Nghĩa của từ comparative study bằng Tiếng Việt

@Chuyên ngành kinh tế
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Đặt câu có từ "comparative study"

Dưới đây là những mẫu câu có chứa từ "comparative study", trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Anh - Việt. Chúng ta có thể tham khảo những mẫu câu này để đặt câu trong tình huống cần đặt câu với từ comparative study, hoặc tham khảo ngữ cảnh sử dụng từ comparative study trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Anh - Việt

1. Agriology definition, the comparative study of nonliterate cultures

2. Let's make a comparative study of the two languages.

3. Therefore a comparative study involving artificially contaminated samples is acceptable.

4. Agriology: The comparative study of primitive, illiterate or "savage" cultures

5. Agriology: The comparative study of the customs of man in his uncivilized state.

6. She's carrying out a comparative study of health in inner cities and rural areas.

7. Comparative study of phonology of this dialect is of great theoretical significance and academic value.

8. Space and resources preclude an exhaustive or even an extensive comparative study in this work.

9. Today we find that philology, the comparative study of languages, generally classifies languages into distinct “families.”

10. A Comparative Study of the Action of Atebrin and Atebrin-Plasmochin Combination on Indian Strains of Malaria

11. Autolysis, plasmolysis and enzymatic hydrolysis of baker's yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae): a comparative study World J Microbiol Biotechnol

12. A Comparative Study of the Action of Atebrin and Atebrin-Plasmochin Combination on Indian Strains of Malaria

13. In the additional comparative study cement intrusion was significantly better (p < 0,001) in the jet-lavage group.

14. A comparative study of phenomenological models used to describe the behavior of concrete at early age was realized.

15. A comparative study was done in Spain of canker and withering of branches in almond and peach trees.

16. A comparative study between mammalian vascularised and Avascularised retinas has shown that in both cases neuroglobin is associated strongly with mitochondria

17. A comparative study of 55 strains of strictly anaerobic gram-negative non-sporing pleomorphic rods belonging to the genusSphaerophorus was undertaken.

18. A brief comparative study of the Claspers of a spinicaudatan clam shrimp showed both similarities and differences to the laevicaudatan Claspers

19. A Pilot Comparative Study of the Clarity and Assessability of the Drug Management Standards of Accreditation Canada and the US Joint Commission

20. A double-blind, multicenter comparative study of two regimens of clindamycin hydrochloride in the treatment of patients with acute streptococcal tonsillitis/pharyngitis.

21. The present paper is a comparative study of the journal form and epistolary form in Saul Bellow's two novels, Dangling Man and Herzog.

22. This comparative study was conducted on fifty human permanent, maxillary and mandibular single rooted anterior teeth with closed Apices, which were planned for extraction.

23. There are many important questions which emerge in relation to comparative study which employs place or locality as the frame of reference and explanation.

24. 12 There are many important questions which emerge in relation to comparative study which employs place or locality as the frame of reference and explanation.

25. A comparative study of the Chorions of eggs of northern and southern populations of Fundulus heteroclitus by scanning and transmission electron microscopy reveals striking differences

26. 21 There are many important questions which emerge in relation to comparative study which employs place or locality as the frame of reference and explanation.

27. Cameron provides an eye-opening comparative study of the profound impact that Captives of warfare and raiding have had on small- scale societies through time

28. Comparative anatomy, the Comparative study of the body structures of different species of animals in order to understand their adaptive changes as they evolved from common ancestors

29. Ethnology has been considered an academic field since the late 18th century, especially in Europe and is sometimes conceived of as any comparative study of human groups.

30. Of intertextuality: A comparative study of Doctor Faustus and The Rape of Lucrece Give me their bodies that I may bear them hence And give them burial as Beseems their worth

31. On the comparative study, the paper firstly comparing LiangShu to the Words Chinese big dictionary can be useful to finding the errors in the important dictionary in order to emend it.

32. Some time ago, in a comparative study of European Balladries, the problem of the melodies halted me till Professor Cdsar Barja told me that my problem had already been solved by Professor Sigurd B

33. Some time ago, in a comparative study of European Balladries, the problem of the melodies halted me till Professor Cdsar Barja told me that my problem had already been solved by Professor Sigurd B

34. This comparative study investigates the morphology underlying claw force production and intraspecific claw dimorphism in six Brachyuran crabs: Callinectes sapidus (Portunidae), Libinia emarginata (Majidae), Ocypode quadrata (Ocypodidae), Menippe mercenaria (Xanthidae), Panopeus herbstii (Xanthidae), and P

35. The Political Economy of Collectivized Agriculture/A Comparative Study of Communist and Non-Communist Systems assesses the political and economic impact of collectivization by surveying the experience of several nations with different forms of collective or state farming.

36. The Golden Bough: A Study in Comparative Religion (retitled The Golden Bough: A Study in Magic and Religion in its second edition) is a wide-ranging, comparative study of mythology and religion, written by the Scottish anthropologist Sir James George Frazer

37. [A Chaw was defined as the typical portion size of chewing tobacco (Quantity of chewing tobacco used in grams per day) used by the subject.] A comparative study of oral epithelium in tobacco and alcohol consumers based on habit index

38. Also described are the reactivities of some of the fluorine‐containing systems prepared and a comparative study of the Antifeedant activities of a selection of 9α‐fluorodrimanes and the corresponding hydrogen analogues against several insect species with different feeding ecologies (Spodoptera littoralis, Myzus persicae and Rhopalosiphum

39. In 20 students the subjective and optomotor aftereffects of an optokinetic stimulation were investigated in a comparative study: circular vection (CV), excitablity of pseudocoriolis effects, inhibition of vestibular coriolis effects after optical motion stimuli during selfrotation of the same speed, duration of optokinetic afternystagmus (OKN-A).

40. European Balhdry does not comprise merely the half-dozen better known literatures in which a scholar of broad linguistic training and cosmopolitan taste might expect to find himself on more or less familiar ground; it is a comprehensive, comparative study of all European Balladries, in a …

41. The research interests of the LEAPC include field archaeology, study of charred seeds, comparative study of animal bones, physical anthropology, pollen analysis, study of fish and shells, Archaeogeology, experimental archaeology, study of obsidian tools and flints and identification of use from traces, petrographic examinations of ceramics and

42. French writer Jean-Pierre Bayard describes New Acropolis as a school of philosophy focused on esotericism and symbolism, organizes the comparative study of religions through courses and lectures on various subjects: myths, philosophies, sciences, sacred architecture, traditional arts, with often the contribution of speakers from outside the organization.

43. The comparative study of natural zircons which were experimentally corroded by hydrothermal treatment, and of zircons isolated from an albitized granite allow to show the respective roles which are played in the corrosion of this mineral by some internal (state of crystallization) or external factors (chemical nature of the environment, temperature).

44. Sabbagh C, Browet F, Diouf M, Cosse C, Brehant O, Bartoli E, Mauvais F, Chauffert B, Dupas JL, Nguyen-Khac E, Regimbeau JM (2013) Is stenting as “a Bridge to Surgery” an oncologically safe strategy for the management of acute, left-sided, malignant, colonic obstruction? A comparative study with a propensity score analysis.