Nghĩa của từ mortally bằng Tiếng Việt

@mortally /'mɔ:təli/
* phó từ
- đến chết được, ghê gớm, cực kỳ
=to be mortally frightened+ hoảng sợ đến chết được

Đặt câu có từ "mortally"

Dưới đây là những mẫu câu có chứa từ "mortally", trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Anh - Việt. Chúng ta có thể tham khảo những mẫu câu này để đặt câu trong tình huống cần đặt câu với từ mortally, hoặc tham khảo ngữ cảnh sử dụng từ mortally trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Anh - Việt

1. He is mortally jealous.

2. The soldier is mortally wounded.

3. Both Centaurs fell, mortally wounded.

4. Zenia was mortally offended.

5. He falls, mortally wounded.

6. He was mortally afraid of upsetting her.

7. Mordred was killed and Arthur mortally wounded.

8. The mortally ill get plentiful pain killers.

9. He was mortally offended by your remarks.

10. The lieutenant fell to the ground , mortally wounded.

11. Lincoln was shot and mortally wounded by Booth.

12. Candida admits to having been "mortally embarrassed".

13. He split and mortally wounded the Labour Party.

14. And we are all mortally shy of one another.

15. Armistead falls mortally wounded among the artillery he has captured....

16. He felt mortally wounded and had to lean against the wall.

17. Renault Mograine staggers about as if he were mortally wounded.

18. I hadn't realized I'd upset him but apparently he was mortally offended.

19. The father-king figure, Amfortas, is mortally wounded but can not die.

20. He regarded the mortally wounded man with no pity in his heart.

21. I tried to be tactful, but he seemed to be mortally offended.

22. The Georgian army suffered a heavy defeat, and King George was mortally wounded.

Quân Gruzia chịu thất bại nặng nề, và Quốc vương Giorgi IV bị thương chí mạng.

23. A look of stony fury settled on his face: she had offended him mortally.

24. The Demons of Doom Eternal are referred to as "Mortally Challenged"

25. One N.C.O., Sergeant D. G. Hutt, R.C. Signals, had been mortally hurt in a motorcycle accident.

26. Mortally wounded, frothing at the mouth, grinding his teeth in pain, he chose the floor instead.

27. Tragically, he is mortally wounded by the deranged "Bootstrap" Bill Turner during the escape.

Bi kịch thay, anh lại bị "Bootstrap" Bill Turner loạn trí đâm chết trong cuộc trốn chạy.

28. It looks as though Cnut was already mortally ill when he made this grant.

29. With the tail gunner mortally wounded, the pilot rescinded the order and brought the aircraft back.

30. Synonyms for Critically include mortally, extremely, highly, particularly, really, exceedingly, enormously, terribly, immensely and seriously

31. The mortally wounded soldier lingered on for a few days until at last he died.

32. Although the Crusaders won their first battle, Bishop Berthold was mortally wounded and the Crusaders were repulsed

33. Grenade was hit by two bombs which set her afire and killed 14 sailors and mortally wounded another four men.

Grenade trúng hai quả bom khiến nó bốc cháy, làm thiệt mạng 14 thủy thủ và tử thương thêm bốn người khác.

34. Beowulf, a warrior and headman of the Geats (a Swedish tribe), engages him in combat and mortally wounds him

35. After a period of fifty years has passed, Beowulf defeats a dragon, but is mortally wounded in the battle.

Sau một thời gian năm mươi năm, Beowulf đánh bại một con rồng, nhưng người anh hùng cũng bị tử thương trong cuộc chiến.

36. Legend recounts the story of the mortally wounded chief of a Latvian tribe who was wrapped in a white sheet.

Truyền thuyết kể rằng khi một vị thủ lĩnh của bộ lạc Latvia bị tử thương, ông đã được bọc trong một tấm khăn màu trắng.

37. If he so mortally hated the father, living and dead, how can we trust his indulgence with the boy?

38. We have had public reports of a mortally ill little girl being unable to gain treatment in a paediatric intensive care unit.

39. The mortally wounded Aenarion clambered into the saddle of his dying dragon and they took to the air on their last flight.

40. Official figures do not usually include animals that escape or are released from the nets but have nevertheless been mortally wounded.

41. He shot at it and wounded it mortally, but it succeeded in reaching its home and its mistress before it died.

42. With his ship immobile and badly damaged, the mortally wounded Captain Etienne Dalbarade struck his colours and a boarding party seized control.

Với con tàu bất động và hư hỏng nặng của mình, vị thuyền trưởng Etienne Dalbarade đang bị thương nặng cho lệnh vẫy cờ đầu hàng.

43. John Wilkes Booth, member of one of the United States’ most distinguished acting families of the 19th century and the assassin who mortally wounded U.S

44. Almost as soon as he begins, however, he is mortally wounded by a mysterious warrior named Dvorak and must undergo a life-saving process which binds him to Harlech.

Ngay khi vừa bắt đầu cuộc hành trình, chàng hiệp sĩ đã bị một chiến binh bí ẩn tên là Dvorak đánh trọng tương và phải trải qua một quá trình cứu mạng ràng buộc anh ta với Harlech.

45. A Bullheaded fire chief and a frightened young wife must overrule a community doctor's adamant refusal to allow a Chinese herbalist to treat a young fireman mortally wounded in a suspicious fire at wealthy Rudolph Nash's mercantile.

46. It lived alongside carnivores such as Tyrannosaurus rex but like all Ankylosaurs it was not in any danger from them due to its armored back - which no carnivore would be able to bite through - and a tail club, which could mortally injure a T