Nghĩa của từ legitimize bằng Tiếng Việt

@legitimize /li'dʤitimaiz/ (legitimise) /li'dʤitimaiz/ (legitimatise) /li'dʤitimətaiz/ (legitimatize) /li'dʤitimətaiz/
* ngoại động từ
- hợp pháp hoá
- chính thống hoá

Đặt câu có từ "legitimize"

Dưới đây là những mẫu câu có chứa từ "legitimize", trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Anh - Việt. Chúng ta có thể tham khảo những mẫu câu này để đặt câu trong tình huống cần đặt câu với từ legitimize, hoặc tham khảo ngữ cảnh sử dụng từ legitimize trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Anh - Việt

1. Elections will be held to legitimize the current regime.

2. Instead, they manipulated it to legitimize their own rule.

3. Acceptance by the UN would effectively legitimize the regime.

4. There is a danger that these films legitimize violence.

5. It is of value in education to legitimize and make productive use of interests.

6. Crises can therefore be used to legitimize more strategic movement.

7. It needs a means by which you can legitimize international action.

thế giới cần một phương tiện hợp pháp hoá hành động liên quốc gia

8. A quota increase of 500.000 bpd will serve merely to legitimize existing cheating.

9. Is that why you brought me here, to legitimize you to the world?

10. The news media helped to legitimize the use of force by government troops.

11. The National Salvation Front took power, later trying to legitimize its position with elections.

12. Nowadays, the army tries to legitimize its existence by offering emergency and auxiliary at sporting events.

13. The queen and I will sign a treaty that will legitimize our occupation here.

Nữ hoàng và tôi sẽ ký một thoả ước hợp pháp hoá sự chiếm đóng của tôi.

14. Especially in Egypt, it was intended to legitimize the privileged status of the Hellene relative to the "native" Egyptian.

15. It would reverse the emerging global consensus for whale conservation and inexplicably legitimize commercial whaling.

16. These eleven case studies of different Chiefdoms examine how ruling elites retain and legitimize their power

17. We need to legitimize this so we can get away with it year on year. " ( Laughter )

Tụi mình phải hợp thức hóa nó để chúng ta có thể vác [ ria mép ] ra đường năm này qua năm khác. " ( Tiếng cười )

18. When Loewe returned to China in 19 he set up an office to legitimize make his status and goals.

19. Seeking to legitimize French rule in the Americas, Napoleon III invited Maximilian to establish a new pro-French Mexican monarchy.

Muốn hợp pháp hoá quyền cai trị của Pháp ở châu Mỹ, Napoléon III mời Maximilian thành lập chế độ quân chủ Mexico mới cho ông.

20. Moreover, the struggling organization should strive constantly to legitimize its policies and procedures, and the decisions and beliefs behind them.

21. From 125 BC to 121 BC, Cleopatra ruled Syria and to legitimize her reign, she shared the throne with her son, Antiochus VIII Grypus.

Từ 125 TCN đến 121 TCN, Cleopatra cai trị Syria và để hợp pháp hóa sự cai trị, bà chia sẻ lên ngôi với con trai của mình, Antiochus VIII Grypus.

22. The only global organization UN is a toothless lion that has been hijacked by those power inebriated countries who conceived it to legitimize their illegitimate actions.

23. She attempts to deal directly with Federation Viceroy Nute Gunray, who attempts to force her to sign a treaty which would legitimize the Trade Federation's occupation of Naboo, her planet.

Cô nỗ lực chống lại tổng trấn liên đoàn Nute Gunray, người buộc cô phải ký hiệp ước hợp pháp hóa sự chiếm đóng của Liên đoàn Thương mại ở Naboo, quê hương cô.

24. Minstrel shows with white performers in Blackface became widespread in popular culture, a form of entertainment that also functioned to dehumanize African Americans and sought to legitimize slavery and oppression.

25. This legend is believed to be a fabrication made to legitimize the Lordship of Biscay as a separate state from Navarre, because there is no historical account of such a lord.

26. Biograph did less to bolster Dylan's sagging career than it did to establish the marketing extravaganza that was the curated box set and to legitimize the Compact Disc as the next evolution of music consumption

27. A jumble of Contradictions, Scalia promised neutral tools to legitimize the Supreme Court, but his jurisprudence and confrontational style moved the Court to the right, alienated potential allies, and helped to delegitimize the institution he was trying to save.

28. Pick up any newspaper today, and you will find almost endless examples of religious leaders who preach love, peace, and compassion but who fan the flames of hatred and invoke the name of God to legitimize their brutal conflicts.

Giở ra bất cứ báo nào ngày nay, bạn sẽ thấy vô số trường hợp những lãnh đạo tôn giáo giảng thuyết về yêu thương, hòa bình và thương xót nhưng lại thổi bùng ngọn lửa căm hờn và nhân danh Đức Chúa Trời để chính thức hóa những cuộc tranh chấp hung tàn.

29. Present participle of conspire··conspiracy 2007 July 15, “The Nixonian Whitewash, Scrubbed”, in New York Times‎[1]: This time, however, eavesdropping on more of his tragicomic Conspirings is secondary to the fact that they are part of an agreement to finally legitimize the …

30. Being a sex industry Abolitionist means: You support human dignity and recognize people are never commodities to be bought and sold.; You oppose any legislation which seeks to legitimize pimping, brothel-keeping, or sex buying.; You recognize that ending demand for commercial sex, including pornography consumption, is the key to ending sex trafficking and prostitution.

31. To assert that 'Corporatist' = 'fascist' because of one of scores of threads of meaning of the term 'Corporatist' can be associated with Italian fascism is to legitimize the Tea Bagger claim that Obama is a fascist socialist communist Kenyan Muslim— precisely because each of those adjectives can also be tied, with the same validity as your