Nghĩa của từ gluttony bằng Tiếng Việt

@gluttony /'glʌtni/
* danh từ
- tính háu ăn, thói phàm ăn, thói tham ă

Đặt câu có từ "gluttony"

Dưới đây là những mẫu câu có chứa từ "gluttony", trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Anh - Việt. Chúng ta có thể tham khảo những mẫu câu này để đặt câu trong tình huống cần đặt câu với từ gluttony, hoặc tham khảo ngữ cảnh sử dụng từ gluttony trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Anh - Việt

1. And the sin of gluttony?

Còn tội ham ăn?

2. Profligacy, sloth, licentiousness, gluttony, pride.

3. Licentiousness... idolatry, sorcery... gluttony, and drunkenness.

Trụy lạc, thờ tượng, phù thủy... ham ăn, và say rượu.

4. Curiosity is a sort of gluttony.

5. Gluttony kill more than the sword.

6. What are signs of gluttony?

Người háu ăn có những biểu hiện nào?

7. Gluttony kills more than the sword.

8. Gluttony and drunkenness are condemned in the Bible.

Kinh-thánh cấm việc ham ăn và say sưa (Châm-ngôn 23:20, 21).

9. A bellyful of gluttony will never study willingly.

10. Dieting is good insofar as it prevents gluttony.

11. How does the Christian congregation view gluttony?

Hội thánh Đấng Christ xem thói háu ăn như thế nào?

12. Afull of gluttony will never study willingly.

13. They treat Christmas as just another excuse for gluttony.

14. Gluttony and drunkenness have been called carnal vices.

15. * Proverbs 23:20–21 (warning against drunkenness, gluttony, laziness)

* Châm Ngôn 23:20–21 (cảnh cáo sự say sưa, háu ăn, biếng nhác)

16. A belly full of gluttony will never study willingly.

17. More are killed by gluttony than by the sword.

18. This one had to die to satisfy my gluttony.

19. Notice the final result of drunkenness and gluttony —poverty and rags.

Hãy lưu ý hậu quả sau cùng của việc say rượu và láu ăn—nghèo khổ và rách rưới.

20. The traders performed astonishing feats of gluttony never before seen at Salomon.

21. Gluttony is a mental attitude, one marked by greedy or excessive indulgence.

Tính tham ăn được biểu hiện qua việc ham mê ăn uống.

22. Overcome the gluttony that makes your body denser, gradually simplifying your foods.

23. What pleases the flesh is gluttony, intemperance, and what contributes to them.

24. But, as the story tells, such unrestrained giving in to gluttony threatens destruction.

25. The queen and her aristocratic cronies... must pay the price for their gluttony.

Nữ Hoàng, cùng bè lủ quý tộc phải trả giá cho lòng tham của chúng!

26. Yet they were not there for celebration, and there was neither gluttony nor drunkenness.

27. When they are idle, they indulge themselves into comfort , lechery, crapulence and gluttony.

28. As soon as Christmas is over, people often start to regret their gluttony.

29. 7 But, as the story tells,[] such unrestrained giving in to gluttony threatens destruction.

30. A huge strong man with an enormous appetite , nicknamed as the " Lord of Gluttony " .

Anh cực kỳ to con , khỏe mạnh và háu ăn , biệt danh là " Vua háu ăn " .

31. The truth is that gluttony has produced as many world champions and outstanding contenders.

32. Traditionally, the seven deadly sins are pride, covetousness, lust, envy, gluttony, anger, and sloth.

Theo lời truyền khẩu, bảy tội ác ôn gồm: kiêu căng, tham lam, thèm khát, ghen tị, háu ăn, giận dữ và lười biếng.

33. His parents evidently did not suffer from drunkenness, gluttony, or excesses of marital discord.

34. Many of the older, sourer priests grumbled at the spread of licentiousness and gluttony.

35. Antonyms for Abstention include self-indulgence, indulgence, abandon, unconstraint, incontinence, disinhibition, covetousness, gluttony, acquisitiveness and excess

36. Antonyms for Abstemiousness include self-indulgence, excess, drunkenness, intemperance, dissipation, gluttony, incontinence, indulgence, wildness and insobriety

37. For example, obesity may be a sign of gluttony, but that is not always the case.

38. Antonyms for Abstinences include self-indulgence, abandons, acquisitiveness, covetousness, excess, gluttony, greediness, indulgence, wantonness and drunkenness

39. The level of heart disease in the western world is a measure of our gluttony.

40. The government trading desk was a counterpoint to the visible gluttony and ethnicity of the mortgage department.

41. We should also keep in mind that obesity is a physical condition, while gluttony is a mental attitude.

42. Obesity is defined as “a condition characterized by excessive bodily fat,” whereas gluttony is “greedy or excessive indulgence.”

Béo phì được định nghĩa là “một tình trạng có quá nhiều mỡ trong thân thể”, còn háu ăn là “tham lam hoặc ăn uống quá độ”.

43. The vices can be linked to the seven, so-called, capital sins which are: pride, avarice, envy, anger, lust, gluttony, and sloth or acedia.

44. NOT all that long ago, churchgoers regularly heard their preacher thundering from the pulpit against what is termed the “seven deadly sins” —lust, gluttony, avarice, sloth, anger, envy, and pride.

Cách đây không lâu, những người đi lễ thường nghe giảng một cách hùng hồn về cái được gọi là “bảy mối tội đầu”, gồm dâm dục, mê ăn uống, tham lam, làm biếng, giận dữ, ghen ghét và kiêu ngạo.

45. However, according to Peter Binsfeld, Beelzebub was the demon of gluttony, one of the other seven deadly sins, whereas Francis Barrett asserted that Beelzebub was the prince of false gods

46. And we finally have the studies, one in Britain called "Gluttony versus sloth" that tracked weight against diet and tracked weight against inactivity, and found a much higher, stronger correlation between the latter two.

Và chúng ta cuối cùng đã có những nghiên cứu, một nghiên cứu ở Anh có tên "Tật ham ăn và sự chây lười" đã làm cho cân nặng đối nghịch với chế độ ăn uống và làm cho cân nặng đối nghịch với sự thụ động, và tìm đến mối tương quan cao hơn, mạnh mẽ hơn giữa hai cái sau.

47. 440 And with his precious herte-blood thee Boghte, Thou art so fals and so unkinde, allas! You see what gluttony, lechery, and gambling gets you! Evil! Sin! Wickedness! Murder! All you arrogant, addicted villains with your swearing on Christ’s body!

48. I hasten to say that it is not easy to speak about acedia because of its complexity, which is much greater than that of gluttony, lust, avarice, anger, sadness or pride. So it is important to clarify our point of view.

49. "Commodify Your Dissent" is a series of critical essays, or "salvos" as the authors prefer to call them, that were printed in The Baffler during the 90's largely in response to the hypocrisy, and gluttony of the America's expanding techno-consumer culture

50. "Commodify Your Dissent" is a series of critical essays, or "salvos" as the authors prefer to call them, that were printed in The Baffler during the 90's largely in response to the hypocrisy, and gluttony of the America's expanding techno-consumer culture