Nghĩa của từ indo-pacific bằng Tiếng Việt

* danh từ
- ấn Độ - Thái Bình Dương

Đặt câu có từ "indo-pacific"

Dưới đây là những mẫu câu có chứa từ "indo-pacific", trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Anh - Việt. Chúng ta có thể tham khảo những mẫu câu này để đặt câu trong tình huống cần đặt câu với từ indo-pacific, hoặc tham khảo ngữ cảnh sử dụng từ indo-pacific trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Anh - Việt

1. The distribution of Cerithium traillii includes Indo-Pacific and throughout Southeast Asia.

The distribution của Cerithium traillii bao gồms hải vực Ấn Độ Dương-Thái Bình Dương và throughout Đông Nam Á.

2. Bluehead Tilefish, Large: over 3-4", Indo Pacific $69.99 : 002021 : Bluehead Tilefish, X-Large: over 4", Indo Pacific $79.99 * Due to availability and individuality of each species, colors and sizes may vary

3. The oldest member is the type species Haustellum haustellum from the Indo-Pacific province.

The oldest member là loài điển hình Haustellum haustellum từ hải vực Ấn Độ Dương-Thái Bình Dương province.

4. The world’s center of gravity is shifting to the heart of the Indo-Pacific.

5. Butterfishes live in coastal waters off the Americas, western Africa and in the Indo-Pacific

6. Systematics of Indo-Pacific Philippia (Psilaxis), Architectonicid Gastropods with Eggs and Young in the Umbilicus

7. Butterfishes live in coastal waters off the Americas, western Africa and in the Indo-Pacific

8. Butterfishes live in coastal waters off the Americas, western Africa and in the Indo-Pacific

9. With globalization and the consequent compression of geographic spaces, ‘Indo-Pacific’ has come to reflect contemporary realities.

10. The Spotted Boxfish is found in the Eastern Pacific, Indo-Pacific region growing up to 25cm in length

11. In the Indo-Pacific, the Midas Blenny is often found mixed in with clouds of anthias, picking plankton

12. Butterflyfishes are found among tropical reefs around the world but are concentrated in the Indo-Pacific oceanic region.

13. Where Anthelia Corals Are Found: The Anthelia genus are found in in the Indo-Pacific and the Red Sea

14. It’s enshrined in the President’s National Security Strategy, as well as the administration’s South Asia and Indo-Pacific strategies.

15. Given those values, India and the United States have a natural starting point for advancing a free and open Indo-Pacific.

16. The Indo-Pacific region (including the Red Sea, Indian Ocean, Southeast Asia and the Pacific) account for 91.9% of this total.

Vùng biển Ấn Độ-Thái Bình Dương (bao gồm Hồng Hải, Ấn Độ Dương, Đông Nam Á và Thái Bình Dương) chiếm 91,9% trong tổng số.

17. Across the world, from the Indo-Pacific to Africa to Latin America, we see inspiring stories of extraordinary innovation changing ordinary lives .

18. Conquering Cancer will officially launch at the Preventing Cervical Cancer in Australia and the Indo-Pacific virtual conferences this Friday 26 March

19. Concern for the leatherback grew after populations in the Indo-Pacific crashed by more than 90 percent in the 1980s and 1990s.

20. We’ve replaced, for example, third generation fighters with fifth generation fighters, we’ve added our most capable ships to the commander of Indo-Pacific Command’s fleet during the last year or two, and we will continue to address this theater as a priority and properly defined as now the Indo-Pacific Command. MR.

21. The broadclub Cuttlefish is a predatory cephalopod (squid, octopus, or Cuttlefish) that lives and hunts on coral reefs in the Indo-Pacific Ocean

22. Also referred to as the Jewelled Rockskipper, Lawnmower, or Rock Blenny, the Sailfin/Algae Blenny is native to the reefs across the Indo-Pacific

23. Also referred to as the Jewelled Rockskipper, Lawnmower, or Rock Blenny, the Sailfin/Algae Blenny is native to the reefs across the Indo-Pacific

24. Large lips and a forehead hump are hallmarks of the reef-dwelling humphead wrasse, popular with divers and fishermen across much of the Indo-Pacific.

25. Flamboyant Cuttlefish, which are native to muddy, sandy areas in Indo-Pacific waters, is one of two species currently known to amble along the seafloor

26. US President Joe Biden's administration entered the White House this year aiming to unite allies in efforts to Contain China's territorial claims across the Indo-Pacific.

27. Charybdis natator - Charybdis natator, the ridged swimming crab, wrinkled swimming crab or rock crab, is a widespread Indo-Pacific species of swimming crab from the genus Charybdis

28. A systematic monograph of the Recent Indo-Pacific species of the marine family Architectonicidae (Gastropoda: Heterostropha) is presented, based on new field studies, a large part (more than 22,000

29. Florent's Guide To The Hawaii Reefs - Spotted Boxfish - Ostracion meleagris - Boxfishes - Whitespotted Boxfish - Boxfishes - Indo-Pacific, Hawaii, Pacific Coast of Mexico to Panama, French Polynesia, Great Barrier Reef - Whitespotted Boxfish

30. Our 2018 National Defense Strategy is the first of its kind in a decade, and it acknowledges the Pacific challenges and signals America’s resolve and lasting commitment to the Indo-Pacific.

31. Our Prime Minister also stressed on the importance of safe, secure and free navigation in the Indo-Pacific region and called for adherence to rule of law and international obligations including respect for UNCLOS.

32. Referring to his Shangri-la dialogue address earlier this year at Singapore, Prime Minister observed that the principles outlined by him on the Indo-Pacific has found wider resonance and acceptance within the region.

33. Standing shoulder to shoulder with India, ASEAN and our treaty allies and other partners, America seeks to build an Indo-Pacific where sovereignty and territorial integrity are safeguarded –the promise of freedom fulfilled and prosperity prevails for all.

34. Not all Barramundi are “Best Choice.” In fact, wild-caught Barramundi from Indo-Pacific is red listed! Barramundi raised in Vietnam or in closed containment systems are rated “Best Choice” according to the Monterey Bay Aquarium SeafoodWatch®.

35. A systematic monograph of the Recent Indo-Pacific species of the marine family Architectonicidae (Gastropoda: Heterostropha) is presented, based on new field studies, a large part (more than 22,000 specimens in over 50 collections) of the world-wide

36. Much of the old scientific data in the field combine data about the Indo-Pacific bottlenose dolphin and the common bottlenose dolphin into a single group, making it effectively useless in determining the structural differences between the two species.

Phần lớn các dữ liệu khoa học cũ trong lĩnh vực này kết hợp dữ liệu về cá heo mũi chai Ấn Độ Dương và cá heo mũi chai vào một nhóm duy nhất, làm khiến nó trở nên vô ích trên thực tế trong việc xác định cấu trúc khác biệt giữa hai loài.

37. The typical Amphipod is a grey little beastie that holds little appeal for most aquarists, but there are in fact some truly beautiful species within the group that can be found scurrying about the reefs of the tropical Indo-Pacific.

38. Systematics of Indo-Pacific Philippia (Psilaxis), Architectonicid Gastropods with Eggs and Young in the Umbilicus' ROBERT ROBERTSON2 ABSTRACT : The subgenus Psilaxis Woodring is distinguished from Philippia Gray, s.s., on the basis of differences in the shells, jaws, opercula, and doubtfully radulae.

39. The other group of reef fishes we display originate from the Indo-Pacific region, and these fishes are obtained from commercial suppliers who are certified to collect these in a sustainable manner without the use of chemicals, or they are obtained as Captively bred.

40. We would hope that what ASEAN sees looking West is a more confident nation with strong economic prospects, positive demographics, substantial unmet demands, leapfrogging capabilities, one that is active on global issues, shouldering more responsibilities and is a net security provider in the Indo-Pacific.

41. Bivalves range in size from the fingernail-sized "nut shells" of the Atlantic coast of North America to the giant clam of the Indo-Pacific, which measures up to 4.9 ft (1.5 m) in length and weighs more than 495 lb (225 kg)

42. Acetes is a genus of small shrimp that resemble krill, which is native to the western and central Indo-Pacific, the Atlantic coast of the Americas, Pacific coast of South America and inland waters of South America.Although most are from marine or estuarine habitats, the South American A

43. Acetes is a genus of small shrimp that resemble krill, which is native to the western and central Indo-Pacific, the Atlantic coast of the Americas, Pacific coast of South America and inland waters of South America.Although most are from marine or estuarine habitats, the South American A

44. 2005, Ramu et al. 2005 and Wolkers et al. 2004) indicate that PentaBDE is widespread in peregrine falcon (Falco peregrine), merlin (Falco columbarius), goshawk (Accipiter gentiles), golden eagle (Aquila chrysaetos), buzzard (Buteo buteo), beluga whales (Delphinapterus leucas), irrawaddy dophins (Orcaella brevirostris), and Indo-Pacific humpback dolphin (Sousa chinensis), all protected by the Bonn convention.

45. They reviewed the various bilateral mechanisms that I am talking about, the foreign office consultations that were held last year, the joint commission meeting, our security dialogue and then they decided to accelerate economic cooperation increasing Indian company’s participation in infrastructure sector in Indonesia and the Indonesian President conveyed his support for the Indo-Pacific concept and said that he would work with India to ensure peace and security in the region.