Nghĩa của từ flatly bằng Tiếng Việt

@flatly /'flætli/
* phó từ
- bằng, phẳng, bẹt
- hoàn toàn; thẳng, thẳng thừng, dứt khoát
=to refuse flatly+ từ chối thẳng thừng

Đặt câu có từ "flatly"

Dưới đây là những mẫu câu có chứa từ "flatly", trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Anh - Việt. Chúng ta có thể tham khảo những mẫu câu này để đặt câu trong tình huống cần đặt câu với từ flatly, hoặc tham khảo ngữ cảnh sử dụng từ flatly trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Anh - Việt

1. He flatly refused to join us.

2. He flatly denied it.

3. He flatly denied ever having met the woman.

4. Our request was flatly rejected.

5. The article flatly Contradicts their claims

6. Many scientists flatly denied the possibility.

7. The article flatly contradicts their claims.

8. 'Oh, it's you,' she said flatly.

9. It's hopeless, he said flatly.

10. 'Aunt Alicia has changed her will,' she said flatly.

11. Does it hurt, sir? His voice was flatly solicitous.

12. 2 synonyms for Categorically: flatly, unconditionally

13. This information flatly contradicts North's statements.

14. The army has flatly rejected these findings.

15. She flatly dismissed the idea as impossible.

16. He flatly refused to discuss it.

17. The allegations were all flatly denied.

18. " He is dead,'said Alice flatly.

19. 'Alcohol doesn't solve problems,'she stated flatly.

20. I flatly refused to attend their reception.

21. He flatly refused to discuss the matter.

22. He flatly refuses any offers of financial help.

23. Mother flatly refused to see the doctor.

24. The witness responded flatly to the judge's questions.

25. Mom flatly refused to go back into the hospital.

26. 7 Mondesi flatly blew off all media, uncharacteristic for him.

27. 10 He flatly denied ever having met the woman.

28. Worse yet, partners may flatly disagree on basic policy.

29. I flatly refused to spend any more time helping him.

30. And Charlie Black, the chief Gramm strategist, flatly acknowledges that Sen.

31. Many do not know that both these interpretations flatly contradict the context of the Genesis account.

32. The mother flatly rejected my proposal that she meet her daughter tomorrow.

33. 13 Delicate polarizer absorptive board ensure laminate the large size panel firmly and flatly.

34. Things that are obviously and flatly against a clear truth are also Absurdity.

35. In April 19 Acheson told Rhee flatly that he had to hold elections.

36. The colours on the sea grew flat, flatly reflected flesh secretly seen at night down in the steerage.

37. Antonyms for Coarsely include civilly, courteously, politely, smoothly, evenly, flatly, levelly, uniformly, unroughly and gently

38. Hickey flatly states, "The desire to annex Canada did not bring on the war."

Hickey cũng thẳng thừng tuyên bố: "Mong muốn sáp nhập Canada không đem lại chiến tranh."

39. The Allegation that there had been a military show of strength was flatly denied by Yakovlev on May 4

40. Antonyms for Abrasively include smoothly, flatly, evenly, placidly, calmly, glibly, persuasively, slickly, suavely and urbanely

41. Antonyms for Appetizingly include unAppetizingly, distastefully, unpalatably, stalely, tastelessly, yuckily, unsavorily, insipidly, flavorlessly and flatly

42. She proceeded to tell him a joke so corny that Uncle Billy would have flatly refused it for his own collection.

43. Filter plate setting flatly, forms filter cake stably, with pellucid filtering liquid, not easy to drop dregs.

44. The allegation that there had been a military show of strength was flatly denied by Yakovlev on May

45. In fact, it contains statements that not only are scientifically sound but also flatly contradict the accepted opinions of the day.

46. Yet, Joseph flatly rejected her immoral advances, saying, “How could I commit this great badness and actually sin against God?”

47. I've tried everything I can think of to make her eat but she flatly refuses - I'm at my wits' end.

48. 1 Mr Honecker, 77 and still recovering from a gall-bladder operation, has so far flatly rejected all notions of change.

49. He says: Out of the blue one day, Bimbi told me flatly, as was his way, that I had some brains, if I'd use them

50. Some developers at the time of the concession contract customers directly reflected in the purchase discount, the price could hit 97% of what flatly , shops.