt câu trong tình huống cần đặt câu với từ out of business, hoặc tham khảo ngữ cảnh sử dụng từ out of business trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Anh - Việt

1. I'm out of business without ammo!

2. They're putting people like me out of business.

Chúng đang đẩy những người như tớ ra khỏi thị trường.

3. Why did the firm go out of business?

Nhưng tại sao hãng ấy lại phải dẹp tiệm?

4. Banks like this one put them out of business.

Chính những ngân hàng kiểu này đã khiến họ ngừng hoạt động đấy.

5. Maybe the car factory nearby has gone out of business.

Có thể do xưởng ô tô bên cạnh vừa bị phá sản chẳng hạn,

6. Clean out those arteries and put us out of business.

Lo phần động mạch đi nhé.

7. This food stall is supposed to go out of business

Nhưng tiệm ăn đó sắp phải dẹp tiệm rồi.

8. He doesn't even know it went out of business long ago

Anh ta không biết cửa hàng đó đã dẹp tiệm từ lâu!

9. Unfortunately, not very long afterwards the company went out of business.

Không may là, không lâu sau đó công ty phá sản.

10. Yet, some thrive while others struggle or go out of business.

11. Some of our customers, they go bankrupt go out of business.

12. A CERTAIN firm in the United States went out of business.

Một công ty thương mại nọ tại Hoa-kỳ đã phải dẹp tiệm.

13. Weak management and cut-throat competition put the company out of business.

14. Again because of a variety of factors, Burro went out of business

15. Some of our customers - they go bankrupt and go out of business.

16. The trader does not cause the company to go out of business.

17. You must be! Running us all out of business, they say. Balderdash!

18. In those hard times, the car factory had to go out of business.

19. Larry couldn't disguise his satisfaction at seeing his competitor go out of business.

20. Small companies will go out of business if they are not well managed.

21. Bluprint went out of business, which was well communicated to all its subscribers.

22. If we were as vague, we'd be out of business within a week.

23. It will go out of business because it is always in the red.

24. It's a fact that thousands of companies go out of business every year.

25. Because the way the wind's blowing, we may be out of business soon.

Bởi vì theo chiều gió này ta sẽ sớm thất nghiệp.

26. Some companies go out of business because market share is captured by competitors.

27. The advisory council goes out of business now, having delivered its long-awaited report.

28. Most of the downtown bread stores have been driven out of business by stagflation.

29. 15 Pampering, he says, a great deal of the stress out of business travel.

30. In spite of help from Extension, small farmers continue to go out of business.

31. The French Connection, Fernando Rey, the exporters that Frank has put out of business.

Bọn Pháp, Fernando Rey, Bọn xuất khẩu bị Frank chặn đường làm ăn

32. The arrangement with CCC continued until 1970, when the company went out of business.

Việc thỏa thuận với CCC bị kết thúc vào năm 1970, khi công ty này bị phá sản.

33. As dozens of pubs go out of business, others are riding out the recession.

34. Augh! When Palais Royale was going out of business I bought a bunch of cardigans

35. Often a ‘cash crunch’ is a primary reason for dealerships to go out of business.

Thông thường, một 'cuộc khủng hoảng tiền mặt' là lý do chính khiến các đại lý ngừng hoạt động.

36. However, focusing merely on customer effectiveness would eventually mean they could go out of business.

37. But most analysts agree that many health insurance companies would be driven out of business.

38. Word on the street is that Frazier is trying to put you out of business.

nói kiểu chợ búa đó là Frazier đang cố gắng để loại anh ra khỏi việc kinh doanh.

39. If they were not, bird-watching and natural history museums would each go out of business.

40. In such a fiercely competitive environment, it's inevitable that some companies will go out of business.

41. 23 synonyms for Closed: shut, locked, sealed, fastened, shut down, out of business, out of service

42. If because of higher costs and the company goes out of business, who will eventually suffer?

Nếu... vì chi phí cao... và công ty ngưng hoạt động... ai sẽ chịu thiệt hại cuối cùng?

43. The bidder ultimately will go out of business; the only question is how long will it take.”

Nhà thầu cuối cùng sẽ ra khỏi kinh doanh; Câu hỏi duy nhất là nó sẽ mất bao lâu.

44. Unless they can make themselves more relevant and deliver some tangible benefits, they face going out of business.

45. *NOTE: Our supplier for these is going out of business - so get these Blackboards while you still can!*.

46. It is the world's largest defence contractor and definitely not on the brink of going out of business.

47. If we don't stop the bleeding, in three days, half the banks in this room are out of business.

Nếu ta không cầm được máu trong ba ngày nữa, một nửa số ngân hàng trong phòng này sẽ chẳng còn phải làm gì.

48. He relates: “A number of our large customers went out of business owing us hundreds of thousands of dollars.

Anh kể lại: “Một số khách hàng lớn của chúng tôi bị phá sản, nợ chúng tôi hàng trăm ngàn đô-la.

49. Hundreds of smaller chains and stores went out of business, many hurt by price wars waged by appliance chains.

50. I expect the new commission cuts will put a number of bad and so-so travel agents out of business.