Nghĩa của từ nuclear fuel bằng Tiếng Việt

@Chuyên ngành kỹ thuật
-nhiên liệu hạt nhân
@Lĩnh vực: hóa học & vật liệu
-nhiên liệu nguyên tử

Đặt câu có từ "nuclear fuel"

Dưới đây là những mẫu câu có chứa từ "nuclear fuel", trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Anh - Việt. Chúng ta có thể tham khảo những mẫu câu này để đặt câu trong tình huống cần đặt câu với từ nuclear fuel, hoặc tham khảo ngữ cảnh sử dụng từ nuclear fuel trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Anh - Việt

1. any nuclear fuel cycle facility

2. 3.2 The Nuclear Fuel Cycle

3. This is the conventional nuclear fuel cycle.

4. BWXT Accomplishes Restart of TRISO Nuclear Fuel Manufacturing

5. Plutonium–zirconium alloy can be used as nuclear fuel.

Hợp kim plutoni-zirconi có thể được sử dụng làm nhiên liệu hạt nhân.

6. Heat is created when nuclear fuel undergoes nuclear fission.

Nhiệt lượng được tạo thành khi nhiên liệu hạt nhân trải qua phản ứng phân hạch.

7. Ordinarily (in spent nuclear fuel), plutonium is reactor-grade plutonium.

Thông thường (trong nhiên liệu hạt nhân đã qua sử dụng), plutoni là plutoni ở cấp độ lò phản ứng.

8. It is used in nuclear fuel rods in nuclear reactors.

Nó được sử dụng trong các thanh nhiên liệu hạt nhân trong lò phản ứng hạt nhân.

9. In 2014, all of Ukraine's nuclear fuel came from Russia.

Trong năm 2014, gần 100% nguồn cung cấp khí tự nhiên của Ukraine đến từ Nga.

10. (a) operation and decommissioning of any facility of the nuclear fuel cycle ...’

11. Molten salt fuels have nuclear fuel dissolved directly in the molten salt coolant.

Nhiên liệu muối nóng chảy có nhiên liệu hạt nhân hòa tan trực tiếp trong chất làm mát muối nóng chảy.

12. “In a sane world, author Terry Bazes’ imagination would be quarantined like nuclear fuel

13. advanced and developed an initiative on the secured supply of nuclear fuel cycle services.

14. Spent nuclear fuel is mainly composed of uranium oxide (UO2), which has a fluorite structure.

15. A preferred embodiment stablizes the actinide deuteride nuclear fuel element from hydrogen isotope de-loading.

16. Meanwhile Russia, for all its truculence, has repeatedly delayed supplying the nuclear fuel for Bushehr.

17. As supplier states, the sides support multilateral approaches to the nuclear fuel cycle at the IAEA.

18. Reprocessing of commercial nuclear fuel to make MOX was done in the Sellafield MOX Plant (England).

Quá trình tái chế có giá trị thương mại của nhiên liệu hạt nhân đã được thực hiện để chế tạo MOX trong nhà máy ở Anh.

19. - minimization of secondary actinides and other radionucleides with long half-lives in the nuclear fuel cycle,

20. Multilateralization of the nuclear fuel cycle/guarantees of access to the peaceful uses of nuclear energy

21. In the absence of any indicators that Iran is currently considering reprocessing irradiated nuclear fuel to extract plutonium,

22. On the other hand, developing countries claim that they are unjustly denied access to the nuclear fuel cycle.

23. Criticality is the normal operating condition of a nuclear reactor, in which nuclear fuel sustains a fission chain reaction

24. At the same time, the high burn-up achieved reduces the annual amount of spent nuclear fuel by 50 %.

25. India’s three stage nuclear power programme which began sixty years ago is based on a closed nuclear fuel cycle.

26. * Every second this solar reactor consumes five million tons of nuclear fuel, showering the earth with life-sustaining energy.

* Mỗi giây lò phản ứng mặt trời này tiêu thụ năm triệu tấn nhiên liệu hạt nhân, cung cấp cho trái đất năng lượng duy trì sự sống.

27. Will this agreement pave way for Canadian nuclear companies setting up nuclear reactors in India or supplying nuclear fuel to India?

28. Corium What researchers discovered was that the Elephant's Foot was not, as some had expected, the remnants of the nuclear fuel

29. The Boiler takes in energy from some form of fuel such as coal, natural gas, or nuclear fuel to heat water into steam

30. Bhabha laid the foundation of our nuclear programme by enunciating the three stage nuclear power programme based on a closed nuclear fuel cycle.

31. * The Agreement provides for nuclear trade, transfer of nuclear material, equipment, components, and related technologies and for cooperation in nuclear fuel cycle activities.

32. Calcine was created through a thermal process that converted a liquid waste generated from spent nuclear fuel reprocessing to a more stable, granular solid

33. The safeguards could be strengthened by ensuring that all States agreed an additional protocol with the IAEA, particularly, those possessing advanced nuclear-fuel-cycle technology.

34. In Sweden’s view, these concrete advances should be used as a stepping stone to further the development on multilateral approaches to the nuclear fuel cycle.

35. ·nuclear fuel irradiation experiments investigating the reduction of the radiotoxicity of nuclear waste; minor actinide transmutation technological issues (i.e. fission products retention capabilities, dust-free process, helium swelling);

36. The uranium provided under the contract will be used for manufacturing in India of nuclear fuel for the Indian nuclear power plants under the International Atomic Energy Agency safeguards.

37. 17 Heavy water (D2O) is the most feasible moderator and coolant in nuclear-fission reactors while deuterium (D) will be the nuclear fuel for thermonuclear fusion in the distant future.

38. The EU-funded ALLIANCE (Preparation of ALLEGRO - implementing advanced nuclear fuel cycle in central Europe) project has built on these outcomes in order to support the overall development of ALLEGRO.

39. Because of its scarcity, high radioactivity and high toxicity, there are currently no uses for protactinium outside scientific research, and for this purpose, protactinium is mostly extracted from spent nuclear fuel.

Do sự khan hiếm, phóng xạ cao và độc tính cao, hiện tại không có sử dụng cho protactini ngoài nghiên cứu khoa học, và vì mục đích này, protactinium chủ yếu được chiết xuất từ nhiên liệu hạt nhân đã qua sử dụng.

40. 13 The orders for reference show that INB is a company having its seat in Brazil and that its objects include the acquisition of nuclear fuel for nuclear power stations in Brazil.

41. CHF describes a condition of Boiling where there is a sudden loss of contact between the bubbling liquid, and the heating element, which in the case of the nuclear industry is the nuclear fuel rod

42. Pure plutonium-238 is prepared by neutron irradiation of neptunium-237, one of the minor actinides that can be recovered from spent nuclear fuel during reprocessing, or by the neutron irradiation of americium in a reactor.

43. Producing a lot of tritium in this way would require reactors with very high neutron fluxes, or with a very high proportion of heavy water to nuclear fuel and very low neutron absorption by other reactor material.

Sản xuất một lượng lớn triti theo cách này đòi hỏi các lò phản ứng phải có thông lượng nơtron rất cao, hoặc với tỷ lệ nước nặng rất cao so với nhiên liệu hạt nhân và hấp thụ nơtron rất thấp bởi các vật liệu khác trong lò phản ứng.

44. ITU's prime objectives are to serve as a reference centre for basic actinide research, to contribute to an effective safety and safeguards system for the nuclear fuel cycle, and to study technological and medical applications of transuranium elements.

45. As responsible states with advanced nuclear technologies, including in the nuclear fuel cycle, France and India are interested to promote nuclear energy with the highest standards of safety and security and in accordance with their respective nuclear policies and international obligations.

46. India undertakes that the reactor facilities and nuclear fuel supplied by Russia shall remain under the IAEA safeguards during the entire period of their actual use in accordance with the agreement on safeguards, which shall be concluded between the Republic of India and the IAEA.

47. In terms of Canadian drinking water guidelines, concentrations of uranium in drinking water are therefore limited by chemical, rather than radiological, toxicity.** The radionuclides of greatest concern from a health perspective in terms of the potential for normal or accidental release from nuclear fuel cycle industries into drinking water supplies are tritium, 90Sr, 131I, 137Cs and 226Ra.

48. (b) Iran is to take the following voluntary measures: reduce the existing stockpile of 20% enriched uranium, stop enrichment of Uranium to 20% for six months; stop installation of new centrifuges or activation of already installed new centrifuges for uranium enrichment at Natanz and Fordow or new locations for enrichment; freeze its existing stockpile of low-enriched fuel, halt construction on the core of the Arak research reactor and not construct any reprocessing facility; and accept enhanced monitoring of its nuclear fuel cycle activity.