Nghĩa của từ n-p-n transistor bằng Tiếng Việt

@Chuyên ngành kỹ thuật
@Lĩnh vực: điện
-tranzito n-p-

Đặt câu có từ "n-p-n transistor"

Dưới đây là những mẫu câu có chứa từ "n-p-n transistor", trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Anh - Việt. Chúng ta có thể tham khảo những mẫu câu này để đặt câu trong tình huống cần đặt câu với từ n-p-n transistor, hoặc tham khảo ngữ cảnh sử dụng từ n-p-n transistor trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Anh - Việt

1. Bipolar junction transistors are formed from two p–n junctions, in either n–p–n or p–n–p configuration.

2. Apasttra\p apatetic\A apathetically\v apathetic\A apathies\p apathy\N apatite\N Apaturia\N APA\N apa\N APC\N ape-man\N ape-men\p apeak\vA aped\V apeiron\N Apeldoorn\N apelike\A Apelles\N apeman\N Apemius\N Apemosyne\N Apennine Mountains\h Apennines\p Apepi\N apercus\p apercu\N aperient\AN aperies\p aperiodically\v aperiodicity\N aperiodic\A

3. Alabastoi\p alabastos\N alabastra\p alabastron\N alabastrum\N alack\! alacritous\A alacrity\N Aladdin\N alae\Np Alagez\N Alage\N Alagoas\N Alagöz\N Alai Mountains\h Alain-Fournier\N Alaine\N Alain\N Alair\N Alai\N Alake\N Alalcomenean Athena\h Alalcomeneus\N alalia\N Alamannic\NA Alamanni\p Alameda\N alameda\N Alamein\N alamiqui\N

4. Brasqued\V brasque\Nt brasquing\V brass band\h brass hat\h brass knuckles\h brass tacks\p brassage\N brassard\N brassbound\A brasseries\p brasserie\N brasseys\p brassey\N brassicaceous\A brassica\N brassiere\N brassier\A brassiest\A brassies\p brassie\N brassily\v brassiness\N brassish\A brassware\N brassy\A Brassó\N Brass\N brass\N

5. Ambassadorially\v ambassadorial\A ambassadors-at-large\p ambassadorship\N ambassador\N ambassadress\N ambatch\N amba\N Ambedkar\N Amber Islands\h amberfish\N ambergris\N amberina\N amberjack\N Amberley\N amberlike\A Amberly\N amberoid\N amberous\A Ambert\N ambery\A Amber\N amber\N ambiances\p ambiance\N ambidexterity\N ambidexter\AN ambidextral

6. Botulinuses\p botulinus\N botulin\N botulism\N Botvinnik\N Botzow\N BOT\N bot\NVi BouakŽ\N Bouak\N Bouar\N Bouchard\N Boucher\N Bouches-du-Rh™ne\N Bouches-du-Rh\N bouche\N Bouchier\N bouchons\p bouchon\N BouchŽ\N bouch\N Boucicault\N bouclŽ\N boucl\NA boudeuse\N Boudicca\N boudoir\N Boudreaux\N boud\N bouffancy\N bouffant\AN bouffe\N

7. If P 1 n=1 a n Converges absolutely and fb ngis bounded then P 1 n=1 a nb n Converges

8. If P 1 n=1 a n Converges conditionally and fb ngis bounded then P 1 n=1 a nb n Converges

9. Acinuni\p acinus\N Acis\N ack-ack\N ackee\N Ackerley\N Ackerman\N Acker\N ackeys\p ackey\N Ackler\N Ackley\N acknowledgeable\A acknowledgedly\v acknowledged\t acknowledger\N acknowledge\t acknowledging\t acknowledgment\N ackton\N ack\N acleistocardia\N acle\N aclinic line\h ACLS\N ACLU\N acmesthesia\N acme\N acmic\A acmite\N Acmon\N acnemia\N

10. Chiraler P,N-Ligand auf Tetrazol-Basis; Synthese von chiralen P,N-Liganden

11. Badmeng\N badmen\p badminton\N badness\N Badoglio\N Badr\N bad\ANvV Baecher\N Baeda\N Baedeker raid\h Baedeker\N BAEd\N Baekeland\N Baelbeer\N Bael\N bael\N Baerl\N Baerman\N Baer\N Baese\N baetylic\A baetyl\N Baeyer\N Baez\N BAE\N baffies\p Baffin Bay\h Baffin Island\h Baffin\N baffled\V bafflement\N baffleplate\N baffler\N baffle\tN baffling

12. The junction diode structure can include a p-n or a p-i-n junction.

13. Baalizing\t Baalman\N Baalshem\N Baal\N baal\v baaskap\N baas\N BAA\N baa\VN Bab ed-Din\h Bab el Mandeb\h Babara\N Babar\N babas au rhum\p babassu oil\h babassu\N babas\p baba\N Babbage\N Babbie\N Babbitry\N Babbitt metal\h Babbittry\N Babbitt\N babbitt\t babbled\V babblement\N babbler\N babble\VitN babblingly\v babbling\V Babby\N Babb\N

14. 1-(N-Acetylamino)-4-bromobenzene 1-Bromo-4-acetamidobenzene 4'-Bromoacetanilide 4-Bromoacetanilide Acetamide, N-(p-bromophenyl)- Acetanilide, 4'-bromo- Acetanilide, p-bromo- Antisepsin Asepsin Bromoacetanilide Bromoanalide Bromoanilide Bromoantifebrin N-(4-Bromophenyl)acetamide N-(4-bromophenyl)ethanamide N-(p-Bromophenyl)acetamide N-Acetyl-4

15. Canna chineresisw has the top N, P content and the top contribute to N, P removal.

16. The word Appendants uses 10 letters: a, a, d, e, n, n, p, p, s, t

17. 1-(N-Acetylamino)-4-bromobenzene 1-Bromo-4-acetamidobenzene 4'-Bromoacetanilide 4-Bromoacetanilide Acetamide, N-(p-bromophenyl)- Acetanilide, 4'-bromo- Acetanilide, p-bromo- Antisepsin Asepsin Bromoacetanilide Bromoanalide Bromoanilide Bromoantifebrin N-(4-Bromophenyl)acetamide N-(4-bromophenyl)ethanamide N-(p-Bromophenyl)acetamide N-Acetyl-4

18. Bfamus\N BFA\N BFDC\N BFS\N BFT\N BF\N bf\N BGeNEd\N BGE\N Bglr\N bg\N BG\N Bhabha\N Bhadgaon\N Bhagalpur\N Bhagavad-Gita\N Bhai\N bhajan\N bhakta\N bhaktimarga\N bhakti\N bhangi\N bhang\N bharal\N Bharat Natyam\h Bharatiya\A Bharat\N Bhatpara\N Bhatt\N Bhaunagar\N Bhavabhuti\N bhavan\N Bhave\N Bhavnagar\N Bhayani\N bheesties\p bheesty\N

19. Apodedeipna\p apodeictically\v apodeipnon\N apodemal\A apodema\N apodeme\N apodictically\v apodictic\A apodoses\p apodosis\N apodous\A apoenzyme\N apoferritin\N apogamically\v apogamic\A apogamously\v apogamous\A apogamy\N apogeal\A apogee\N apogeotropically\v apogeotropic\A apogeotropism\N apographical\A apographic\A

20. Antiatheistical\A antiatheistic\A antiatheist\NA antiauxin\N Antia\N antibacchic\A antibacchii\p antibacchius\N antibacterial\A antiballistic\A antibaryon\N Antibes\N antibilious\A antibiosis\N antibiotically\v antibiotic\NA antiblastic immunity\h antiblastic\A antibodies\p antibody\N anticapitalism\N anticapitalistically\v anticapitalistic\A

21. Antipestilently\v antipestilent\A antipetalous\A Antiphas\N Antiphates\N antiphilosophically\v antiphilosophical\A antiphilosophic\A antiphilosophies\p antiphilosophism\N antiphilosophy\AN antiphlogistic\AN antiphonally\v antiphonal\AN antiphonaries\p antiphonary\NA antiphonically\v antiphonic\A antiphonies\p antiphony\N antiphon\N antiphrasis

22. the declared nutrients nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P) or potassium (K), by their chemical symbols in the order N-P-K; the declared nitrogen content is given by the sum of ammoniacal N, nitric N, ureic N, N from urea formaldehyde, N from isobutylidene diurea, N from crotonylidene diurea and N from cyanamide.

23. Cryptorchidisme: Andrologie, pédiatrie N

24. N Converges but the Ratio Test is inconclusive then P 1 n=1 a n Converges conditionally

25. Astigmatoscopies\p astigmatoscopy\N astigmia\N Astigmic\A astigmometer\N astigmometry\N astigmoscope\N astilbe\N astir\A Asti\N ASTM\N Astolat\N astomatous\A astonied\A astonishedly\v astonisher\N astonishingly\v astonishingness\N astonishing\A astonishment\N astonish\t Aston\N Astoria\N Astor\N astoundingly\v astounding\A