Nghĩa của từ microscopically bằng Tiếng Việt

* phó từ
- xem microscopic

Đặt câu có từ "microscopically"

Dưới đây là những mẫu câu có chứa từ "microscopically", trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Anh - Việt. Chúng ta có thể tham khảo những mẫu câu này để đặt câu trong tình huống cần đặt câu với từ microscopically, hoặc tham khảo ngữ cảnh sử dụng từ microscopically trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Anh - Việt

1. The seeds are microscopically small.

2. Every manuscript was edited microscopically.

3. Axenicity of diatom cultures microscopically

4. All samples are examined microscopically.

5. He studied microscopically the statistics of trade.

6. Brushoff utilizes an especially designed microscopically fine special filament

7. Microscopically the ores are medium grained to amorphous.

8. No living organisms, large or microscopically small, inhabited it.

9. This is normal lung microscopically. The alveolar walls are thin and delicate.

10. No organisms were seen microscopically and cultures and Gram stain were negative.

11. Microscopically, cells resemble normal cells but are increased in numbers.

12. The tissue is examined microscopically to rule out or confirm cancer.

13. Microscopically, there are spindle to oblong cells with hyperchromatism and pleomorphism.

14. Microscopically, the fibrous pleural plaque is composed of dense layers of collagen.

15. Tumor stage and grade were recorded by microscopically observation as histological parameters.

16. Hyaline cartilage, such as that found in the nose, microscopically consists of Chondrocytes

17. Another essential quality that we nowadays attribute to atoms is that they are microscopically small.

18. A coronary thrombosis is seen microscopically occluding the remaining small lumen of this coronary artery.

19. Alizarin red S solution, 30 seconds to 5 minutes, checking microscopically for an orange-red color

20. 7 Microscopically, a neutrophilic exudate is seen involving the meninges at the left, with prominent dilated vessels.

21. Cryptocrystalline quartz forms with microscopically small crystals, which in most cases cannot be seen even under magnification

22. Microscopically , the inner surface of fistulae showed mild disruptions, but no rupture of blood vessels was noted.

23. Microscopically , short - term DGR can cause faveolar hyperplasia, but no apparent intestinal metaplasia and atrophy were observed.

24. After filtration of the specimen is performed, the filter containing the filtrand is configured to be microscopically examined.

25. The afferent and efferent nerve endings of the outer hair cells of the rabbit were investigated electron-microscopically.

26. 21 Microscopically , short - term DGR can cause faveolar hyperplasia, but no apparent intestinal metaplasia and atrophy were observed.

27. 8 The larval stages occur in the gastric glands and can only be seen microscopically following processing of the gastric mucosa.

28. A Colloid is a mixture in which one substance of microscopically dispersed insoluble particles are suspended throughout another substance

29. Acarological studies on farm dusts have demonstrated microscopically the high prevalence of Lepidoglyphus destructor, Acarus siro and Tyrophagus putrescentiae.

30. The occurrence of cilia and related structures were studied electron-microscopically in 14 endotheliomatous, 3 fibroblastic, and 3 angiomatous meningiomas.

31. The larval stages occur in the gastric glands and can only be seen microscopically following processing of the gastric mucosa.

32. The tumors are light and electron microscopically composed of chief cells with structural signs of varying activity, and rather few oxyphil cells.

33. Microscopically, caseous necrosis is characterized by acellular pink areas of necrosis, as seen here at the upper right, surrounded by a granulomatous inflammatory process.

34. Borovička received material collected from Seattle, Washington, which he noted was microscopically similar to Psilocybe cyanescens, but lacked the wavy cap margins characteristic of that species.

Borovička đã nhận mẫu lấy từ Seattle, Washington, mà ông cho rằng về vi mô tương tự với Psilocybe cyanescens, nhưng thiếu rìa mũ nấm gợn sóng đặc trung của loài đó.

35. Cryptocrystalline is a rock texture made up of such minute crystals that its crystalline nature is only vaguely revealed even microscopically in thin section by transmitted polarized light

36. The stages of amyloid resorption by neutrophilic leukocytes following an experimentally induced chronical osteomyelitis are examined in spleen, liver and kidneys of mice (C 57 BL/6 J) electron microscopically.

37. The surgical consequences noted were as follows: (1) thelial cover of the graft vein is partly destroyed even during the preparation. Even microscopically small pockets in the venous wall undergo thrombotic alterations.

38. Hepatocellular carcinomas contained both tonofilaments and microfilaments which could be demonstrated light-microscopically by antibodies to prekeratin and actin, respectively, and were predominantly localized, in a somewhat irregular pattern, in peripheral cytoplasmic regions.

39. The processes of menstruation and childbirth, basically very closely related, are advanced by the same hormone — relaxin —, whose morphological representation may be seen histologically, histochemically and fluorescent microscopically in analogous granules of two different cell types.

40. The surgical treatment comprised one-stage sigmoidal resection and hysterectomy including both adnexae. Microscopically, a completely transmural fistula could be found in the uterus with glandular structures typical of the colon in the outer myometrium.

41. Neuronal profiles in the human and monkey colon and sphincter ani internus were analyzed microscopically and compared to those in the constricted aganglionic transitional and dilated, hypertrophic sections of colon from 3 cases of Hirschsprung's disease.

42. A Colloidal solution, sometimes known as a Colloidal suspension, is a solution in which a material is evenly suspended in a liquid. In other words, a colloid is a microscopically small substance that is equally dispersed throughout another material

43. Colloids (also known as Colloidal solutions or Colloidal systems) are mixtures in which microscopically dispersed insoluble particles of one substance are suspended in another substance. The size of the suspended particles in a colloid can range from 1 to 1000 nanometres (10 -9 metres).

44. Alveolar cell carcinoma: a carcinoma, subtype of adenocarcinoma, thought to be derived from epithelium of terminal bronchioles, in which the neoplastic tissue extends along the Alveolar walls and grows in small masses within the alveoli; involvement may be uniformly diffuse and massive, or nodular, or lobular; microscopically, the neoplastic

45. genetic toxicity, genotoxicity: a broad term that refers to any deleterious change in the genetic material regardless of the mechanism by which the change is induced. micronucleus: particle in a cell that contains microscopically detectable nuclear DNA; it might contain a whole chromosome(s) or a broken centric or acentric part(s) of chromosome(s).

46. DNA-repair, DNA-adduct formation, etc.) genetic toxicity, genotoxicity: a broad term that refers to any deleterious change in the genetic material regardless of the mechanism by which the change is induced. micronucleus: particle in a cell that contains microscopically detectable nuclear DNA; it might contain a whole chromosome(s) or a broken centric or acentric part(s) of chromosome(s).