Nghĩa của từ disillusionment bằng Tiếng Việt

@disillusionment /,disi'lu:ʤnmənt/
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Đặt câu có từ "disillusionment"

Dưới đây là những mẫu câu có chứa từ "disillusionment", trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Anh - Việt. Chúng ta có thể tham khảo những mẫu câu này để đặt câu trong tình huống cần đặt câu với từ disillusionment, hoặc tham khảo ngữ cảnh sử dụng từ disillusionment trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Anh - Việt

1. Dissatisfaction leads to disillusionment, and disillusionment, often to rebellion.

Sự bất mãn đưa đến vỡ mộng, và sự vỡ mộng thường đưa đến sự phản loạn.

2. I shared the gradual disillusionment.

3. You must be prepared for disillusionment.

4. There is increasing disillusionment with the government.

5. There is widespread disillusionment with the present government.

6. Disillusionment sets in, of course, and back he comes.

7. Disillusionment among the young is worrying for schools.

8. Poverty, disillusionment, disease could not still his music.

9. There is growing public disillusionment with the present system of government.

10. Usually behind these is disillusionment and disappointment with oneself.

11. American writers also expressed the disillusionment following upon the war.

Những nhà văn Mỹ cũng diễn tả những mộng tưởng vỡ tan theo sau chiến tranh.

12. Sadly, their struggles all too often end up in disillusionment and sometimes, in death.

13. Years of political mudslinging between the big parties have brought disillusionment and apathy.

14. This state of discontent and disillusionment created a real crisis for the Republic.

15. Negativism a spouse leads to disillusionment over time as love declines.

16. This kind of Accentuated a growing dissatisfaction and disillusionment with the camp system.

17. The result is clear - there is large research literature on dissatisfaction and disillusionment.

18. In 1876 he wrote the long poem Clarel to express his disillusionment.

19. Observers suggested that the election reflected widespread disillusionment with traditional party politics.

20. This novel, with the disillusionment of American dream as its theme, tells a story of deterioration.

21. Again, I experienced some disillusionment, for Philip was not as I had imagined him to be.

22. Whether such a remark represents transitory frustration or deep disillusionment is not always easy to tell.

23. The real danger of Conservative defeat in today's election reflects the scale of the disillusionment which has intervened.

24. First, he argued, there had been post-revolutionary disillusionment which had allowed reactionary forces to become influential.

25. But both were fraught with inner tensions and contradictions, and both ended in disillusionment and frustration.

26. However, Netanyahu seriously underestimated the level of disillusionment his policies, and broken promises, had provoked.

27. The combination of fallout from the Council and disillusionment with the encyclical was more than many priests could bear.

28. Synonyms for Anticlimax include bathos, comedown, disappointment, disillusionment, letdown, let-down, non-event, decline, deflation and descent

29. It had been something more profound, less explicable, than disillusionment, mid-life restlessness, the fear of a threatened scandal.

30. But her joy turned into disillusionment when she saw the injustice and partiality practiced in the convent.

Tuy nhiên, cô bị vỡ mộng khi thấy những sự bất công và thiên vị trong tu viện.

31. 2 There is increasing evidence of disillusionment among middle managers which goes beyond the long-established mid-career crisis literature.

32. All about disillusionment, confusion, misdirection, it's phycological warfare Bidsters! Do not follow niggle the splitter! throwingmuses: Read Full Thread

33. There is increasing evidence of disillusionment among middle managers which goes beyond the long-established mid-career crisis literature.

34. The early volumes were not without bitterness and disillusionment, but such a note of alienation was never heard so clearly.

35. After the October 1979 coup, disillusionment with the possibility of achieving reform through participation in the new government rapidly set in.

36. (1 John 2:16) That is not the way of real success but is a counterfeit that leads to disillusionment and unhappiness.

Do đó, hàng triệu người tiếp tục theo đuổi những điều hư ảo mà Kinh Thánh mô tả là “sự mê-tham của xác-thịt, mê-tham của mắt, và sự kiêu-ngạo của đời” (1 Giăng 2:16).

37. To this day I believe it truly was less disillusionment and more an embrace of sober realism that moved me to change.

38. In the UK, the Profumo Affair also involved establishment leaders being caught in deception, leading to disillusionment and serving as a catalyst for liberal activism.

Ở Anh, vụ bê bối Profumo cũng liên quan đến các lãnh tụ cầm quyền bị bắt quả tang đang lừa dối, dẫn đến sự vỡ mộng và là chất xúc tác cho chủ nghĩa hành động tự do .

39. Despite Oleskow's growing disillusionment, his promotional work helped alter the pattern of Ukrainian emigration; Canada, by the turn of the century, became the destination of choice.

40. In the afterword to My Disillusionment in Russia, she wrote: "There is no greater fallacy than the belief that aims and purposes are one thing, while methods and tactics are another....

41. A similar disillusionment, I would argue, is also abloom in Ukraine, where after a violent revolution caused by desperation, and following months of deadly fighting, corruption still flourishes.

42. The keynote address, “Pay Attention to God’s Prophetic Word,” reminded the listeners that those looking to Jehovah are spared the disappointment and disillusionment experienced by people who follow false messiahs and false prophets.

Bài diễn văn chính, “Hãy chú ý đến lời tiên tri của Đức Chúa Trời”, nhắc nhở cử tọa rằng những ai trông chờ Đức Giê-hô-va thì không bị thất vọng và vỡ mộng như những người theo các mê-si và các tiên tri giả.

43. “Here Comes the Sun” is a George Harrison-penned track from Abbey Road.Following a period of disillusionment with the music industry, he skipped a day at Apple’s offices and went to his good

44. Alternative letter-case form of Balkanize 2007, January 17, “Michael Slackman”, in Hangings Fuel Sectarian Split Across Mideast‎[1]: And while political analysts and government officials in the region say the spreading Sunni disillusionment with Shiites and their backers in Iran will benefit Sunni-led governments and the United States, they and