Nghĩa của từ downwind bằng Tiếng Việt

* tính từ, adv
- theo hướng gió thổi

Đặt câu có từ "downwind"

Dưới đây là những mẫu câu có chứa từ "downwind", trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Anh - Việt. Chúng ta có thể tham khảo những mẫu câu này để đặt câu trong tình huống cần đặt câu với từ downwind, hoặc tham khảo ngữ cảnh sử dụng từ downwind trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Anh - Việt

1. The smoke drifted downwind.

2. Downwind landing, roll a long distance.

3. He drops me off downwind of the motel.

4. He attempted to return downwind to the airfield.

5. Start from a vertical climb directly downwind.

6. The Cessna 150 was downwind right hand, runway

7. They are racing downwind, so their sails are full.

8. And it hurt that my friends never stood downwind

Và điều đó làm tổn thương những người bạn của tôi Đừng bao giờ đứng xuôi chiều gió

9. Residents downwind from the blaze were advised to evacuate.

10. Residents who lived downwind from the explosion were evacuated.

11. Keep all fields clear at least half a mile downwind.

Phải tránh xa ít nhất là nửa dặm phía ngược gió.

12. I always fell difficulty to catch the wave and surfing during downwind.

13. It jauntily above oneself, just take the advantage of temporarily downwind stopped.

14. If you make a fire, do so downwind of your shelter.

15. CASCAD closes over the contaminants, thereby eliminating outgassing and associated downwind hazards.

16. They live downwind of a pig-farm and sometimes the smell is awful.

17. As you walk downwind, you would notice the Barchans link up ("joining …

18. Procedure All teams and kites are spread across an arena with lines extended downwind.

19. 29 Short shots played downwind will run considerably further and more finesse is needed.

20. He approached from downwind, forcing the flames to pause against the blast from his rotors.

21. The Brig is a strong sailer downwind, but a truly sluggish one upwind

22. Short shots played downwind will run considerably further and more finesse is needed.

23. A fox earth can be located from a considerable distance downwind by the pungent smell given off.

24. As the air descends on the downwind side of the mountain, it warms and stops precipitating.

25. Throughout that summer more vital pieces of the rear fuselage were recovered along the downwind wreckage trail.

26. Barchan dunes are crescentic dunes with a slipface and two horns that point downwind (see Chapter 11.11)

27. Barchans can form at the downwind ends of linear dune ridges where sand supply is depleted

28. The most bizarre discovery was the presence of icy geysers with plumes reaching 160 kilometers downwind.

Khám phá kì quái nhất là sự tồn tại của các mạch băng ngầm phun cao tới 160 km.

29. Winds blowing over lakes pick up a tremendous amount of moisture which is then precipitated downwind of the lakes.

30. Circuits are flown without a crosswind or base leg,( just a constant turn to or from the downwind.

31. Similar dust plumes originate in the Gobi Desert, which combined with pollutants, spread large distances downwind, or eastward, into North America.

Những chùm bụi tương tự bắt nguồn từ sa mạc Gobi, chúng kết hợp với các chất gây ô nhiễm, lan tỏa khoảng cách lớn theo gió, về hướng đông, đến Bắc Mỹ.

32. It moved three quarters of a mile downwind where it managed to hold station under its own power.

33. Those developing their techniques will enjoy the chopping water a little downwind - excellent if you're first starting to get airborne.

34. Downwind of the volcano, in areas of thick ash accumulation, many agricultural crops, such as wheat, apples, potatoes and alfalfa, were destroyed.

Cơn gió của núi lửa, trong các khu vực tích tụ tro dày, nhiều loại cây nông nghiệp như lúa mì, táo, khoai tây và bị phá hủy.

35. Whether you’re cruising or racing, an adjustable Backstay is a helpful device for changing sail shape and controlling forestay tension for improved upwind and downwind performance

36. It is also likely that the very steep eastern slope of the Rock tends to make the downwind flow too turbulent for cloud formation.)

Cũng có thể là sườn dốc phía đông của núicó xu hướng làm cho dòng gió quá hỗn độn để cho mây hình thành.)

37. Light sources of the same illumination (15 W) offered on both sides of the tunnel stimulated the moths to stard upwind but immediately after starting they drifted downwind.

38. The Asymmetric spinnaker or A-sail has helped to simplify downwind sailing, but picking the right one can be the hard bit – there’s just so much choice.

39. The regions upwind of Barchans are usually devoid of sandy bedforms, so if you were walking in a downwind direction, then the Barchans would seem to appear out of nowhere

40. Alee is a nautical term, one you're most likely to hear on a boat or ship. Another way to say "on the downwind side" is leeward

41. Barchans occur in two main areas (1) on the margins of sand seas, and (2) in sand transport corridors linking sand source zones and depositional areas, especially downwind from source zones

42. If the end game is mercury toxification of our children downwind of coal fire plants as they scuttled the Clean Air Act, then I see that our education programs should be explicitly defined as,

43. ACADIA Once I gybed in 30 knots of wind 2 miles from the finish with a full main and broke one of the running Backstays, so no Backstays on downwind… no problems

44. These two types of dune each show the wind direction in different ways: the Barchans have a steep slope and crescent-shaped "horns" that point downwind, while the linear dunes are stretched out along the

45. “A 50 percent reduction in the emissions of sulfur and nitrogen gases,” it is stated, “will produce about a 50 percent reduction in the acids falling on the land and water downwind of the emission source.”

46. (4) before I knew it, I was Abeam the ship (5) Be consistent - drop notches of flaps in the same place on every landing, e.g., first notch when you're downwind Abeam , second on base, last notch on final

47. These two types of dune each show the wind direction in different ways: the Barchans have a steep slope and crescent-shaped "horns" that point downwind, while the linear dunes are stretched out along the primary wind direction

48. Furitsu regularly visits areas affected by the radiation and other impacts of the "nuclear supply chain", including uranium mining sites in native people’s land in the United States, the downwind area of the Nevada Test Site, and the polluted Hanford Site.

Bà thường xuyên thăm viếng những khu vực bị phóng xạ và những nơi bị ảnh hưởng của "dây chuyền cung cấp hạt nhân" (nuclear supply chain), trong đó có các nơi khai thác mỏ urani ở vùng đất dân thổ cư tại Hoa Kỳ, khu vực Nơi thử hạt nhân Nevada, và Khu vực Hanford bị ô nhiễm.

49. A cinder cone is a steep, conical hill of volcanic fragments that accumulate around and downwind from a vent. The rock fragments, often called cinders or scoria, are glassy and contain numerous gas bubbles 'frozen' into place as magma exploded into the air and then cooled quickly.

50. The thrust wing is trimmed by an upwind auxiliary vane (7), freely pivoted upwind of its centre of pressure, the angle of attack of the auxiliary vane being controlled by the position of a secondary control aerofoil (15) positioned downwind from the auxiliary vane.