Nghĩa của từ deflation bằng Tiếng Việt

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Đặt câu có từ "deflation"

Dưới đây là những mẫu câu có chứa từ "deflation", trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Anh - Việt. Chúng ta có thể tham khảo những mẫu câu này để đặt câu trong tình huống cần đặt câu với từ deflation, hoặc tham khảo ngữ cảnh sử dụng từ deflation trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Anh - Việt

1. Confiscatory deflation is a particular category of deflation

2. Deflation pressure

Áp lực giảm phát

3. "Japan eyes end to decades long deflation".

“Japan eyes end to decades long deflation” (bằng tiếng Anh).

4. Deflation hit productivity growth which slowed down somewhat.

5. Antsiest protectionist self-deflation unconsonancy paiocke surfusion swanpan

6. They began a process of economic deflation.

7. Prices still flirt with deflation ( see chart ).

8. There has been a deflation in/of property values.

9. Almost half of Earth's desert surfaces are stony deflation zones.

Gần một nửa bề mặt các hoang mạc trên trái đất là các vùng thổi mòn đầy đá.

10. The government adopted a strategy of massive deflation.

11. Reserve requirement system is an intense deflation policy.

12. Bank of Japan sees end in sight for deflation.

13. A shift from deflation to low inflation would accelerate this process.

14. The roots of this deflation are too complicated for discussion here.

15. Deflation, not inflation[], is the clear and present danger.

16. The gold short - term possibly faces the deflation time arrival the test.

17. The expansion allowed employers to reap the benefits of the deflation-induced rationalization.

18. Some desert hollows may also be attributed in considerable part to deflation.

19. In a world of deflation the pressure to act is sharply reduced.

20. If the signals indicate that the measurement is not accurate, the system and method immediately institute a measurement of the blood pressure during a deflation interval, which can include a step deflation interval.

21. Fierce price deflation, increased competition and rising costs have combined to depress profits.

22. Governments responded to the profits squeeze and loss of competitiveness by deflation and incomes policies.

23. Obviously a process of balanced deflation would entail no alteration of the real wage rate.

24. And then, now that we have actual deflation in home prices, this is zero.

25. And that's as good a segue as any to the inflation-vs.-deflation debate.

26. Deflation increases the real (inflation-adjusted) debt burden, as well as the real interest rate.

27. In fact, because of deflation, the wages of those working actually went up, in effect.

28. Their impeccable timing was usually designed to cause the maximum amount of ego deflation.

29. Antonyms for Aggrandizements include understatement, deflation, deterioration, compressions, decline, decrease, drops, lessenings, reduction and shrinkage

30. Mr. Obama repeats the canard that China's remarkable economic success is due to sinister currency deflation.

31. that the institution applies appropriate adjustment rates on the data where inflation or deflation effects are material;

32. Actual appreciation would lead to actual deflation and further downward pressure on domestic interest rates.

33. Phases of weathering, drying and deflation would lead to a steady deepening of the hollow.

34. Synonyms for Anticlimax include bathos, comedown, disappointment, disillusionment, letdown, let-down, non-event, decline, deflation and descent

35. The authorities have been struggling to deal with the problems of debt deflation for just over 11 years now.

36. However, deflation remains a major policy concern and adverse shocks could lead to entrenched expectations of price declines.

37. The immediate threat to the West may be inflation; the spectre in the shadows is deflation.

38. A well known consequence of the chain index approach in deflation is non-additivity of volume aggregates.

39. Paul Fisher says the greatest danger to the economy at the moment is not inflation but deflation .

Ông Paul Fisher nói hiểm hoạ lớn nhất đối với nền kinh tế thời điểm này không phải là lạm phát mà là giảm phát .

40. The nominal stock of money, M is assumed to remain unchanged in the face of balanced deflation.

41. Like inflation , deflation also has a self - intensifying machinery. It goes even farther than inflation in harmfulness.

42. Fourth is the risk of a prolonged period of stagnation or deflation in the Euro Area or Japan.

Yếu tố thứ tư là nguy cơ suy thoái hoặc giảm phát kéo dài ở Khu vực châu Âu hay Nhật Bản.

43. In an article entitled “Inflation and Deflation,” written for World Book Encyclopedia, professor of economics Kenneth E.

44. But deflation is also squeezing corporate margins and making it harder to tackle the high levels of corporate and national debts.

45. Deflation focused on so-called Bimetallism, or the dilution of the gold standard with silver, which Congress determined.

46. But, with Germany adamant about inflation – its prices have been stagnant – the adjustment could be accomplished only through wrenching deflation elsewhere.

47. An aircraft pneumatic de-icing system distributor valve for controlling the inflation and deflation of pneumatic de-icer boots.

48. Immovable adjustment constraints have caused eight countries to experience nominal wage deflation in at least two years since 2008.

49. Remembering that inflation or deflation is a relation enables us to see something else – namely, what really ‘Backs’ our money

50. In Japan, Prime Minister Shinzo Abe’s government has made significant headway in overcoming almost two decades of deflation, thanks to monetary easing and fiscal expansion.