Nghĩa của từ less devoloped countries (ldcs) bằng Tiếng Việt

@Less devoloped countries (LDCs)
- (Econ) Các nước chậm phát triển.

Đặt câu có từ "less devoloped countries ldcs"

Dưới đây là những mẫu câu có chứa từ "less devoloped countries ldcs", trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Anh - Việt. Chúng ta có thể tham khảo những mẫu câu này để đặt câu trong tình huống cần đặt câu với từ less devoloped countries ldcs, hoặc tham khảo ngữ cảnh sử dụng từ less devoloped countries ldcs trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Anh - Việt

1. Caped’s focus is on Least Developed Countries (LDCs) and those countries considered furthest away from achieving the SDG4 targets

2. One third of the funds- an increasing share- were allocated to Least Developed Countries (LDCs

3. · Continue to provide advice and guidance to the LDCs in accessing the Least Developed Countries Fund;

4. Cambodia is one of the few least developed countries (LDCs) to export over US$2 billion.

Campuchia là một trong số ít các nước kém phát triển nhất (LDCs) xuất khẩu trên 2 tỷ USD.

5. During GEF 5, all developing countries including LDCs and SIDS were able to programme their STAR allocation.

6. Countertrade is a higher percentage of total trade in some areas of the world such as the COMECON (Eastern European) countries and the less developed countries (LDCs), while it is a lower percentage for trade among developed countries.’ Countertrade started by being important in trade with COM- …

7. In this context, acceding countries, particularly LDCs, before and in the post-accession period, could need technical assistance.

8. Last April, India announced duty free market access for products of least developed countries (LDCs) except for a small negative list.

9. The problem is less widespread among industrialized countries .

Vấn đề này ít phổ biến ở các quốc gia công nghiệp hóa .

10. New technologies could enhance the microeconomic trading environment as well as provide foreign exchange earning opportunities to countries, including LDCs, which made appropriate investments

11. New technologies could enhance the microeconomic trading environment as well as provide foreign exchange earning opportunities to countries, including LDCs, which made appropriate investments.

12. The situation was even more alarming in LDCs, where the absolute majority of the population lived on a dollar a day or less

13. The situation was even more alarming in LDCs, where the absolute majority of the population lived on a dollar a day or less.

14. Presently, nine LDCs have benefited from ACIS installation.

15. Belief in miracles is less widespread in some other countries.

Niềm tin vào phép lạ không mấy phổ biến tại một số quốc gia khác.

16. For people in poor countries, it's less than one ton.

Nhưng với những người dân ở các nước nghèo, con số này ít hơn một tấn.

17. Biopiracy often accentuates power inequalities between wealthy, technology-rich countries and less affluent, yet bioresource-rich, countries

18. Presently, nine LDCs have benefited from ACIS installation

19. After all, advanced countries have been losing manufacturing jobs to less developed countries for more than fifty years.

20. In Western countries girls are far less likely to offend than boys.

21. We call for immediate disbursement of fast start funds agreed under Cancun Agreements to the LDCs and special allocation of resources under the Green Climate Fund for LDCs along with transfer of environmentally sound technologies to LDCs to meet their urgent adaptation and mitigation needs.

22. Hence PM’s announcement of unilateral zero-duty access to goods from LDCs in the region by the end of the year, and the reduction of tariff lines for such countries.

23. For many LDCs, debt continues to be a major domestic stumbling block.

24. Wages increased more than in other countries, leading to Norwegian businesses becoming less competitive.

Lương tăng lên nhiều hơn so với các nước khác, làm cho các doanh nghiệp Na Uy trở nên kém cạnh tranh hơn.

25. In addition, the less developed countries have the highest birth rates in the world.