Nghĩa của từ devaluation of dollar in terms to gold bằng Tiếng Việt

@Chuyên ngành kinh tế
-sự mất giá của đồng đô-la đối với vàng

Đặt câu có từ "devaluation of dollar in terms to gold"

Dưới đây là những mẫu câu có chứa từ "devaluation of dollar in terms to gold", trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Anh - Việt. Chúng ta có thể tham khảo những mẫu câu này để đặt câu trong tình huống cần đặt câu với từ devaluation of dollar in terms to gold, hoặc tham khảo ngữ cảnh sử dụng từ devaluation of dollar in terms to gold trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Anh - Việt

1. There's been a further devaluation of the dollar.

2. There has been a further small devaluation against the dollar.

3. The billion-dollar question was whether a devaluation of the dollar would jeopardize New York's position as a financial centre.

4. Compared with the U.S. dollar pound sterling, the devaluation of the trend has intensified.

5. (1) A third method was dollar devaluation, to Cheapen the selling price of American goods abroad

6. In 1873, the international silver crisis resulted in a devaluation of silver against gold-based currencies.

Năm 1873, Cuộc khủng hoảng bạc quốc tế dẫn đến sự mất giá của bạc so với các đồng tiền gắn với vàng.

7. The factors instrumental in Aggrandizing inflation in the country are attributed to rise in prices of global crude oil, consecutive devaluation of Rupee against US Dollar and burgeoning domestic demand

8. The devaluation or revaluation of a currency against the dollar was permitted only when a country faced a severe economic crisis.

9. After the Second World War currencies were pegged to the dollar and the dollar was backed by gold, this system came to an end in 1971.

10. Dollar was the only national currency directly backed by gold

11. Put a twenty-dollar gold piece on my watch chain

Đặt 1 mảnh vàng 20 đô vào dây đồng hồ của tôi

12. However the uptrend in gold is moving differently from the movements in the American dollar.

13. Under the Bretton Woods arrangement currencies were pegged to the dollar at fixed exchange rates. The dollar in turn was tied to gold at a fixed price.

14. He then announced temporary wage and price controls, allowed the dollar to float against other currencies, and ended the convertibility of the dollar into gold.

Sau đó, ông tuyên bố tạm thời kiểm soát lương và giá, cho phép thả nổi đô la với các tiền tệ khác, và kết thúc khả năng hoán đổi đô la thành vàng.

15. In dollar terms, the amount budgeted was $176.9 million and the actual delivery amounted to $200.1 million.

16. So often, we look at dollar terms -- people making less than a dollar or two or three a day.

Thường thường, chúng ta đánh giá theo đồng tiền xem một người kiêm được ít hơn 1, 2 hay 3USD một ngày.

17. Volunteer activities are hard to appraise in dollar terms, and it is difficult to assess the motivation for them.

18. The top Algorithmic stablecoins in terms of market capitalization are currently Empty Set Dollar (ESD) and Ampleforth (AMPL)

19. 8 That cost might translate into something like $ 000 per housing unit, in present dollar terms.

20. In terms of heraldic tradition, these changes created the curious situation of silver outranking gold.

Về phương diện truyền thống, những thay đổi này tạo ra tình huống tò mò của vàng vượt trội bạc.

21. It will lead to devaluation of a number of European currencies.

22. Under the Bretton Woods agreement, all countries were to fix the value of their currency in terms of gold but were not required to exchange their currencies for gold.

23. Nor is there any salvation in the rake's progress of perpetual devaluation.

24. Assaying was a common practice when silver and gold coins, like the renowned silver half-dollar, used to be in circulation

25. A large real depreciation of the peso has also helped, boosting exports in 1995 by over 30 percent in dollar terms.