Nghĩa của từ intending bằng Tiếng Việt

* tính từ
- tương lai
= an intending teacher+một thầy giáo tương lai

Đặt câu có từ "intending"

Dưới đây là những mẫu câu có chứa từ "intending", trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Anh - Việt. Chúng ta có thể tham khảo những mẫu câu này để đặt câu trong tình huống cần đặt câu với từ intending, hoặc tham khảo ngữ cảnh sử dụng từ intending trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Anh - Việt

1. 2 Sofia was intending to call on Miss Kitts.

2. Satisfied, the Joker leaves, intending to detonate bombs placed around the city.

Joker thỏa mãn bỏ đi với ý định kích nổ toàn bộ bom đã đặt khắp thành phố.

3. Consider-ing the intending arrange-ment but not the reporting form

4. Belshaw was intending to buy an ice cream when she disappeared.

Nobita đã dùng que băng tạo hình để lấy nó ra.

5. 21 Still, there is always a presumption against its intending to do so.

6. Satan dropped it there, I take it, intending a scurrilous jest against your reverence.

7. Gardeners intending to plant Chincherinchee, or those already growing it, should consider their location

8. Acquisitional Shopping—Customers go to the store intending to make purchases and acquire product or services

9. the combined effect of all air carriers operating or intending to operate on the route

10. Though I think Henry James rather saw himself as intending to Amoralize flag * View 2 comments

11. Intending “to change times and law,” the “small” horn had effectively killed the organized preaching work.

12. The French blockaded the lucrative sugar islands of Barbados and Jamaica, intending to damage British trade.

Người Pháp lập chốt chặn các đảo với mỏ đường béo bở, Barbados và Jamaica, với ý định gây thiệt hại cho thương mại của Anh.

13. It concerns an annual average of 100,000 newly-arrived foreigners intending to take up long-term residence.

14. I don't know why you didn't just tell me this is what you were intending to do.

Anh chỉ không hiểu tại sao em không nói kế hoạch đó với anh.

15. Baroque iconography was direct, obvious, and dramatic, intending to appeal above all to the senses and the emotions

16. And we are intending to meet a broad cross section of Nepali political leadership, and all important leaders.

17. 11 He let the timber pass by intending to slip the hook over the rope at its head.

18. In Bacchae the god Dionysus arrives in Greece from Asia intending to introduce his orgiastic worship there

19. I request all delegations intending to introduce the remaining draft resolutions to kindly do so as Briefly as possible

20. Allotment the allocation of shares by directors of a company to intending shareholders who have made applications for new shares

21. Number four, they must be intending to drive a wedge between those tough countries and those that are not so tough.

22. In 1996, the German authorities sent Broncho-Air Medizintechnik a draft decision intending to prohibit the distribution of the Inhaler device.

23. Being up front with this information prevents you from paying for clicks from people who aren't intending to buy additional products.

24. Contemplation - In this stage, people are intending to start the healthy behavior in the foreseeable future (defined as within the next 6 months)

25. The Germans had expected to meet a weak infantry detachment and attacked with three dismounted squadrons, intending to charge with three more.

Người Đức dự kiến sẽ gặp một đội tách biệt của bộ binh khá yếu và tấn công với ba phi đội bị tháo gỡ, dự định sẽ buộc tội thêm ba người nữa.

26. 2 He was searching for a complete lyricist who could add flavour to songs he was intending to be covered by bigger artists.

27. In it, Gonnosuke is a boastful and brash warrior who duels Musashi intending to see how Musashi compares with Musashi's father in swordsmanship.

Trong đó, Gonnosuke là một chiến binh điên cuồng và hỗn xược, người đấu với Musashi nhằm mục đích so sánh tài nghệ kiếm thuật của Musashi với bố của ông.

28. He ran round behind the house, intending to undo the rope in order to let fall the pailful of water upon Tommy Brock.

29. “Well,” the account continues, “when the army officer heard this, he went to the military commander and made report, saying: ‘What are you intending to do?

30. Students intending to complete their secondary education can work towards either the Northern Territory Certificate of Education or the International Baccalaureate (only offered at Kormilda College).

Học sinh dự định hoàn thành giáo dục trung học có thể làm việc theo Chứng chỉ Giáo dục Bắc Úc hoặc Tú tài Quốc tế (chỉ được cung cấp tại Kormilda College).

31. They are also partnering with Amazon to enable Alexa to control Sonos speakers, intending to eventually work with every voice assistant on the market.

Công ty cũng đã hợp tác với Amazon cho phép Alexa có thể điều khiển loa Sonos, dự định đến cuối cùng có thể làm việc với mọi giọng nói của các phụ tá trên thị trường.

32. She began recording her compositions at the studios in Stanford's Center for Computer Research in Music and Acoustics (CCRMA), intending to distribute her music on campus.

33. In this paper, the development of the preparation and application of NPOMs was reviewed, and the prospect of the intending chemosynthesis and the application was anticipated.

34. It is also likely to build a positive image for Indian Chartered Accountants currently working in African market and those intending to move to the African & Tanzania market.

35. Two years later, intending to be a dramatic actor, he studied at the American Academy of Dramatic Arts and then played bit parts on television.

Hai năm sau, ông theo đuổi sự nghiệp diễn xuất và theo học tại Viện nghệ thuật Kịch nghệ Hoa Kỳ và diễn vai nhỏ trên truyền hình.

36. Short $3,000 of the $25,000 tournament entry fee, Maverick travels to the town of Crystal River, intending to collect on debts and win money at card games.

Thiếu $3,000 USD để đủ lệ phí $25,000 USD tham dự giải, Maverick đến thị trấn Crystal River, định thu thập khoản nợ và giành được tiền trong các trận đấu bài.

37. Notwithstanding (a), the documents, manuals and information specified there may be carried in the retrieve vehicle or retained at the aerodrome or operating site on flights intending to:

38. 17 So they went and stayed in the lodging place of Chimʹham next to Bethʹle·hem,+ intending to go on into Egypt+ 18 because of the Chal·deʹans.

17 Họ lên đường và trú lại chỗ trọ của Kim-ham gần Bết-lê-hem,+ định đi tiếp qua Ai Cập+ 18 vì cớ dân Canh-đê.

39. (b) Notwithstanding (a), the documents, manuals and information specified there may be carried in the retrieve vehicle or retained at the aerodrome or operating site on flights intending to:

40. If Community producers suffer any losses, what action is the Commission intending to take in order to compensate them and to provide support for the sector and its future?

41. We are intending to publish our special education e-newsletter four times this year to keep you Apprized on the great work our teaching and administrative staff are doing

42. The chief justice concluded: “There is no suggestion in this case of Jehovah’s Witnesses intending any disrespect to the national anthem or the national flag by their actions.”

43. Given the fact that there has been a significant increase in the number of intending Haj pilgrims from India, the Government has requested the Saudi Government for an enhanced additional Haj quota.

44. When someone harms themselves by Cutting, burning, punching, or engaging in other forms of self-injury (without intending for death to be an end goal), they’re engaging in what’s known as

45. Courting does not fail; you successfully identify a person who is not right for you at all and move on courtship in modern terms is dating intending to marry with more formal rules

46. When Roman Africa fell to the Vandals in 439, both Eastern and Western Emperors sent forces to Sicily, intending to launch an attack on the Vandals at Carthage, but this project failed.

Khi các tỉnh châu Phi thuộc La Mã rơi vào tay người Vandal vào năm 439, cả hai hoàng đế Đông và Tây La Mã đều gửi quân tới Sicilia để tấn công người Vandal ở Carthage, nhưng kế hoạch này mau chóng thất bại.

47. Canadians intending to work with livestock or other animals (e.g., veterinarians, abattoir workers) in southwestern Kosovo should take tick precautions (e.g., use insect repellent such as DEET, wear gloves and other protective clothing).

48. If Melville's Everyman, feet set Agoing, would inexorably head for water and for meditations on nature and the ideal, Hawthorne's, it seems, would as determinedly set off for the nearest graveyard, intending ruminations on dust and mortality.

49. browse verb (LOOK) B2 [ I ] to look through a book or magazine without reading everything, or to walk around a shop looking at several things without intending to buy any of them: I was Browsing through …

50. Blasphemer is a total conversion project for the Heretic engine intending to provide a full replacement IWAD under a new BSD license.Blasphemer requires a limit-removing source port to work as its levels are not all compatible with vanilla Heretic.