Nghĩa của từ go forward bằng Tiếng Việt

@go forward
- tiến tới, tiến triển
=the work is going forward well+ công việc đang tiến triển tốt
- xảy ra
=what is going forward here?+ việc gì thế? có gì xảy ra thế?

Đặt câu có từ "go forward"

Dưới đây là những mẫu câu có chứa từ "go forward", trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Anh - Việt. Chúng ta có thể tham khảo những mẫu câu này để đặt câu trong tình huống cần đặt câu với từ go forward, hoặc tham khảo ngữ cảnh sử dụng từ go forward trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Anh - Việt

1. The clocks go forward this weekend.

2. Modesty helps one to go forward.

3. The project will go forward as planned.

4. The clocks go forward in the spring.

5. This work must go forward without lag.

6. Ester stood up but refused to go forward.

7. NASA's project cannot go forward without more money.

8. She showed no inclination whatsoever to go forward.

9. The group decides to go forward with the job.

10. We're gonna go forward with our own ground operation.

Ta phải tiếp tục triển khai chiến dịch trên mặt đất của mình.

11. This bill would require those sales to go forward.

12. Go forward bravely, my younger sister, don't look behind.

13. So let me go forward to the new science of happiness.

Vì thế tôi sẽ nói thẳng về ngành khoa học mới về hạnh phúc.

14. The soldier's motto, Price had told the men: when in doubt go forward.

15. 20 The soldier's motto, Price had told the men: when in doubt go forward.

16. And in the future, as we go forward, we will, of course, experience terrible things.

Và trong tương lai, khi chúng ta tiến tới, chúng ta sẽ trải qua những điều kinh khủng.

17. As you tighten the Backstay, you want to go forward and check the headstay tension

18. I rejoice in the opportunity of association with you as we go forward in faith.

Tôi hân hoan trong cơ hội kết giao cùng với các anh chị em khi chúng ta tiếp tục sống trong đức tin.

19. Together, these two actions indicated its reluctance to go forward with sincerity on the agreed process.

20. This is an old commitment and we arenow in a position to go forward with that.

21. But they failed to reach agreement, and the speaker, Ruslan Khasbulatov, said impeachment proceedings would go forward.

22. In third field go forward to waymarked stile at far end, keeping just right of slight rise.

23. Both sides felt this was a good way to go forward in order to enhance mutual understanding.

24. The helicopter can be made to go forward from the hovering position by tilting the rotor disc.

25. Leeds will have to win the second leg if they are to go forward to the finals.

26. His life seemed stuck in limbo; he could not go forward and he could not go back.

27. You have to go forward in order to go back, because after z, y, x, who knows?

28. Arse covers the future of space in Australia as we go forward hand in hand, together with agency

29. Then they would close up, go forward, receive the withering infantry fire, and fight as best they could.

30. Courage is fear that has said its prayers and decided to go forward anyway. Joyce Meyer 

31. You may now use the Backspace key to go back in history or Shift-Backspace to go forward

32. Yet both organizations allowed the experiment to go forward, and in each case it reversed a deteriorating situation.

33. Employment lawyer Robert Rosati says courts are setting a troublesome precedent when they let such suits to go forward.

34. Smolan maintains he fully intended to go forward with a book from the time he and Negroponte began discussing it.

35. Russia, he said, had reached the point of no return on the road to reform and had to go forward.

36. Even if the road is bumpy, the wheel must go forward; even if the river roaring waves, ships are sailing.

37. If you don't give the impression you want this marriage, she may throw another fit and refuse to go forward.

Nếu tiểu thư cứ để lộ suy nghĩ không muốn kết hôn, thì có thể cô ta sẽ bỏ cuộc.

38. He will also tell the island's planning committee that it should go forward to public consultation and a public meeting.

39. Bristing wound one of only five among 22 eligible riders to go forward with the stadium phase to complete the trial

40. The issue resolved, the party was able to go forward with a clear mandate for non-cooperation and an Agitationist approach

41. The response was rather disappointing but at least 40% of the forms were returned thus allowing the scheme to go forward.

42. If they do not act upon these inclinations, then they can go forward as do all other members of the Church.

Nếu không hành động theo những khuynh hướng này, thì họ có thể tiến bước như tất cả các tín hữu khác của Giáo Hội.

43. 29 Even if the road is bumpy, the wheel must go forward; even if the river roaring waves, ships are sailing.

44. 4 Even if the road is bumpy, the wheel must go forward; even if the river roaring waves, ships are sailing.

45. She drove very slowly as if shock and anxiety made it almost impossible for her to let the car go forward.

46. The country faces a pivotal presidential election in June in which the choice is quite simply to go forward or regress.

47. 8 Russia, he said,( had reached the point of no return on the road to reform and had to go forward.

48. It is important to realize that the head should go forward in relation to the spine - as though nodding the head in affirmation.

49. But from my point of view, China should insist the road of statutory law and go forward to go in this foundation perfect.

50. Canoodle go forward approximately three blocks before stopping and shooting two projectiles out of its cannon; it doesn't fire out if it's airborne