Nghĩa của từ obediently bằng Tiếng Việt

- Phó từ của obedient
- ngoan ngoã

Đặt câu có từ "obediently"

Dưới đây là những mẫu câu có chứa từ "obediently", trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Anh - Việt. Chúng ta có thể tham khảo những mẫu câu này để đặt câu trong tình huống cần đặt câu với từ obediently, hoặc tham khảo ngữ cảnh sử dụng từ obediently trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Anh - Việt

1. Obediently Accept Jehovah’s Standards

Vâng lời nhận các tiêu-chuẩn của Đức Giê-hô-va

2. Obediently she slid in beside him.

3. 10 Anne trotted obediently beside her mother.

4. The dog trotted obediently to his master.

5. Members obediently answered the calls for funds.

6. He whistled, and the dog came obediently.

7. The dog followed obediently at her heels.

8. 12 Ananias obediently accepted an assignment and was blessed.

12 A-na-nia đã vâng lời thi hành nhiệm vụ và được ban phước.

9. Obediently she slipped off her right shoe and stocking.

10. The child held his mother's hemline and went home obediently.

11. Obediently each sheep would respond when its individual name was called out.

Khi mỗi con chiên nghe gọi đến tên của nó lập-tức liền ngoan-ngoãn đáp lại.

12. 50:4-6) Likewise, while on earth, Jesus obediently carried out his Father’s will.

Trái lại, ngài biểu lộ sự vâng phục bằng cách chấp nhận những gì Cha dạy (Ê-sai 50:4-6).

13. I had obediently stood there, watching cicada(, listen to it with pride tweet.

14. She walked out of the room and the dog followed obediently at her heels.

15. I had obediently stood there, watching cicada, listen to it with pride tweet.

16. The groups obediently broke up as the women scattered to find empty chairs.

17. They sat obediently in leather chairs while he read the document out loud.

18. The Brownies waited obediently, talking excitedly in low voices of what had happened.

19. Rather, they obediently used their limited resources. —Leviticus 12:8; Luke 2:22-24.

Trái lại, họ dùng tài sản eo hẹp của mình để làm theo những điều được ấn định (Lê-vi Ký 12:8; Lu-ca 2:22-24).

20. Synonyms for Biddably include amenably, docilely, obediently, tractably, complaisantly, cooperatively, compliantly, submissively, malleably and conformably

21. We want this in front of the boss, we had obediently followed him like.

22. As Gandhi saw it, Western political philosophy obediently validated the world of industrial capitalism.

23. Worthy character will strengthen your capacity to obediently respond to the direction of the Spirit.

24. Antonyms for Contumaciously include graciously, obediently, biddably, compliantly, amenably, submissively, docilely, conformably, tractably and subordinately

25. “We acquire a testimony of the principles of the gospel by obediently trying to live them.

26. Obediently he went out and moved it round the back of the empty house next door.

27. Withstand high temperatures hold the key to sunshine, but the sun can not walk obediently stagnancy .

28. I smiled obediently at this never-before-heard witticism, and followed him to a tank of Koi.

29. From the corner of my eye, I saw my frightened cousins obediently practicing their first brush strokes.

30. One is to acquire accurate knowledge of God, and the other is to submit obediently to his will.

31. 21 Humbly and obediently “receive the discipline that gives insight, righteousness and judgment and uprightness [fire-resisting qualities] . . .

32. His voice was cultured Oxbridge, and the grim intent in that voice made Cardiff and Pearce stand obediently aside.

33. 14 His voice was cultured Oxbridge, and the grim intent in that voice made Cardiff and Pearce stand obediently aside.

34. He came through as she was slamming the food on to the low coffee-table in front of the obediently blazing fire.

35. (Genesis 2:15) In a future paradise, man will perfectly accomplish that task by obediently following the directions of the Creator himself.

36. She could have refused to write that note to her parents or walk obediently to the car and climb into the boot.

37. Yet, the disciple James says that “if we put bridles in the mouths of horses,” they obediently go where we direct them.

Tuy nhiên, môn đồ Gia-cơ nói rằng “[nếu] chúng ta tra hàm-thiếc vào miệng ngựa”, nó sẽ tuân lời đi nơi mà chúng ta muốn nó đi.

38. When we exercise faith in Jehovah and obediently follow his Son rather than pursue selfish interests, we enjoy refreshing and restful blessings every day. —Matt.

Chúng ta “vào sự yên-nghỉ” đó bằng cách ngưng làm những việc mình tự cho là công bình và chấp nhận sắp đặt của Đức Chúa Trời về sự cứu rỗi.

39. Thinking that it was the voice of the aged High Priest Eli, Samuel obediently ran to him and said: “Here I am, for you called me.”

Vì nghĩ thầy tế lễ thượng phẩm Hê-li đã gọi nên Sa-mu-ên lập tức chạy đến nói với Hê-li: “Có con đây, ông gọi con”.

40. 11 If we obediently listen to God, his spirit produces in us the qualities of love, joy, peace, long-suffering, kindness, goodness, faith, mildness, and self-control.

11 Nếu vâng theo Đức Chúa Trời, thánh linh Ngài sẽ giúp chúng ta trau dồi những đức tính như yêu thương, vui mừng, bình an, nhịn nhục, nhân từ, hiền lành, trung tín, mềm mại và tiết độ.

41. 27 Hence Joshua would take to heart the admonitory witness from the angel and walk obediently in Jehovah’s way and conscientiously keep his obligation to Jehovah, so as to prove worthy of the privileges mentioned.

42. Tiantian gave a small whoop, Blobbered a kiss on Shui Yupeng’s face and said, “Then Tiantian will be waiting for father outside.” He then obediently retracted his hands and turned towards his mother who carefully took him over

43. ‘The year 1981 was a major Climacteric for the politicization of policing, most obviously because of the urban riots, unprecedented in the twentieth century.’ ‘The sight of him obediently doing this is an awe-inspiring Climacteric in his career.’